from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import * # 파일 입출력을 위한 모듈
from tkinter.simpledialog import * # 숫자나 문자를 입력받기 위한 모듈
from wand.image import * # GIF뿐만 아니라 JPG, PNG 같은 이미지를 모두 처리하기 위해 외부 라이브러리 이미지 매직 사용
# 함수 정의 부분, 각 메뉴를 선택할 때 실행될 함수 선언
def displayImage(img, width, height) :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY, newX, newY
if canvas != None :
canvas=Canvas(window, width=width, height=height, bg='#1B1B1B', highlightthickness=0)
paper=PhotoImage(width=width, height=height)
canvas.create_image((width/2,height/2), image=paper, state="normal")
#모든 함수들이 공통적으로 사용할 변수 선언부
def func_open() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
readFp = askopenfilename(parent=window, filetypes=(("모든 그림 파일", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.png;*.tif;*.gif"), ("모든 파일", "*.*") ))
photo = Image(filename=readFp)
oriX = photo.width
oriY = photo.height
photo2 = photo.clone()
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
#파일을 열었을시 메뉴바 Tool 활성화
button0_0["state"] = NORMAL
button0_1["state"] = NORMAL
button1_0["state"] = NORMAL
button1_1["state"] = NORMAL
button2_0["state"] = NORMAL
button2_1["state"] = NORMAL
button3_0["state"] = NORMAL
button3_1["state"] = NORMAL
button4_0["state"] = NORMAL
button5_1["state"] = NORMAL
def func_save() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
if photo2 == None :
saveFp = asksaveasfile(parent=window, mode="w", defaultextension=".jpg", filetypes=(("JPG 파일", "*.jpg;*.jpeg"), ("모든 파일", "*.*") ))
savePhoto = photo2.convert("jpg")
def func_exit() :
def func_reset():
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY, newX, newY
if photo2 == None :
photo2 = photo.clone()
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_zoomin() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
scale = askinteger("확대배수", "확대할 배수를 입력하세요", minvalue=2, maxvalue=4)
photo2 = photo.clone()
photo2.resize( int(oriX * scale) , int(oriY * scale))
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_zoomout() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
scale = askinteger("축소", "축소할 배수를 입력하세요", minvalue=2, maxvalue=4)
photo2 = photo.clone()
photo2.resize( int(oriX / scale) , int(oriY / scale) )
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_mirror1() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
if photo2==None:
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_mirror2() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
if photo2==None:
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_rotate() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
degree = askinteger("회전", "회전할 각도를 입력하세요", minvalue=0, maxvalue=360)
if photo2==None:
if canvas != None :
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_bright() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askinteger("밝게", "값을 입력하세요(100~200)", minvalue=100, maxvalue=200)
if photo2==None:
photo2.modulate(value, 100, 100)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_dark() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askinteger("어둡게", "값을 입력하세요(0~100)", minvalue=0, maxvalue=100)
if photo2==None:
photo2.modulate(value, 100, 100)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_clear() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askinteger("선명하게", "값을 입력하세요(100~200)", minvalue=100, maxvalue=200)
if photo2==None:
photo2.modulate(100, value, 100)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_unclear() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askinteger("탁하게", "값을 입력하세요(0~100)", minvalue=0, maxvalue=100)
if photo2==None:
photo2.modulate(100, value, 100)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_bw() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
if photo2==None:
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def Destroy() :
global window,canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
button0_0["state"] = DISABLED
button0_1["state"] = DISABLED
button1_0["state"] = DISABLED
button1_1["state"] = DISABLED
button2_0["state"] = DISABLED
button2_1["state"] = DISABLED
button3_0["state"] = DISABLED
button3_1["state"] = DISABLED
button4_0["state"] = DISABLED
button5_1["state"] = DISABLED
# 변수 선언 부분
window,canvas, paper=None, None, None
photo, photo2=None, None
oriX,oriY= 0,0
# 메인 코드 부분
window = Tk()
window.title("REAL Photoshop ver_1")
window.resizable(False, False)
background_img = PhotoImage(file = "PhotoShop_BackGround.png")
imagelabelbackground_img = Label(window,image = background_img)
imagelabelbackground_img.place(x= 0, y=0)
# 메뉴 생성
mainMenu = Menu(window)
photo = PhotoImage()
# 2.상위 메뉴 생성
fileMenu = Menu(mainMenu, tearoff=0)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu)
fileMenu.add_command(label="열기", command=func_open)
fileMenu.add_command(label="저장", command=func_save)
fileMenu.add_separator()# 구분선 삽입
fileMenu.add_command(label="닫기", command=func_exit)
#차상위 메뉴
image1Menu = Menu(mainMenu, tearoff=0)
sub1Menu = Menu(image1Menu, tearoff=0)
