REX-Ray + Isilon Troubleshooting
Initial configuration parameters
It seemed to be fine for me, however, causes a lot of errors so don't refer this configuration parameters as an example.
[root@sunny ~]# cat /etc/rexray/config.yml_for_Isilon
service: isilon
group: wheel
username: root
password: ****
insecure: true
volumePath: /ifs/volumes
Issue 1: Rex-Ray failed to create a new volume
After setting/etc/rexray/config.yml file and REX-Ray serivce started, the following error showed up when createing a rexray volume.
[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume create rexray_isilon_1 --size=20
WARN[0000] executor not supported host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/480463663.sock server=rainbow-leg-mu service=isilon storageDriver=libstorage time=1497501440712
WARN[0000] cannot get local deviecs error=executor not supported host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/480463663.sock integrationDriver=linux osDriver=linux server=rainbow-leg-mu service=isilon storageDriver=libstorage time=1497501440753 txCR=1497501440 txID=d5c2a9b5-284c-49b0-5cb8-c2fcce550e78
FATA[0000] error creating volume error.status=404 error.inner.resourceID="rexray_isilon_1" volume=rexray_isilon_1
Check if API endpoint is workingRan "rexray volume ls", then the following result came back. Even though it throwbacked a few warnings, seemingly API got information from the directory set as volumePath in the config file. So I assumed Isilon API was working normally.
[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume ls
WARN[0000] executor not supported host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/025799782.sock server=puzzle-hawk-tm service=isilon storageDriver=libstorage time=1497503127890
WARN[0000] cannot get local deviecs error=executor not supported host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/025799782.sock integrationDriver=linux osDriver=linux server=puzzle-hawk-tm service=isilon storageDriver=libstorage time=1497503127927 txCR=1497503127 txID=443f84df-3b2d-4101-41a0-d9638f34503a
ID Name Status Size
.snapshot .snapshot available 0
README.txt README.txt available 0
data data available 0
home home available 0
Set Isilon NFS access privilegeAssuming API is working normally, then, there should be some reasons REX-Ray failed to create a new volume under the volumePath directory.
I searched google about Isilon NFS privilege and found the link below.
To use Isilon, create a new directory named volumes under menu File System -> File System Explorer. Use all defaults for RW access.
Next go to menu item Protocols -> UNIX Sharing (NFS). Create a New Export. Select the/ifs/volumes folder . Enable Mounting of sub-directories. Change the Root Permissions from nobody to root. Root can be found under FILE:system.
So I moved to Isilon OneFS management, change the NFS export to enable:
- Mount access to subdirectory
- Root user mapping to "root"user

But I still got the same error. Looking at the error log, it says "error=executor not supported". So next, I doubted if the REX-Ray was properly configured to use Isilon NFS.
Mount Isilon NFS
Tried to mount Isilon NFS to the REX-Ray server, then, this error returned.
[root@sunny ~]# mount -t nfs /mnt/isilon
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.
It means, the server was not ready to mount NFS. So installed nfs-utils.yum install nfs-utils
As a result, NFS became successfully able to be mounted and writable.[root@sunny ~]# mount -t nfs /mnt/isilon
[root@sunny ~]# ls /mnt/isilon/
[root@sunny ~]# vi /mnt/isilon/test_at_isilon_ifs_volumes
[root@sunny ~]# ls /mnt/isilon/
Issue 2: REX-Ray service failed to start
After the configuration change, however, REX-Ray came to fail starting its service.
[root@sunny ~]# rexray status
● rexray.service - rexray
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/rexray.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-06-15 16:30:52 JST; 6s ago
Process: 7819 ExecStart=/usr/bin/rexray start -f (code=exited, status=2)
Main PID: 7819 (code=exited, status=2)
Jun 15 16:30:52 systemd[1]: Unit rexray.service entered failed state.
Jun 15 16:30:52 systemd[1]: rexray.service failed.
