Palabos 사례 분석 (3) damBreak3d. cpp 사례

damBreak 사례
한 줄 한 줄 주석 해석
파일 위치: / palabos - v2.0r 0 / examples / show Cases / vofMultiPhase / damBreak3d. cpp
/* This file is part of the Palabos library.
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 FlowKit Sarl
 * Route d'Oron 2
 * 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland
 * E-mail contact: [email protected]
 * The most recent release of Palabos can be downloaded at
 * The library Palabos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .

/* The breaking dam free surface problem. This code demonstrates the basic usage of the
 * free surface module in Palabos. Surface tension and contact angles are optional.

#include "palabos3D.h"
#include "palabos3D.hh"

using namespace plb;

//              ,
//  ,            ,    ,             ,
//              ,        3   
#define DESCRIPTOR descriptors::ForcedD3Q19Descriptor

typedef double T;

// Smagorinsky constant for LES model.
const T cSmago = 0.14;

// Physical dimensions of the system (in meters).
const T lx = 3.22;
const T ly = 1.0;
const T lz = 1.0;

const T rhoEmpty = T(1);

plint writeImagesIter   = 10;
plint getStatisticsIter = 20;

plint maxIter;
plint N;
plint nx, ny, nz;
T delta_t, delta_x;
Array<T,3> externalForce;
T nuPhys, nuLB, tau, omega, Bo, surfaceTensionLB, contactAngle;

std::string outDir;
plint obstacleCenterXYplane, obstacleLength, obstacleWidth, obstacleHeight, beginWaterReservoir, waterReservoirHeight;
plint waterLevelOne, waterLevelTwo, waterLevelThree, waterLevelFour;

void setupParameters() {
    delta_x = lz / N;
    // roundToInt Palabos                   ,     ,      
    nx = util::roundToInt(lx / delta_x);
    ny = util::roundToInt(ly / delta_x);
    nz = util::roundToInt(lz / delta_x);

    // Gravity in lattice units.
    T gLB = 9.8 * delta_t * delta_t/delta_x;
    externalForce = Array<T,3>(0., 0., -gLB);
    tau            = (nuPhys*DESCRIPTOR<T>::invCs2*delta_t)/(delta_x*delta_x) + 0.5;
    omega          = 1./tau;
    nuLB           = (tau-0.5)*DESCRIPTOR<T>::cs2; // Viscosity in lattice units.

    surfaceTensionLB = rhoEmpty * gLB * N * N / Bo;

    obstacleCenterXYplane = util::roundToInt(0.744*N);
    obstacleLength        = util::roundToInt(0.403*N);
    obstacleWidth         = util::roundToInt(0.161*N);
    obstacleHeight        = util::roundToInt(0.161*N);
    beginWaterReservoir   = util::roundToInt((0.744+1.248)*N);
    waterReservoirHeight  = util::roundToInt(0.55*N);

    waterLevelOne   = util::roundToInt(0.496*N);
    waterLevelTwo   = util::roundToInt(2.*0.496*N);
    waterLevelThree = util::roundToInt(3.*0.496*N);
    waterLevelFour  = util::roundToInt((3.*0.496 + 1.150)*N);

// Specifies the initial condition for the fluid (each cell is assigned the
// flag "fluid", "empty", or "wall").
//          (         “  ”、“ ” “ ”)
//       ,       ,                vof     ,           
// freeSurfaceFlag::wall,freeSurfaceFlag::fluid,freeSurfaceFlag::empty         ,
//     ,  src multiPhysics freeSurface              
int initialFluidFlags(plint iX, plint iY, plint iZ) {
    // Place an obstacle on the left end, which is hit by the fluid.
    bool insideObstacle =
        iX >= obstacleCenterXYplane-obstacleWidth/2 &&
        iX <= obstacleCenterXYplane+obstacleWidth/2 &&
        iY >= ny/2-obstacleLength/2 &&
        iY <= ny/2+obstacleLength/2 &&
        iZ <= obstacleHeight+1;

    if (insideObstacle) {
        return freeSurfaceFlag::wall;
    else if (iX >= beginWaterReservoir && iZ <= waterReservoirHeight) {
        return freeSurfaceFlag::fluid;
    else {
        return freeSurfaceFlag::empty;

void writeResults(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, MultiScalarField3D<T>& volumeFraction, plint iT)
    static const plint nx = lattice.getNx();
    static const plint ny = lattice.getNy();
    static const plint nz = lattice.getNz();
    Box3D slice(0, nx-1, ny/2, ny/2, 0, nz-1);
    ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo");