sub1_1Menu = Menu(image1Menu, tearoff=0)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="Tool", menu = image1Menu, state = "disable")
image1Menu.add_cascade(label="크기조정", menu = sub1Menu)
sub1Menu.add_command(label="확대", command=func_zoomin)
sub1Menu.add_command(label="축소", command=func_zoomout)
image1Menu.add_separator()# 구분선 삽입
image1Menu.add_cascade(label="반전", menu = sub1_1Menu)
sub1_1Menu.add_command(label="상하 반전", command=func_mirror1)
sub1_1Menu.add_command(label="좌우 반전", command=func_mirror2)
sub1_1Menu.add_command(label="회전", command=func_rotate)
image2Menu = Menu(mainMenu, tearoff=0)
sub2Menu = Menu(image2Menu, tearoff=0)
sub2_2Menu = Menu(image2Menu, tearoff=0)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="Tool2", menu=image2Menu, state = "disable")
image2Menu.add_cascade(label="밝기조절", menu = sub2Menu)
sub2Menu.add_command(label="밝게", command=func_bright)
sub2Menu.add_command(label="어둡게", command=func_dark)
image2Menu.add_separator()# 구분선 삽입
image2Menu.add_cascade(label="선명도조절", menu = sub2_2Menu)
sub2_2Menu.add_command(label="선명하게", command=func_clear)
sub2_2Menu.add_command(label="탁하게", command=func_unclear)
image2Menu.add_separator()# 구분선 삽입
image2Menu.add_command(label="흑백", command=func_bw)
image3Menu = Menu(mainMenu, tearoff=0)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="파일닫기", menu=image3Menu, state = "disable")
image3Menu.add_command(label="진짜로 닫니?", command=Destroy)
#버튼 그리드 생성
frame1=Frame(window, relief="solid")
#폰트 오브젝트(영어)
import tkinter.font as font
engFont = font.Font(family='Century Gothic',weight="bold", size=12)
#폰트 오브젝트(한글)
korFont = font.Font(family='배달의민족 주아', size=18)
korFont_RightBar = font.Font(family='배달의민족 주아', size=15)
button0_0 = Button(frame1, text = "확대", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_zoomin, state = "disable")
button0_0.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
button0_1 = Button(frame1, text = "축소", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_zoomout, state = "disable")
button0_1.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
button1_0 = Button(frame1, text = "밝게", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_bright, state = "disable")
button1_0.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
button1_1 = Button(frame1, text = "어둡게", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_dark, state = "disable")
button1_1.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
button2_0 = Button(frame1, text = "상하반전", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_mirror1, state = "disable")
button2_0.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
button2_1 = Button(frame1, text = "좌우반전", width=15, height=2, bg="#1B1B1B", fg="white", bd= 6, font=korFont, command=func_mirror2, state = "disable")
button2_1.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
frame2=Frame(window, relief="solid")
button3_0 = Button(frame2, text = "그림 제거", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", bd= 1, font=korFont_RightBar, command = Destroy, state = "disable")
button3_0.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
button3_1 = Button(frame2, text = "사진 초기화", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", bd= 1, font=korFont_RightBar, command = func_reset, state = "disable")
button3_1.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
button4_0 = Button(frame2, text = "뭐라고적지", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", font=korFont_RightBar, bd= 1)
button4_0.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
button5_1 = Button(frame2, text = "뭐라고적지", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", font=korFont_RightBar, bd= 1)
button5_1.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
button6_0 = Button(frame2, text = "뭐라고적지", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", font=korFont_RightBar, bd= 1)
button6_0.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
button6_1 = Button(frame2, text = "뭐라고적지", width=14, height=2, bg="#262626", fg="white", font=korFont_RightBar, bd= 1)
button6_1.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
frame3=Frame(window, relief="solid")
button7_0 = Button(frame3, text = "파일 열기", width=10, height=1, bg="#262626", fg="white", bd= 1, font=korFont_RightBar, command = func_open)
button7_0.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
button7_1 = Button(frame3, text = "파일 저장", width=10, height=1, bg="#262626", fg="white", bd= 1, font=korFont_RightBar, command = func_save)
button7_1.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
frame4=Frame(window, relief="solid")
button8_0 = Button(frame4, text = "종료", width=10, height=1, bg="#262626", fg="white", bd= 1, font=korFont_RightBar, command = func_exit)
button8_0.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
구성요소 참조
font - BMJUA.ttf
Author And Source
이 문제에 관하여(포토샵1117), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://velog.io/@hio2011/포토샵1117저자 귀속: 원작자 정보가 원작자 URL에 포함되어 있으며 저작권은 원작자 소유입니다.
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(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)