

How we, as users directly interact with our computer.

If hardware is the physical stuff that you can pick up and hold, software is the intangible instructions that tell the hardware what to do.

  • Coding

    Translating one language to another
    (application을 만드는 것을 coding한다고 표현)

  • Scripting

    Coding in a scripting language

    • Scripts

      Mainly used to perform a single or limited range task

  • Programming

    Coding in a programming language

    • Programming languages

      Special languages that software developers use to write instructions for computers to execute

Types of Software

  • Copyright

    Used when creating original work

  • Application software

    Any software created to fulfill a specific need, like a text editor, web browser, or graphic editor

  • System software

    Software used to keep our core system running, like operating system tools and utilities

    • Firmware

      Software that's permanently stored on a computer component
      (ex: BIOS)

software versioning

Recipe for Computing

  • Assembly language

    Allowed computer scientists to use human readable instructions, assembled into code, that machines could understand

  • Compiled programming languages

    Uses human readable instructions, then sends them through a compiler
    (사람이 읽을 수 있는 명령을 기계어로 컴파일)

  • Interpreted language

    The script is run by an interpreter, which interprets the code into CPU instructions just in time to run them.

compile은 사전에, interpret은 실행 중에

Managing Software

program, software, application은 같은 맥락에서 사용되는 용어들이다.

  • Software bug

    An error in software that causes unexpected results


A version control system that helps keep track of changes made to files and directories

  • .exe

    A file extension found in Windows for an executable file

sudo apt install git

# sudo : Superuser do

# apt : Ubuntu의 package manager에서 사용하는 명령어

# install : option

sudo apt remove git
sudo apt-get install -f
# f옵션을 줌으로써 update를 강제함

sudo apt-get update
# 많은 상용 프로그램은 대부분의 리눅스 배포판에서 기본적으로 인식하고 있는 레포지토리에 설정된다.
# 이 덕분에 프로그램을 수동으로 다운로드하고 설치하지 않아도 되는 것
# 이런 레포지토리가 최신 상태로 갱신하고 모든 dependency를 고정?시키기 위해 위의 명령어를 실행하는 것 

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