	     ,      ppm        ,           gif     ,    
	imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("u", iT, 6),
                               *computeVelocityNorm(lattice, slice),600,600); 

    imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("rho", iT, 6),
                               *computeDensity(lattice, slice),600,600);
    imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), 
    						   *extractSubDomain(volumeFraction, slice),600,600);
    imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("u", iT, 6),
                               *computeVelocityNorm(lattice, slice));

    imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("rho", iT, 6),
                               *computeDensity(lattice, slice));

    imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), 
    						   *extractSubDomain(volumeFraction, slice));
	/*       stl ,        
    // Use a marching-cube algorithm to reconstruct the free surface and write an STL file.
    std::vector isoLevels;
    isoLevels.push_back((T) 0.5);
    typedef TriangleSet::Triangle Triangle;
    std::vector triangles;
    isoSurfaceMarchingCube(triangles, volumeFraction, isoLevels, volumeFraction.getBoundingBox());
    TriangleSet(triangles).writeBinarySTL(createFileName(outDir+"/interface", iT, 6)+".stl");

    VtkImageOutput3D<T> vtkOut(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), 1.);
    vtkOut.writeData<float>(volumeFraction, "vf", 1.);

//                  ,     FreeSurface     ,
// freeSurfaceAverageMass,freeSurfaceAverageDensity,
// freeSurfaceAverageDensity,freeSurfaceAverageVolumeFraction
//  freeSurface         ,    ,
//    src    multiPhysics freeSurface              
void writeStatistics(FreeSurfaceFields3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& fields) {
    pcout << " -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- " << std::endl;
    T averageMass = freeSurfaceAverageMass<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
    pcout << "Average Mass: " << averageMass  << std::endl;
    T averageDensity = freeSurfaceAverageDensity<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
    pcout << "Average Density: " << std::setprecision(12) << averageDensity  << std::endl;

    T averageVolumeFraction = freeSurfaceAverageVolumeFraction<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
    pcout << "Average Volume-Fraction: " << std::setprecision(12) << averageVolumeFraction  << std::endl;

    pcout << " -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- " << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    plbInit(&argc, &argv);

