Solidity Complete Fundamentals 치트 시트

  • 견고성이란 무엇입니까?

  • 스마트 계약을 구현하기 위한 계약 중심의 고급 언어입니다. C++, JavaScript 및 Python의 영향을 받았으며 EVM을 대상으로 설계되었습니다.
  • 계약

  • 견고성 계약은 객체 지향 언어의 클래스와 유사합니다.
    계약은 "new"키워드를 사용하여 생성할 수 있습니다.

    contract L {
    function add(unit_p, unit_q) returns(unit){
    contract M{
    address p;
    function f(unit_p){
    p = new L();

  • 스마트 계약

  • 계약을 디지털 방식으로 시행, 확인 및 관리함으로써 계약 프로세스를 간소화하는 데 사용되는 컴퓨터 프로토콜입니다.
  • 리믹스, 솔륨 및 독시티

  • - Remix: It is a browser based IDE with integrated compiler and solidity run-time environment without server side components.

    - Solium: A linter to identity and fix style security issues in solidity.

    - Doxity: Used in solidity as a documentation generator.

  • 솔로그래프 및 조립

  • - Solograph: Used to visualize solidity control flow and highlight potential security vulnerabilities.

    - Solidity Assembly: An assembly language which is used without solidity & inline assembly inside solidity source code.

  • 가스 및 블록 가스 한도

  • - Gas: A measurement roughly equivalent to the computational steps.

    - Block Gas limit: It is used to control the amount of gas consumed during the transactions.

  • 솔리디티 컴파일러

  •         Contract Definition
             Solidity Compiler
          Byte code - Application Binary Interface (ABI)

  • ABI & 웨이

  • - ABI: A data encoding scheme called "Application Binary Interface" (ABI) is used in for working with smart contracts.

    - WEI: The smallest denomination or base unit of Ether.

  • 글로벌 변수

  • - block.blockhash(uint numberOfBlock)returns(bytes32): hash function of the given block which works for the 256 most recent blocks excluding the current block.

    - block.coinbase(address): shows miner's address of current block.

    - block.numer(uint): number of current block.

    - block.gaslimit(uint): gaslimit of the current block.

    - block.timestamp(uint): timestamp of current block.

    - msg.gas(uint): the gas that remains.

    - msg.value(uint): the amount of WEI sent along with the message.

    - msg.sender(address): address of the message sender(current call).

    - msg.sig(bytes4): first four bytes of the call data.

    - now (uint): timestamp for the current block..

    - tx.origin(address): the sender of the transaction(whole call chain).

  • 프라그마

  • Used to specify certain conditions under which the source files can or cannot run.

    - pragma solidity ^0.8.15
           This code compiles with a compiler function >=0.8.15
    - A pseudocode example for pragma syntax
           'pragma' Identifier([^;]+)';'

  • 상호 작용

  • Interface in solidity are defined as contractsm but the function bodies are omitted for the functions.
    pragma solidity ^0.22
           function transfer(address recipient, uint amount);

  • 데이터 유형

  • - Boolean:
    true or false
    Logical:!(Logical negation), && (AND), || (OR)

    - Integer: Unsigned Integer, and Signed integer Comparisons:<=(Less than or equal to), <(Less than),==(equal to),!=(Not equal to),>=(Greater than or equal to),>(Greater than) Arithmetic Operators: + (Addition), - (Subtraction), Unary —, Unary +, * (Multiplication), / (Division), ** (Exponential), << (Left shift), >>(Right shift)

    - Address: Holds an Ethereum address(20 byte value).
    Operators: Comparisons: <=, <, ==, !=, >= and >
    - <address>.balance(uint256): balance of address in WEI
    Transfer and send:
    - <address>. transfer(uint256 amount): send given amount of Wei to Address, throws on failure.
    - <addres>.send(uint256 amount)returns(bool): send given amount of Wei to Address, returns false on failure.

  • 글로벌 기능:

  • - keccak256(...)returns(bytes32)-computes the ethereum SHA-3 hash associated with the arguments.

    - SHA256(..)returns(bytes32) — Computes the SHA-256 argument hash.

    - mulmod( uint a, uint b, uint c)returns(uint): It computes (a*b)/c, if the multiplication gets executed using arbitrary precision, thus not wrapping around 2**256

    - addmod(uint p, unint q, uint m)returns(uint): Computes (p+q)/m

    - ecrecover(bytes32 _hash, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s)
    returns (address): recovers the address linked with the public key and if an error occurs, zero is returned.

    - ripemd160(...)returns(bytes20): computes the RIPEMD-160
    (tightly packed) argument hash.

    - <address>.balance(uint256): Returns the balance of the specified address in WEI.

    - <address>.send(uint256 amount)returns(bool): It sends the specified number of WEI to the address given, on failure it returns false as an output.

    - <address>.transfer(uint256 amount): Sends specified number of WEI to the particular address, on failure throws.

  • 액세스 한정자:

  • - Public: Accessible from the current contract, inherited contracts externally.

    - Private: Accessible only form the current contract.

    - Internal: Accessible only from current contract and contracts inheriting from it.

    - External: Can be accessed externally only.

  • 중요 용어

  • - Voting: When the contract is quiet complex, it uses voting contract, it shows how delegated voting can be done so that vote counting is automatic and completely transparent at the same time.

    - Delegate call: It is a reusable library code that can be applied to a contracts storage in solidity.

    - Logs: A feature called logs is used in solidity to implement events.

    - NPM: It is a convenient and portable way to install Solidity compiler.

    - Truffle: It is a test bed that will allow to easily test and compile the smart contract.

    - Inheritance: In solidity inheritance is more syntactic. In the final compilation the compiler copies the parent class members to create the byte-code of the derived contract with the copied members.

    - This: This is a keyword that refers to the instance of the contract where the call is made.

    - msg.sender: This function refers to the address where the contract is being called from.

    - Pure: It is a modifier which assures not to be read from or modified.

    - View: In solidity, view is a function that promises to not modify the state of the smart contract.

    - Suicide: It is a alias for self destruct function, that is used to destroy the current contract.

    - Delete: Delete is used to delete all elements in an array.

    - Block.coinbase(address): It refers to the minter's address of the current block.

    - Address(contractVar).send(amount): If a built-in send function needs to be used, it can be accessed using this function.

    - Super: It is used to refer the contract that is higher by one level in the inheritance hierarchy.

  • 거래 예

  • I hope this can be of service to you ❤️
    Any feedback is welcome :)

    웹사이트: Luis Lucena

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