코드가 윈도우즈에서 비주얼 스튜디오에서andriod 플랫폼으로 이동하는 절차

6639 단어
코드가 윈도우즈에서 비주얼 스튜디오에서 andriod 플랫폼으로 이동하는 절차:
앞에서 말한 바와 같이 윈도우즈의 비주얼 스튜디오 2012 플랫폼에서 안드로이드 플랫폼으로 이동하려면 수정된 코드와 주의해야 할 부분을 많이 사용해야 한다.
우리의 당연한 플랫폼은 당초에 다른 플랫폼의 크로스플랫폼의 응용 문제를 고려했기 때문에 처음에 윈도우즈에서 cmake로 프로젝트를 완성했다. cMakeLists.txt 파일은 모두 약간의 처리를 했지만, 이때는 윈도우즈의 컴파일링과 사용을 우선적으로 보장할 뿐입니다.
삼가 기록을 하겠습니다.

1. modify cMakeLists.txt file,add android define and macro.

2.cmake ./../
	Build files have been written to: /home/andriod_a/build

3.size_t problem add  head file.

4.error: extra qualification 'rw::scoped_lock::' on member 'scoped_lock' [-fpermissive]  
 remove the class identifier.
5. memcpy define in  .so change it.

6.no match for 'operator=' in 'inverse = rw_math::matrix3f::operator*(float) const((1.0e+0f / det))'

//inverse = inverse * (1.0f/det);
	matrix3f temp = inverse * (1.0f/det);
	inverse = temp;
7.no match for 'operator=' in 'rot_mat = rw_math::matrix4f::make_rotation_matrix(
 matrix4f matrix4f_tmp = make_rotation_matrix(axis_,angle_in_rad_);
  rot_mat = matrix4f_tmp;

8.warning: inline function 'double const& rw_math::vector3d::operator[](int) const' used but never defined [enabled by default]
9.error: 'memcmp' was not declared in this scope
10.initializing argument 2 of 'char* strncat(char*, char const*, size_t)' [-fpermissive]

11.compile jpeg library. 
	copy source code,then write or change cMakeLists.txt,then create a buid file,open terminal in the new build file.
	cmake ./../ ,the last is make ,and it will show u.
12.multiple definition of 'std::__lg(int)
	i define the inline,so error.
13. the inline function which must achieve in head file ,and could not in *.cpp file. or,u can delete inline word in head files.
14. conflicts with previous declaration 'typedef class rw::rw_shared_ptr<:json_value_iterator> rw_json::json_value_iterator::ptr'

	 multidefine .
15.no matching function for call to 'transform()
	transform(ext_.begin(), ext_.end(), ext_.begin(), ::tolower);
16. temp varity can't assign to non-const reference.
	rw_shared_ptr_shadow temp_shadow = entity_.to_shared_ptr_shadow();
	pt2model_entity_define::ptr temp_ptr = temp_shadow.to_shared_ptr();
17.	fatal error: json\json.h: No such file or director
		#include  ----->#include 
18.	fatal error: zlib\\zconf.h: No such file or directory
	----->#include "zlib/zlib.h"
19. error: cannot pass objects of non-trivially-copyable type 'const mapped_type {aka const struct std::basic_string}' through '.
20.537:49: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'std::string& {aka std::basic_string&}' from an rvalue of type 'std::string {aka std::basic_string}'
	string temp_str = request_.get()->get_url();
		string& tmp_req_url = temp_str;	
21. error: no matching function for call 
	temp variaty problem. make a temp variaty.
	matrix4d temp_mat = world_mat * t_mat;
22.	abs()--->fabs();

23.rw_terrian_manager.h:69:12: error: 'terrian_tile' was not declared in this scope
	can not recongize the friend class in GCC ,so chang forward declaration.
	#ifdef __linux__
	class terrian_tile;
24. Windows.h: No such file or directory
		linux not compile this model,and commit it.
25.	itoa---->

	std::ostringstream oss;
	std::string str = "";
	oss << _counter;
	str = oss.str();
26.	error: taking address of temporary 
	box3d bbox = (instances_[i]->get_bounding());
	if (!manipulate_geo_hash(instances_[i]->get_id(), &bbox, update_geo_hash))
27.	error: no matching function for call to 'transform(std::basic_string::iterator, std::basic_string::iterator, std::basic_string::iterator, )'
    transform(_texture_type.begin(), _texture_type.end(), _texture_type.begin(), ::tolower);
28.	GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase,buffer,256);
		------->string buffer = getcwd(NULL, 0);
		string execution_path= buffer;
29. xstring ---->

30.invalid cast of an rvalue expression of type 'rw::multi_point::ptr {aka rw::rw_shared_ptr<:multi_point>}' to type 'rw::multi_point*&'
		temp variable error.
31.	error: 'atof' was not declared in this scope
			std::stringstream oss;
			int temp_int;
			oss << _pri_string;
			oss >> temp_int;
			_var = temp_int;
32.error: conflicts with previous declaration
	u known, have more than one define in u's file.so,find and delete it.
33.	malloc no declear.
34. 	image_info_->image_type = image_type_;
	 rw_image :image_type("ccccccccccccccccc"),
35. don't write like this.
			_runtime->register_service(_aaaa_multi_service_pid, get_aaa_multi_service());
36.	 register_service at last place when add_multi_service.
		_runtime->register_service(terrian_data_sqlite_service_pid, tms );
37.	dom does not show,because android system does not support multi-therad rendering.
	so ,put the upload in draw thread.

38.please set RW_INDEX rw_uint16 in rw_render_object_creator.cpp when u compile the code in android system,otherwise leave it alone.	


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