oracle ORA-30926

5580 단어 Oacle
ora - 30962 오류 당 했 습 니 다.
30926, 00000, "unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables" // *Cause:  A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml //          activity or a non-deterministic where clause. // *Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.
merge 의 소스 시트 에 중복 기록 이 있 습 니 다. 다시 한 후에 이 오 류 는 사라 집 니 다.

  1. --  
  2. SELECT userid FROM t_raugh GROUP BY userid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; 
  4. DELETE t_raugh  
  6.                 FROM (SELECT, 
  7.                              b.userid, 
  8.                              b.operdate, 
  9.                              row_number() over(PARTITION BY b.userid ORDER BY b.operdate DESC) rn 
  10.                         FROM t_raugh b 
  11.                        WHERE b.userid IN (25468911, 
  12.                                           25467429, 
  13.                                           25464008, 
  14.                                           25466351, 
  15.                                           25464129, 
  16.                                           25464805, 
  17.                                           25468403, 
  18.                                           25466240, 
  19.                                           25467371, 
  20.                                           25467777, 
  21.                                           25464193, 
  22.                                           25468734, 
  23.                                           25464215, 
  24.                                           25464596, 
  25.                                           25467334, 
  26.                                           25459985, 
  27.                                           25468964, 
  28.                                           25464928, 
  29.                                           25469118, 
  30.                                           25465790, 
  31.                                           25466484, 
  32.                                           25467080, 
  33.                                           25468491, 
  34.                                           25469197, 
  35.                                           25467072, 
  36.                                           25468492, 
  37.                                           25467930, 
  38.                                           25466768, 
  39.                                           25463448, 
  40.                                           25467653, 
  41.                                           25468505, 
  42.                                           25464075, 
  43.                                           25468870, 
  44.                                           25468971, 
  45.                                           25467491)) a 
  46.                WHERE a.rn > 1) 

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