학벌 계통

5170 단어
이 프로그램이 게임 프로세스를 검사하고 닫을 수 있도록 하기 위해서였지만 코드가 두드리고 있었다.헤헤헤, 코드를 보면 알 수 있을 거야.물론 가장 간단한 방법은 달리기다.
 *xueba system           *
 *                 by:ZCB*


int main(void)
    double a = 0;
    int b = 4;
    int c = 0;
    printf("Please input the public key.");
1.The public key is Zhu's QQ number.
2.Your computer will be turned off if you put wrong key 5 times.
); scanf("%lf",&a); if(a != 763798866) { printf("
Your public key is wrong.
); while(b >= 1&&a != 763798866) { printf("
You now have %d chances left."
,b); printf("
Please try again.
); fflush(stdin); scanf("%lf",&a); b--; } } if(b == 0&&a != 763798866) { printf("Please ask for the correct key.
); printf("Now your computer will be turned off in 60 seconds.
); system("shutdown -s -t 60"); } else { printf("
It's the correct key."
); printf("
The system is activating,please wait a moment...
); do { printf("%d percent completed.\r",c); Sleep(500); c++; } while(c <= 100); printf("
The system is activated successfully.
); printf("Please wait 5 seconds.
); Sleep(5000); printf("You know,only if away from your computer can you concentrate on leaning.
So in order to make you become a xueba,I will turn it off.
); printf("O(∩_∩)O
); system("shutdown -s -t 60"); } system("pause"); return 0; }

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