SMS 스크립트 섹션 3: LAZY 속성 읽기

2896 단어 Microsoft스크립트
This example shows how to retrieve lazy properties. The assigned schedule properties for advertisements are lazy. Therefore, when querying advertisements, each advertisement instance must be retrieved separately and the assigned schedule properties must be parsed separately.
For more information on lazy properties, see SMS Objects .

To read a lazy property

  • Connect to an SMS Provider, and get the SWbemServices object.
  • Get a collection of all advertisements:
    Set colAdvertisements = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Advertisement")
  • Iterate through the advertisement collection and display the lazy properties:
    For Each objAdvert In colAdvertisements
           WScript.Echo "ActionInProgress = " & objAdvert.ActionInProgress
           WScript.Echo "AdvertFlags = " & objAdvert.AdvertFlags
           WScript.Echo "AdvertisementID = " & objAdvert.AdvertisementID
           WScript.Echo "AdvertisementName = " & objAdvert.AdvertisementName
           'For the lazy properties, get the advertisements individually.
           Set lazyproperties = objSWbemServices.Get("SMS_Advertisement.AdvertisementID='" & ObjAdvert.advertisementid & "'")
           WScript.Echo "Assigned Schedule = {"       
           for i=0 to ubound(lazyproperties.assignedschedule,1)
                  WScript.Echo " instance of " & lazyproperties.Properties_("AssignedSchedule").Value(0).Path_.Class
          WScript.Echo lazyproperties.Properties_("AssignedSchedule").Qualifiers_("CIMType")
                  WScript.Echo "   DayDuration: " & lazyproperties.AssignedSchedule(i).DayDuration
                  WScript.Echo "   Hourspan: " & lazyproperties.AssignedSchedule(i).HourSpan
                  WScript.Echo "   IsGMT: " & lazyproperties.AssignedSchedule(i).IsGMT
                  WScript.Echo "   StartTime: " & lazyproperties.AssignedSchedule(i).StartTime
                  WScript.Echo "AssignedScheduleEnabled = " & lazyproperties.AssignedScheduleEnabled
              WScript.Echo "AssignedScheduleIsGMT = " & lazyproperties.AssignedScheduleIsGMT
           WScript.Echo "}"       
           WScript.Echo "CollectionID = " & objAdvert.CollectionID
           WScript.Echo "Comment = " & objAdvert.Comment
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