SQLZOO 정답: 9 - Windows 기능

7748 단어 SQLZOO
  • Show the lastName, party and votes for the constituency ‘S14000024’ in 2017.
  • SELECT lastName, party, votes
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency = 'S14000024' AND yr = 2017
    ORDER BY votes DESC
  • Show the party and RANK for constituency S14000024 in 2017. List the output by party.
  • SELECT party, votes,
           RANK() OVER (ORDER BY votes DESC) as posn
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency = 'S14000024' AND yr = 2017
    ORDER BY party
  • Use PARTITION to show the ranking of each party in S14000021 in each year. Include yr, party, votes and ranking (the party with the most votes is 1).
  • SELECT yr,party, votes,
          RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY yr ORDER BY votes DESC) as posn
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency = 'S14000021'
    ORDER BY party,yr
  • Use PARTITION BY constituency to show the ranking of each party in Edinburgh in 2017. Order your results so the winners are shown first, then ordered by constituency.
  • SELECT constituency,party, votes,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY constituency ORDER BY votes DESC) as posn
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency BETWEEN 'S14000021' AND 'S14000026'
       AND yr  = 2017
    ORDER BY posn,constituency
  • Show the parties that won for each Edinburgh constituency in 2017.
  • SELECT constituency,party FROM
    (SELECT constituency,party, votes,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY constituency ORDER BY votes DESC) as posn
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency BETWEEN 'S14000021' AND 'S14000026'
       AND yr  = 2017) RK
    WHERE RK.posn=1
  • Show how many seats for each party in Scotland in 2017.
  • SELECT party,COUNT(*) FROM (
    SELECT constituency,party, votes,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY constituency ORDER BY votes DESC) as posn
      FROM ge
     WHERE constituency LIKE 'S%'
       AND yr  = 2017) rk
    WHERE rk.posn=1
    GROUP BY rk.party

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