The numbers are translated into English (you will be prompted whether to cancel after entering, and the source code will be displayed when you click no)

14548 단어 up
Please enter a number between 0 and 999,999,999
English translation

Implementation code:


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today=new Date();
var hours = today.getHours();
var minutes = today.getMinutes();
var seconds = today.getSeconds();
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function initArray(){
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<!-- Begin
var n = "";
function validate(input) {
if (input.length == 0) {
alert (' ');
document.myform.textver.value = "";
return true;
else convert(input);
function d1(x) { // single digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= ""; break;
case '1': n= " One "; break;
case '2': n= " Two "; break;
case '3': n= " Three "; break;
case '4': n= " Four "; break;
case '5': n= " Five "; break;
case '6': n= " Six "; break;
case '7': n= " Seven "; break;
case '8': n= " Eight "; break;
case '9': n= " Nine "; break;
default: n = "Not a Number";
return n;
function d2(x) { // 10x digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= ""; break;
case '1': n= ""; break;
case '2': n= " Twenty "; break;
case '3': n= " Thirty "; break;
case '4': n= " Forty "; break;
case '5': n= " Fifty "; break;
case '6': n= " Sixty "; break;
case '7': n= " Seventy "; break;
case '8': n= " Eighty "; break;
case '9': n= " Ninety "; break;
default: n = "Not a Number";
return n;
function d3(x) { // teen digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= " Ten "; break;
case '1': n= " Eleven "; break;
case '2': n= " Twelve "; break;
case '3': n= " Thirteen "; break;
case '4': n= " Fourteen "; break;
case '5': n= " Fifteen "; break;
case '6': n= " Sixteen "; break;
case '7': n= " Seventeen "; break;
case '8': n= " Eighteen "; break;
case '9': n= " Nineteen "; break;
default: n=  "Not a Number";
return n;
function convert(input) {
var inputlength = input.length;
var x = 0;
var teen1 = "";
var teen2 = "";
var teen3 = "";
var numName = "";
var invalidNum = "";
var a1 = ""; // for insertion of million, thousand, hundred 
var a2 = "";
var a3 = "";
var a4 = "";
var a5 = "";
digit = new Array(inputlength); // stores output
for (i = 0; i < inputlength; i++)  {
// puts digits into array
digit[inputlength - i] = input.charAt(i)};
store = new Array(9); // store output
for (i = 0; i < inputlength; i++) {
x= inputlength - i;
switch (x) { // assign text to each digit
case x=9: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=8: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen3 = "yes"}
          else {teen3 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=7: if (teen3 == "yes") {teen3 = ""; d3(digit[x])}
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
case x=6: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=5: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen2 = "yes"}
          else {teen2 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=4: if (teen2 == "yes") {teen2 = ""; d3(digit[x])}    
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
case x=3: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=2: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen1 = "yes"}
          else {teen1 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=1: if (teen1 == "yes") {teen1 = "";d3(digit[x])}     
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
if (store[x] == "Not a Number"){invalidNum = "yes"};
switch (inputlength){
case 1:   store[2] = ""; 
case 2:   store[3] = ""; 
case 3:   store[4] = ""; 
case 4:   store[5] = "";
case 5:   store[6] = "";
case 6:   store[7] = "";
case 7:   store[8] = "";
case 8:   store[9] = "";
if (store[9] != "") { a1 =" Hundred, "} else {a1 = ""};
if ((store[9] != "")||(store[8] != "")||(store[7] != ""))
{ a2 =" Million, "} else {a2 = ""};
if (store[6] != "") { a3 =" Hundred "} else {a3 = ""};
if ((store[6] != "")||(store[5] != "")||(store[4] != ""))
{ a4 =" Thousand, "} else {a4 = ""};
if (store[3] != "") { a5 =" Hundred "} else {a5 = ""};
// add up text, cancel if invalid input found
if (invalidNum == "yes"){numName = " , !"}
else {
numName =  store[9] + a1 + store[8] + store[7] 
+ a2 + store[6] + a3 + store[5] + store[4] 
+ a4 + store[3] + a5 + store[2] + store[1];
store[1] = ""; store[2] = ""; store[3] = ""; 
store[4] = ""; store[5] = ""; store[6] = "";
store[7] = ""; store[8] = ""; store[9] = "";
if (numName == ""){numName = "Zero"};
document.myform.textver.value = numName;
return true;
//  End -->
<FONT color=#dc143c size=4>&nbsp; 0 999,999,999  </FONT></P>
<DIV align=center>
<FORM name=myform>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><FONT color=#dc143c size=4> </FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=9 size=9 name=numver><FONT color=#dc143c size=4> </FONT><INPUT onClick="return validate(document.myform.numver.value)" type=button value= ></TD></TR>
<TD><FONT color=#dc143c size=4> </FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=50 size=50 name=textver><FONT color=#dc143c size=4></FONT></TD></TR>
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