To investigate this issue, used debug mode like below. Option "-l"means logging level. By setting logging level as "debug", REX-Ray shows you debug info when running a command.rexray start -f -l debug
Set CIDR explicitlyIn the debug info when REX-Ray failed to start the service, there was the following line saying CIDR is invalid.
ERRO[0001] error: api call failed error.dataSubnet= host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/602344592.sock route=serviceInspect server=plume-bolt-ki time=1497513046332 tls=false txCR=1497513046 txID=44eeacc4-6b3d-4e76-7a69-1acdeef71f00
DEBU[0001] api call error json apiErr={"message":"invalid data subnet","status":500,"error":{"dataSubnet":"","inner":"invalid CIDR address:"}} host=unix:///var/run/libstorage/602344592.sock route=serviceInspect server=plume-bolt-ki time=1497513046333 tls=false txCR=1497513046 txID=44eeacc4-6b3d-4e76-7a69-1acdeef71f00
PANI[0001] error initializing instance ID cache inner.inner.dataSubnet= inner.status=500
So I added CIDR explicitly to "dataSubnet"in the config.yml file like "". As a result, REX-Ray started the service successfully. Here, "test_at_isilon_ifs_volumes"is the file created during Isilon NFS mounting test earlier.[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume ls
ID Name Status Size
test_at_isilon_ifs_volumes test_at_isilon_ifs_volumes available 0
Issue 3: Still REX-Ray failed to create a new volume
It all seemed to be fine, but unfortunately, I still got an error when creating a new volume.
[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume create rexray_isilon_1 --size=20
FATA[0000] error creating volume error.inner.resourceID="rexray_isilon_1" error.status=404 volume=rexray_isilon_1
Debug mode returned enormous amount of logs to me, but it didn't have any useful information for me to get over this issue.[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume create rexray_isilon_1 --size=20 -l debug
INFO[0000] updated log level logLevel=debug
DEBU[0000] os.args time=1497516974875 val=[rexray volume create rexray_isilon_1 --size=20 -l debug]
DEBU[0000] activating libStorage cmd=create time=1497516974875
DEBU[0000] parseSafeHost - no change postParse=unix:///var/run/libstorage
{{end}} time=1497516975398
FATA[0000] error creating volume error.inner.resourceID="rexray_isilon_1" error.status=404 volume=rexray_isilon_1
Is this because of privilege? In libstorage document , it says the user access to the Isilon cluster needs to have the following privilge. But I use "root"for REX-Ray, so this must be no problem.The account used to access the Isilon cluster must be in a role with the following privileges:
Namespace Access (ISI_PRIV_NS_IFS_ACCESS)
Solution: Upgrade REX-Ray
I didn't have no clue at all at that time. There was nothing I could do. Only thing left was to ask help to REX-Ray developers. So I posted about this issue at .
Then I got a reply from a developer saying like "this behavior was a regression with REX-Ray 0.9.0, which was released the last Friday. So it should be fixed in the latest release."
So I upgraded REX-Ray to the latest version.
[root@sunny ~]# curl -sSL | sh
rexray has been installed to /usr/bin/rexray
Binary: /usr/bin/rexray
Flavor: client+agent+controller
SemVer: 0.9.1
OsArch: Linux-x86_64
Branch: v0.9.1
Commit: 2373541479478b817a8b143629e552f404f75226
Formed: Sat, 10 Jun 2017 04:23:38 JST
SemVer: 0.6.1
OsArch: Linux-x86_64
Branch: v0.9.1
Commit: fd26f0ec72b077ffa7c82160fbd12a276e12c2ad
Formed: Sat, 10 Jun 2017 04:23:05 JST
After the upgrade, finally, a new volume was successfully created.[root@sunny ~]# rexray volume create rexray_isilon_1 --size=2
ID Name Status Size
rexray_isilon_1 rexray_isilon_1 available 0
Memo: Proper configuration parameters
This is the final version of/etc/rexray/config.yml file.
[root@sunny ~]# cat /etc/rexray/config.yml_for_Isilon
service: isilon
group: wheel
username: root
password: ****
insecure: true
volumePath: /ifs/volumes
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