Wolfram 언어로 Caesar Cypher 해결

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나는 Brilliant에 대한 구독이 있습니다. 그리고 최근에 파이썬으로 풀기 위해 Caesar Cypher 연습을 받았습니다. 이 문제는 Brilliant exercise 에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

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  • Wolfram Notebook

  • Caesar Cypher Problem
    Here is a mysterious message:
    Can you decode it? What does it say?
    Let's normalize the message
    In[360]:= encryptedMessage = ToLowerCase["J MPWF QZUIPO"]
    Out[360]= j mpwf qzuipo
    Let's define a functions that is going to perform movement of letters at an offset.
    In[362]:= numberdLetters = Transpose[{Table[x, {x, Length[Alphabet[]]}], Alphabet[]}]
    Out[362]= {{1,a},{2,b},{3,c},{4,d},{5,e},{6,f},{7,g},{8,h},{9,i},{10,j},{11,k},{12,l},{13,m},{14,n},{15,o},{16,p},{17,q},{18,r},{19,s},{20,t},{21,u},{22,v},{23,w},{24,x},{25,y},{26,z}}
    In[364]:= moveLetter[letter_, offset_] :=numberdLetters[[
    If[# == 0, 1, #]& @ Mod[
    If[First[Select[numberdLetters, #[[2]] == letter&]][[1]]+offset == 0, 1, First[Select[numberdLetters, #[[2]] == letter&]][[1]]+offset], 
    Let's test that our function  is working as expected
    In[367]:= VerificationTest[moveLetter["a",3], {4, "d"}]
    Out[367]= TestResultObject[Outcome: Success
    Test ID: None
    In[368]:= VerificationTest[moveLetter["z", 1], {1, "a"}]
    Out[368]= TestResultObject[Outcome: Success
    Test ID: None
    Let's try moving all the  letters of a string.
    In[369]:= Map[If[LetterQ[#],moveLeft[#, 3], #]&, Characters["j mpwf qzuipo"]]
    Out[369]= {{13,m}, ,{16,p},{19,s},{1,a},{9,i}, ,{20,t},{3,c},{24,x},{12,l},{19,s},{18,r}}
    Now, let's move the letters in our string for all the possible offsets.  We select second element because we no longer need the offset stored right next to the letter.
    In[375]:= possiblMessagesRaw = Table[Map[If[LetterQ[#],moveLetter[#, offset][[2]], #]&, Characters["j mpwf qzuipo"]], {offset, Length[Alphabet[]]}]
    Out[375]= {{k, ,n,q,x,g, ,r,a,v,j,q,p},{l, ,o,r,y,h, ,s,b,w,k,r,q},{m, ,p,s,a,i, ,t,c,x,l,s,r},{n, ,q,t,a,j, ,u,d,y,m,t,s},{o, ,r,u,b,k, ,v,e,a,n,u,t},{p, ,s,v,c,l, ,w,f,a,o,v,u},{q, ,t,w,d,m, ,x,g,b,p,w,v},{r, ,u,x,e,n, ,y,h,c,q,x,w},{s, ,v,y,f,o, ,a,i,d,r,y,x},{t, ,w,a,g,p, ,a,j,e,s,a,y},{u, ,x,a,h,q, ,b,k,f,t,a,a},{v, ,y,b,i,r, ,c,l,g,u,b,a},{w, ,a,c,j,s, ,d,m,h,v,c,b},{x, ,a,d,k,t, ,e,n,i,w,d,c},{y, ,b,e,l,u, ,f,o,j,x,e,d},{a, ,c,f,m,v, ,g,p,k,y,f,e},{a, ,d,g,n,w, ,h,q,l,a,g,f},{b, ,e,h,o,x, ,i,r,m,a,h,g},{c, ,f,i,p,y, ,j,s,n,b,i,h},{d, ,g,j,q,a, ,k,t,o,c,j,i},{e, ,h,k,r,a, ,l,u,p,d,k,j},{f, ,i,l,s,b, ,m,v,q,e,l,k},{g, ,j,m,t,c, ,n,w,r,f,m,l},{h, ,k,n,u,d, ,o,x,s,g,n,m},{i, ,l,o,v,e, ,p,y,t,h,o,n},{j, ,m,p,w,f, ,q,a,u,i,p,o}}
    Let's clean the output.
    In[374]:= possiblMessagesClean = Map[StringJoin[#]&, possiblMessagesRaw]
    Out[374]= {k nqxg ravjqp,l oryh sbwkrq,m psai tcxlsr,n qtaj udymts,o rubk veanut,p svcl wfaovu,q twdm xgbpwv,r uxen yhcqxw,s vyfo aidryx,t wagp ajesay,u xahq bkftaa,v ybir clguba,w acjs dmhvcb,x adkt eniwdc,y belu fojxed,a cfmv gpkyfe,a dgnw hqlagf,b ehox irmahg,c fipy jsnbih,d gjqa ktocji,e hkra lupdkj,f ilsb mvqelk,g jmtc nwrfml,h knud oxsgnm,i love python,j mpwf qauipo}
    Now, we can already spot the most likely message, but for fun lets find it programmatically.
    Let's check if all the words in the string exist in English Language dictionary.
    In[377]:= decrypted = Map[{AllTrue[Map[DictionaryWordQ[#,Language->"English"]&, TextWords[#]], TrueQ], #}&, possiblMessagesClean]
    Out[377]= {{False,k nqxg ravjqp},{False,l oryh sbwkrq},{False,m psai tcxlsr},{False,n qtaj udymts},{False,o rubk veanut},{False,p svcl wfaovu},{False,q twdm xgbpwv},{False,r uxen yhcqxw},{False,s vyfo aidryx},{False,t wagp ajesay},{False,u xahq bkftaa},{False,v ybir clguba},{False,w acjs dmhvcb},{False,x adkt eniwdc},{False,y belu fojxed},{False,a cfmv gpkyfe},{False,a dgnw hqlagf},{False,b ehox irmahg},{False,c fipy jsnbih},{False,d gjqa ktocji},{False,e hkra lupdkj},{False,f ilsb mvqelk},{False,g jmtc nwrfml},{False,h knud oxsgnm},{True,i love python},{False,j mpwf qauipo}}
    Let's select all decrypted messages whose words are valid English dictionary words.
    In[378]:= Select[decrypted, First[#]&]
    Out[378]= {{True,i love python}}

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