oozie: common errors

4199 단어 error
1. when run oozie examples, there is a error
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/util.py", line 24, in crash_guard    callback()  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 69, in main    enable_i18n()  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 40, in enable_i18n    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')  File "/usr/lib/python3.3/locale.py", line 541, in setlocale    return _setlocale(category, locale)locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
#locale -a
 2  Jobtracker [] not allowed, not in Oozies whitelist
  add the configure entity to oozie-site.xml
           oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.jobTracker.whitelist                    Whitelisted job tracker for Oozie service.           
3.org.apache.oozie.action.ActionExecutorException: JA008: File/home/zhaohj/hadoop/oozie-4.0.1/oozie-server/temp/oozie-zhj3452223772011438615.dir/java-launcher.jar does not exist
4.PID file found but no matching process was found
A:delete contents of oozie-server/temp and oozie-server/work, then get the pid of oozied by ps -ef |grep oozie, kill -s -9 pidofoozied.  Restart oozlie
5.when run pig example, error appears
ERROR 2998: Unhandled internal error. org/joda/time/ReadableInstant

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.PigMain not found

    sharelib is not created correctly.
 Found interface org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext, but class was expected

The root cause is that the sharelib is not correct. see oozie document
IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommend to use a Bigtop distribution if using Hadoop 2.x because the Oozie sharelibs built from the tarball distribution will not work with it.
In oozie4.0.1, pig action just support Hadoop 1.x,so produce No.6 error
  • in Hadoop 1.x: JobContext is a class
  • in Hadoop 2.x: JobContext is an interface

  • A: This issue takes me about one week to deal with. It's panic experience through googing and baiduing without any useful information except that the problem is concerned with sharelib. 
    The follwoing steps are adopted by me to fix this :
    a. backups all jars in share/lib/pig
    b. delete share/lib/pig in hdfs
    c. compile pig-0.12.0 to support hadoop2.3.0
    d. copy all jars except hadoop*.jar in pig-0.12.0/build/ivy/lib/Pig  to oozie-4.0.1/share/lib/pig
    f. copy pig-0.12.0.jar  pig-0.12.1-withouthadoop.jar to  share/lib/pig
    d. copy oozie-sharelib-pig-4.0.1.jar from backuped jars in share/lib/pig
    f. update share to hdfs by
    oozie-setup.sh sharelib upgrade -fs hdfs:// -locallib share/ 

     7.when I delete sharelib and upgrade it, error appears
     Exception occured: [Server IPC version 9 cannot communicate with client version 4]
    A:due to mistake, I compile oozie-4.0.1 target with MR1 not YARN. Recompile it against YARN, fix the problem.

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