Practicing Typescript: Template literals and Exclude

Use of template literals and Exclude keyword

  • Using tempalte literals to create many strings by making use of unions.
import { Toast } from './components/templateliterals/Toast'

function App() {

	return (
    	<div className='App'>
        	<Toast position='center' />
// Toast.tsx
// Toast notification component with position properties:

type HorizontalPosition = 'left' | 'center' | 'right'
type VerticalPosition = 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom'
// Combine horizontal position and vertical position
// Center-center combination is preferred as just center, therefore:
// Use Exclude keyword: Exclude<Types, type wanted to be excluded>
type ToastProps = {
    | Exclude<`${HorizontalPosition}-${VerticalPosition}`, 'center-center'>
    | 'center'

 * Position prop can be one of
 * "left-center" | "left-top" | "left-bottom" | "center" | "center-top" |
 * "center-bottom" | "right-center" | "right-top" | "right-bottom"

export const Toast = ({ position }: ToastProps) => {
  return <div>Toast Notification Position - {position}</div>

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