[SICP 연습] 131 연습 3.62.

연습 3-62


Exercise 3.62. Use the results of exercises 3.60 and 3.61 to define a procedure div-series that divides two power series. Div-series should work for any two series, provided that the denominator series begins with a nonzero constant term. (If the denominator has a zero constant term, then div-series should signal an error.) Show how to use div-series together with the result of exercise 3.59 to generate the power series for tangent.


(define (div-series s1 s2) (let ((c (stream-car s2))) (if (= c 0) (error "constant term of s2 can't be 0!") (scale-stream (mul-series s1 (reciprocal-series (scale-stream s2 (/ 1 c)))) (/ 1 c)))))

(define tane-series (div-series sine-series cosine-series))

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