No known master node 문제

2371 단어 Elasticsearch
ES 클러스터가 노드를 재부팅하면 클러스터에 가입할 수 없으며 오류 메시지가 표시됩니다.
[2017-02-14 14:35:31,868][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter    ] [es-06] error adding the marvel template to [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:9200] response code [503 Service Unavailable]. content: [{"error":"MasterNotDiscoveredException[waited for [30s]]","status":503}]
[2017-02-14 14:35:31,868][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter    ] [es-06] failed to verify/upload the marvel template to [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:9200]:Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:9200/_template/marvel]

프로필elasticsearch를 수정합니다.yml  IP

오류 메시지:
[2017-02-14 14:46:56,012][DEBUG][action.admin.indices.template.put] [es-06] observer: timeout notification from cluster service. timeout setting [30s], time since start [30s]
[2017-02-14 14:46:56,014][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter] [ies-06] error adding the marvel template to [ IP:9200] response code [503 Service Unavailable]. content: [{"error":"MasterNotDiscoveredException[waited for [30s]]","status":503}]
[2017-02-14 14:46:56,014][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter] [es-06] failed to verify/upload the marvel template to [ IP:9200]:Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http:// IP:9200/_template/marvel
[2017-02-14 14:46:56,014][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter] [es-06] could not connect to any configured elasticsearch instances: [ IP:9200]
[2017-02-14 14:47:06,019][DEBUG][action.admin.indices.template.get] [es-06] no known master node, scheduling a retry

다음으로 수정: ["IP1", "IP2",...]

로그 정상:
[2017-02-14 14:49:32,032][INFO ][node] [es-06] starting ...
[2017-02-14 14:49:32,204][INFO ][transport] [es-06] bound_address {inet[/ IP:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/ IP:9300]}
[2017-02-14 14:49:32,214][INFO ][discovery ] [es-06] elasticsearch/PF6CtX38STGjc6D-******
[2017-02-14 14:50:02,215][WARN ][discovery] [es-06] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
[2017-02-14 14:50:02,256][INFO ][http] [es-06] bound_address {inet[/ IP:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/ IP:9200]}
[2017-02-14 14:50:02,257][INFO ][node] [es-06] started
[2017-02-14 14:50:09,939][INFO ][cluster.service] [es-06] detected_master [es-08]

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