제1회 세계 CSS 디자인 대회 결과 발표

Site of the Year
Winner: UX Magazine
2nd.- Veerle's Blog 2.0
3rd.- Vitamin
Winner: Principles of Freedom
2nd.- White Pine Montessori
3rd.- Dalit Freedom Network
Winner: Simple Bits
2nd.- Veerle's Blog 2.0
3rd.- This is Powacek
Winner: The City Church
2nd.- Vitamin
3rd.- Concept Technical Group
Winner: Zoka Coffee
2nd.- Napster
3rd.- Decades Rock Live
Winner: The City Church
2nd.- London Pain Consultants
3rd.- Reductostart
Winner: UX Magazine
2nd.- Decibel Magazine
3rd.- Vitamin
Winner: CSS Beauty
2nd.- Rollyo
3rd.- Download
Web Design (Companies and Portfolios)
Winner: Simple Bits
2nd.- Gr0w
3rd.- Timo Wuerz
Web Tools
Winner: Have a Mint
2nd.- Ning
3rd.- Slideshowpro
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