offlineimap 읽기qq메일박스

1969 단어 #EmacsEmail

qq 메일박스 imap 사용하기

우선 qq메일박스에서imap설정을 열려면 qq사이트에 들어가서 메일박스를 닫아야 하며 핸드폰 문자로 검증해야 한다.
일련의 작업이 완료되면 암호를 얻을 수 있습니다.

offlineimap 설정

~/.offlineimaprc 파일에서 다음 설정
accounts = qq
maxsyncaccounts = 3

[Account qq]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote
status_backend = sqlite

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/mail

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost =
ssl = yes
remoteuser = [email protected]
remotepass = pwd-from-qq-site
maxconnections = 1
realdelete = no
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

명령 실행 메일 읽기

~ $ offlineimap
OfflineIMAP 7.0.7
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or any later version (with an OpenSSL exception)
Account sync qq:
 *** Processing account qq
 Establishing connection to (Remote)
 Creating folder Junk[Local]
 Creating new Local Status db for Local:Junk
 Creating folder Sent Messages[Local]
 Creating new Local Status db for Local:Sent Messages
 Creating folder Deleted Messages[Local]
 Creating new Local Status db for Local:Deleted Messages
 Creating folder Drafts[Local]
 Creating new Local Status db for Local:Drafts
 Creating folder INBOX[Local]
 Creating new Local Status db for Local:INBOX
Folder Deleted Messages [acc: qq]:
 Syncing Deleted Messages: IMAP -> mail
Folder Drafts [acc: qq]:
 Syncing Drafts: IMAP -> mail
 Copy message UID 70 (1/26) Remote:Drafts -> Local
 Copy message UID 71 (2/26) Remote:Drafts -> Local
 Copy message UID 72 (3/26) Remote:Drafts -> Local
 Copy message UID 73 (4/26) Remote:Drafts -> Local
 Copy message UID 74 (5/26) Remote:Drafts -> Local

검사해 보다

~ $ tree ~/mail/ -L 1
├── Deleted Messages
├── Drafts
├── Junk
└── Sent Messages

5 directories, 0 files
$ du -sh ~/mail/
87M	/home/dean/mail/

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