이 노드 와 표현 식 의 sin 방법 은 같은 기능 입 니 다.
sin 및 표현 식 사용,topicNumber=d0e175415
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# python:
# import maya
# maya.cmds.loadPlugin("")
# maya.cmds.createNode("spSineNode")
# maya.cmds.getAttr("spSineNode1.output")
# Mel:
# loadPlugin sineNode;
# createNode spSineNode;
# getAttr spSineNode1.output;
import math, sys
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaMPx as ompx
# ID
kPluginNodeTypeName = 'spSineNode'
sineNodeId = om.MTypeId( 0x8700 )
# node definition
class sineNode( ompx.MPxNode ):
sine node
# class variables
input = om.MObject()
output = om.MObject()
def __init__( self ):
super( sineNode, self ).__init__()
# plug MPlug
# dataBlock MDataBlock
def compute( self, plug, dataBlock ):
# sineNode.output
if ( plug == sineNode.output ):
# sineNode.input
# ,
dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( sineNode.input )
# MDataHandle
inputFloat = dataHandle.asFloat()
# ,
result = math.sin( inputFloat ) * 10.0
# sineNode.output ,
outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue( sineNode.output )
# result
outputHandle.setFloat( result )
dataBlock.setClean( plug )
# creator
def nodeCreator():
return ompx.asMPxPtr( sineNode() )
# initializer
def nodeInitializer():
# input
nAttr = om.MFnNumericAttribute()
# input
sineNode.input = nAttr.create( 'input', 'in',
om.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0 )
nAttr.setStorable( 1 )
# output
nAttr = om.MFnNumericAttribute()
# output
sineNode.output = nAttr.create( 'output', 'out',
om.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0 )
nAttr.setStorable( 1 )
nAttr.setWritable( 1 )
# add attributes
sineNode.addAttribute( sineNode.input )
sineNode.addAttribute( sineNode.output )
# input output
sineNode.attributeAffects( sineNode.input, sineNode.output )
# initialize the script plug-in
def initializePlugin( mobject ):
mplugin = ompx.MFnPlugin( mobject )
mplugin.registerNode( kPluginNodeTypeName,
nodeInitializer )
except :
sys.stderr.write( "Failed to register node: %s" %
kPluginNodeTypeName )
# uninitialize the script plug-in
def uninitializePlugin( mobject ):
mplugin = ompx.MFnPlugin( mobject )
mplugin.deregisterNode( sineNodeId )
except :
sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to register node: %s' %
kPluginNodeTypeName )
maya 설치 디 렉 터 리 에 있 는 devkit / plug - ins / scripted 에서 sinenode. py 를 찾 을 수 있 습 니 다.
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