    if (global::argc() != 8) {
        pcout << "Error missing some input parameter
; } try { global::argv(1).read(outDir); global::directories().setOutputDir(outDir+"/"); global::argv(2).read(nuPhys); global::argv(3).read(Bo); global::argv(4).read(contactAngle); global::argv(5).read(N); global::argv(6).read(delta_t); global::argv(7).read(maxIter); } catch(PlbIOException& except) { pcout << except.what() << std::endl; pcout << "The parameters for this program are :
; pcout << "1. Output directory name.
; pcout << "2. kinematic viscosity in physical Units (m^2/s) .
; pcout << "3. Bond number (Bo = rho * g * L^2 / gamma).
; pcout << "4. Contact angle (in degrees).
; pcout << "5. number of lattice nodes for lz .
; pcout << "6. delta_t .
; pcout << "7. maxIter .
; pcout << "Reasonable parameters on a desktop computer are: " << (std::string)global::argv(0) << " tmp 1.e-5 100 80.0 40 1.e-3 80000
; pcout << "Reasonable parameters on a parallel machine are: " << (std::string)global::argv(0) << " tmp 1.e-6 100 80.0 100 1.e-4 80000
; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } setupParameters(); pcout << "delta_t= " << delta_t << std::endl; pcout << "delta_x= " << delta_x << std::endl; pcout << "delta_t*delta_t/delta_x= " << delta_t*delta_t/delta_x << std::endl; pcout << "externalForce= " << externalForce[2] << std::endl; pcout << "relaxation time= " << tau << std::endl; pcout << "omega= " << omega << std::endl; pcout << "kinematic viscosity physical units = " << nuPhys << std::endl; pcout << "kinematic viscosity lattice units= " << nuLB << std::endl; global::timer("initialization").start(); // , MultiBlockLattice , // , , MultiBlockLattice , // , MultiBlockLattice SparseBlockStructure3D blockStructure(createRegularDistribution3D(nx, ny, nz)); // , BGK Dynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>* dynamics = new SmagorinskyBGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega, cSmago); // If surfaceTensionLB is 0, then the surface tension algorithm is deactivated. // If contactAngle is less than 0, then the contact angle algorithm is deactivated. // FreeSurfaceFields , // MultiBlockLattice // , , , BGK , , // , , ; FreeSurfaceFields3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> fields( blockStructure, dynamics->clone(), rhoEmpty, surfaceTensionLB, contactAngle, externalForce ); // , , , // , //integrateProcessingFunctional(new ShortenBounceBack3D, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox(), fields.freeSurfaceArgs, 0); // Set all outer-wall cells to "wall" (here, bulk-cells are also set to "wall", but it // doesn't matter, because they are overwritten on the next line). // freesurfaceflag wall( , flag , ) setToConstant(fields.flag, fields.flag.getBoundingBox(), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::wall); // In the bulk (all except outer wall layer), initialize the flags as specified by // the function "initialFluidFlags". // initialFluidFlags , setToFunction, freesurfaceflag , // initialFluidFlags, setToFunction setToFunction(fields.flag, fields.flag.getBoundingBox().enlarge(-1), initialFluidFlags); // , fields.defaultInitialize(); pcout << "Time spent for setting up lattices: " << global::timer("initialization").stop() << std::endl; T lastIterationTime = T(); for (plint iT = 0; iT <= maxIter; ++iT) { global::timer("iteration").restart(); T sum_of_mass_matrix = T(); T lost_mass = T(); if (iT % getStatisticsIter==0) { pcout << std::endl; pcout << "ITERATION = " << iT << std::endl; pcout << "Time of last iteration is " << lastIterationTime << " seconds" << std::endl; writeStatistics(fields); sum_of_mass_matrix = fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(0); pcout << "Sum of mass matrix: " << sum_of_mass_matrix << std::endl; lost_mass = fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(1); pcout << "Lost mass: " << lost_mass << std::endl; pcout << "Total mass: " << sum_of_mass_matrix + lost_mass << std::endl; pcout << "Interface cells: " << fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getIntSum(0) << std::endl; } if (iT % writeImagesIter == 0) { global::timer("images").start(); writeResults(fields.lattice, fields.volumeFraction, iT); pcout << "Total time spent for writing images: " << global::timer("images").stop() << std::endl; } // This includes the collision-streaming cycle, plus all free-surface operations. // lattice , executeInternalProcessors, // , fields.lattice.executeInternalProcessors(); // , MPI , fields.lattice.evaluateStatistics(); // fields.lattice.incrementTime(); lastIterationTime = global::timer("iteration").stop(); } }

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이 사례 의 기초 구 조 는 원시 적 인 단상 류 와 shanchen 의 양 상 류 및 기타 고급 모델 과 다 릅 니 다. 유일 하 게 비슷 한 것 은 같은 폴 더 의 falling Droplet. cpp 입 니 다. 비교 해 볼 수 있 습 니 다. 이것 보다 더 복잡 하지만 자신 이 고급 수학 모델 을 쓰 는 데 힘 쓰 고 하나의 소스 코드 를 가지 고 학습 할 수 있 습 니 다.개인 적 으로 어린이 들 이 내부 의 코드 구 조 를 너무 깊이 연구 하지 말 라 고 생각 하 는 데 도움 이 됩 니 다. 매우 복잡 합 니 다. 아마 당신 이 다 보고 졸업 할 것 입 니 다. 이것 은 전례 입 니 다. 이 사례 는 대 밀도 비의 양 상 류 를 간단하게 연구 할 수 있 지만 그 중에서 밀도 가 비교적 작은 상 태 를 버 려 야 합 니 다. 또한 이 사례 중의 자유 표면 흐름 모델 은 표면 장력 을 포장 해 야 합 니 다.접촉 각 등 은 두 가지 연구 에서 코드 를 쓰기 가 매우 어 려 운 부분 이기 때문에 졸업 할 수 있 도록 저 는 이 모델 을 선택 하여 데 이 터 를 쌓 았 습 니 다. 과학 연구 의 수요 에 부합 되 는 지 에 대해 어린이 들 이 이 사례 를 바탕 으로 작 성 된 코드 를 스스로 고려 해 야 합 니 다. 과제 코드 오픈 소스 (3)Palabos 의 자유 표면 흐름 모형 을 사용 하여 복잡 한 다 공 매체 의 액 적 침 투 를 모방 합 니 다.
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