org.eclipse.ui.ide, Menu and toolbar paths

public interface
Identifiers for IDE menus, toolbars and groups.
This interface contains constants only; it is not intended to be implemented or extended.
Note: want to move IDE-specific stuff out of IWorkbenchActionConstants. There's still some cleanup to be done here (and there).
Field Summary static String ADD_EXT           Edit menu: name of group for extra Add-like actions (value "add.ext" ). static String BUILD_EXT           Workbench menu: name of group for extra Build-like actions (value "build.ext" ). static String BUILD_GROUP           Group ids for build toolbar group. static String CLOSE_EXT           File menu: name of group for extra Close-like actions (value "close.ext" ). static String CUT_EXT           Edit menu: name of group for extra Cut-like actions (value "cut.ext" ). static String EDIT_END           Edit menu: name of group for end of menu (value "editEnd" ). static String EDIT_START           Edit menu: name of group for start of menu (value "editStart" ). static String FILE_END           File menu: name of group for end of menu (value "fileEnd" ). static String FILE_START           File menu: name of group for start of menu (value "fileStart" ). static String FIND_EXT           Edit menu: name of group for extra Find-like actions (value "find.ext" ). static String GO_INTO           Navigate menu: name of standard Go Into global action (value "goInto" ). static String GO_TO           Navigate menu: name of standard Go To submenu (value "goTo" ). static String GO_TO_RESOURCE           Navigate menu: name of standard Go To Resource global action (value "goToResource" ). static String GROUP_ADD           Pop-up menu: name of group for Add actions (value "group.add" ). static String GROUP_FILE           Pop-up menu and cool bar: name of group for File actions (value "group.file" ). static String GROUP_NAV           Coolbar: name of group for Navigate actions (value "group.nav" ). static String GROUP_SHOW_IN           Pop-up menu: name of group for Show In actions (value "group.showIn" ). static String HELP_END           Help menu: name of group for end of menu (value "helpEnd" ). static String HELP_START           Help menu: name of group for start of menu (value "helpStart" ). static String HISTORY_GROUP           Group ids for history toolbar group. static String IMPORT_EXT           File menu: name of group for extra Import-like actions (value "import.ext" ). static String M_EDIT           Name of standard Edit menu (value "edit" ). static String M_FILE           Name of standard File menu (value "file" ). static String M_HELP           Name of standard Help menu (value "help" ). static String M_NAVIGATE           Name of standard Navigate menu (value "navigate" ). static String M_PROJECT           Name of standard Project menu (value "project" ). static String M_WINDOW           Name of standard Window menu (value "window" ). static String MRU           File menu: name of "Most Recently Used File"group. static String NAV_END           Navigate menu: name of group for end of menu (value "navEnd" ). static String NAV_START           Navigate menu: name of group for start of menu (value "navStart" ). static String NEW_EXT           File menu: name of group for extra New-like actions (value "new.ext" ). static String NEW_GROUP           Group ids for new toolbar group. static String OPEN_EXT           Navigate menu: name of group for extra Open actions (value "open.ext" ). static String PIN_GROUP           Group id for pin toolbar group. static String PRINT_EXT           File menu: name of group for extra Print-like actions (value "print.ext" ). static String PROJ_END           Project menu: name of group for start of menu (value "projEnd" ). static String PROJ_START           Project menu: name of group for start of menu (value "projStart" ). static String SAVE_EXT           File menu: name of group for extra Save-like actions (value "save.ext" ). static String SAVE_GROUP           Group ids for save toolbar group. static String SHOW_EXT           Navigate menu: name of group for extra Show actions (value "show.ext" ). static String TOOLBAR_FILE           Workbench toolbar id for file toolbar group. static String TOOLBAR_NAVIGATE           Workbench toolbar id for navigate toolbar group. static String UNDO_EXT           Edit menu: name of group for extra Undo-like actions (value "undo.ext" ).

Named tool bars in the workbench

The workbench tool bar is composed of tool bars contributed by different plug-ins, including the workbench itself.  Within any particular tool bar, there are named groups or slots that can be used for inserting new tool bar items.    
The following description of the workbench tool bars is adapted from the IWorkbenchActionConstants class definition.
// Workbench toolbar ids
public static final String TOOLBAR_FILE = "org.eclipse.ui.workbench.file"
public static final String TOOLBAR_NAVIGATE = "org.eclipse.ui.workbench.navigate"; 

// Workbench toolbar group ids.  To add an item at the beginning of the group, 
// use the GROUP id.  To add an item at the end of the group, use the EXT id.
public static final String PIN_GROUP = ""; 
public static final String HISTORY_GROUP = ""; 
public static final String NEW_GROUP = ""; 
public static final String SAVE_GROUP = ""; 
public static final String BUILD_GROUP = "";

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