Practicing Typescript: Generic props

Generic props

  • Generic props can be considered as parameterized types
// List.tsx accepting only strings
type ListProps = {
  items: string[]
  onClick: (value: string) => void

export const List = ({items, onClick}: ListProps) => {
  return (
      <h2>List of items</h2>
      { => {
        return (
          <div key={} onClick={() => onClick(item)}>
// List.tsx with generics
type ListProps<T> = {
  items: T[]
  onClick: (value: T) => void
// Type T extends a base type `<T extends {}>`
// Now can pass to List component a list of any type
// The following:`<T extends {id: number}>` adds a restriction
// that the object must have an id of number type
export const List = <T extends { id: number }>({
}: ListProps<T>) => {
  return (
      <h2>List of items</h2>
      { => {
        return (
          <div key={} onClick={() => onClick(item)}>
// App.tsx
import { List } from './components/generics/List'

function App() {

	return (
    	<div className='App'>
                      id: 1,
                      first: 'Bruce',
                      last: 'Wayne'
                      id: 2,
                      first: 'Clark',
                      last: 'Kent'
                      id: 3,
                      first: 'Princess',
                      last: 'Diana'
                  onClick={item => console.log(item)}

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