Reapter 다중 중첩 상세 보완 정보

7501 단어 apt
<asp:Repeater ID ="rptfour" runat ="server" OnItemDataBound="two_Bind">

<ItemTemplate >

<div class="Cont_02l" style="margin-right:19px">

<div class="guanli"><h2><%#Eval("s_name") %></h2><div class="rdr_01">  >></div></div>

<asp:Repeater ID ="rptnews" runat ="server" >

<ItemTemplate >

<div class="guanli_news">

<h4><%# Common.FormatString(Eval("sxy_title").ToString (), 22) %></h4>

<p><%# UploadPicture.interceptStrs(Eval("sxy_content").ToString(), "45")%>…[    ]</p>




<div class="guanli_list">


<asp:Repeater ID ="rptlist" runat ="server" >

<ItemTemplate >

<li>·<%# Common.FormatString(Eval("sxy_title").ToString (), 36) %></li>








protected void two_Bind(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)




protected void four_Bind(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)


News_Bind(e, 2);


protected void News_Bind( RepeaterItemEventArgs e,int c)


if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)


Repeater rpttop = e.Item.FindControl("rptnews") as Repeater;

Repeater rptlist = e.Item.FindControl("rptlist") as Repeater;

DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;

string type = drv.Row["s_oname"].ToString();

if (rpttop != null && rptlist != null)


rpttop.DataSource = DB.GetDataTable("top "+c+" .............", "table1", "sxy_type=5 and sxy_tj=1 and sxy_state=1 and sxy_sType='"+type+"'", "sxy_id desc");


rptlist.DataSource = DB.GetDataTable("top 5 ...........", "table1", "sxy_type=5 and sxy_state=1 and sxy_sType='" + type + "' and sxy_id not in (select top 1 sxy_id from College where sxy_type=5 and sxy_tj=1 and sxy_state=1 and sxy_sType='" + type + "' order by sxy_id desc)", "sxy_id desc");





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