jQuery WipeTouch
36010 단어 jquery
// jQuery WipeTouch 1.2.0
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// Developed and maintained by Igor Ramadas
// http://aboutigor.com
// http://devv.com
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// $(selector).wipetouch(config);
// The wipe events should expect the result object with the following properties:
// speed - the wipe speed from 1 to 5
// x - how many pixels moved on the horizontal axis
// y - how many pixels moved on the vertical axis
// source - the element which triggered the wipe gesture
// $(document).wipetouch({
// allowDiagonal: true,
// wipeLeft: function(result) { alert("Left on speed " + result.speed) },
// wipeTopLeft: function(result) { alert("Top left on speed " + result.speed) },
// wipeBottomLeft: function(result) { alert("Bottom left on speed " + result.speed) }
// });
// More details at http://wipetouch.codeplex.com/
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.2.0
// - New: wipeMove event, triggered while moving the mouse/finger.
// - New: added "source" to the result object.
// - Bug fix: sometimes vertical wipe events would not trigger correctly.
// - Bug fix: improved tapToClick handler.
// - General code refactoring.
// - Windows Phone 7 is not supported, yet! Its behaviour is completely broken and would require some special tricks to make it work. Maybe in the future...
// 1.1.0
// - New: tapToClick, if true will identify taps and and trigger a click on the touched element. Default is false.
// - Changed: events wipeBottom*** and wipeTop*** renamed to wipeDown*** and wipeUp***.
// - Changed: better touch speed calculation (was always too fast before).
// - Changed: speed will be an integer now (instead of float).
// - Changed: better wipe detection (if Y movement is more than X, do a vertical wipe instead of horizontal).
// - Bug fix: added preventDefault to touchStart and touchEnd internal events (this was missing).
// - Other general tweaks to the code.
// The minified version of WipeTouch can be generated using Jasc: http://jasc.codeplex.com
(function ($)
$.fn.wipetouch = function (settings)
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var config = {
// Variables and options
moveX: 40, // minimum amount of horizontal pixels to trigger a wipe event
moveY: 40, // minimum amount of vertical pixels to trigger a wipe event
tapToClick: false, // if user taps the screen it will fire a click event on the touched element
preventDefault: true, // if true, prevents default events (click for example)
allowDiagonal: false, // if false, will trigger horizontal and vertical movements so wipeUpLeft, wipeDownLeft, wipeUpRight, wipeDownRight are ignored
// Wipe events
wipeLeft: false, // called on wipe left gesture
wipeRight: false, // called on wipe right gesture
wipeUp: false, // called on wipe up gesture
wipeDown: false, // called on wipe down gesture
wipeUpLeft: false, // called on wipe top and left gesture
wipeDownLeft: false, // called on wipe bottom and left gesture
wipeUpRight: false, // called on wipe top and right gesture
wipeDownRight: false, // called on wipe bottom and right gesture
wipeMove: false, // triggered whenever touchMove acts
wipeTopLeft: false, // USE WIPEUPLEFT
wipeBottomLeft: false, // USE WIPEDOWNLEFT
wipeTopRight: false, // USE WIPEUPRIGHT
wipeBottomRight: false // USE WIPEDOWNRIGHT
if (settings)
$.extend(config, settings);
this.each(function ()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
var startX; // where touch has started, left
var startY; // where touch has started, top
var startDate = false; // used to calculate timing and aprox. acceleration
var curX; // keeps touch X position while moving on the screen
var curY; // keeps touch Y position while moving on the screen
var isMoving = false; // is user touching and moving?
var touchedElement = false; // element which user has touched
// These are for non-touch devices!
var useMouseEvents = false; // force using the mouse events to simulate touch
var clickEvent = false; // holds the click event of the target, when used hasn't clicked
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called when user touches the screen.
function onTouchStart(e)
var start = useMouseEvents || (e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 0);
if (!isMoving && start)
if (config.preventDefault)
// Temporary fix for deprecated events, these will be removed on next version!
if (config.allowDiagonal)
if (!config.wipeDownLeft)
config.wipeDownLeft = config.wipeBottomLeft;
if (!config.wipeDownRight)
config.wipeDownRight = config.wipeBottomRight;
if (!config.wipeUpLeft)
config.wipeUpLeft = config.wipeTopLeft;
if (!config.wipeUpRight)
config.wipeUpRight = config.wipeTopRight;
// When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
if (useMouseEvents)
startX = e.pageX;
startY = e.pageY;
$(this).bind("mousemove", onTouchMove);
$(this).one("mouseup", onTouchEnd);
startX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
startY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
$(this).bind("touchmove", onTouchMove);
// Set the start date and current X/Y.
startDate = new Date().getTime();
curX = startX;
curY = startY;
isMoving = true;
touchedElement = $(e.target);
// Called when user untouches the screen.
function onTouchEnd(e)
if (config.preventDefault)
// When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
if (useMouseEvents)
$(this).unbind("mousemove", onTouchMove);
$(this).unbind("touchmove", onTouchMove);
// If is moving then calculate the touch results, otherwise reset it.
if (isMoving)
// Called when user is touching and moving on the screen.
function onTouchMove(e)
if (config.preventDefault)
if (useMouseEvents && !isMoving)
if (isMoving)
if (useMouseEvents)
curX = e.pageX;
curY = e.pageY;
curX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
curY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
// If there's a wipeMove event, call it passing
// current X and Y position (curX and curY).
if (config.wipeMove)
triggerEvent(config.wipeMove, {
curX: curX,
curY: curY
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function touchCalculate(e)
var endDate = new Date().getTime(); // current date to calculate timing
var ms = startDate - endDate; // duration of touch in milliseconds
var x = curX; // current left position
var y = curY; // current top position
var dx = x - startX; // diff of current left to starting left
var dy = y - startY; // diff of current top to starting top
var ax = Math.abs(dx); // amount of horizontal movement
var ay = Math.abs(dy); // amount of vertical movement
// If moved less than 15 pixels, touch duration is less than 100ms,
// and tapToClick is true then trigger a click event and stop processing.
if (ax < 15 && ay < 15 && ms < 100)
clickEvent = false;
if (config.preventDefault)
// When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
else if (useMouseEvents)
var evts = touchedElement.data("events");
if (evts)
// Save click event to the temp clickEvent variable.
var clicks = evts.click;
if (clicks && clicks.length > 0)
$.each(clicks, function (i, f)
clickEvent = f;
// Is it moving to the right or left, top or bottom?
var toright = dx > 0;
var tobottom = dy > 0;
// Calculate speed from 1 to 5, 1 being slower and 5 faster.
var s = ((ax + ay) * 60) / ((ms) / 6 * (ms));
if (s < 1) s = 1;
if (s > 5) s = 5;
var result = {
speed: parseInt(s),
x: ax,
y: ay,
source: touchedElement
if (ax >= config.moveX)
// Check if it's allowed and trigger diagonal wipe events.
if (config.allowDiagonal && ay >= config.moveY)
if (toright && tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDownRight, result);
else if (toright && !tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeUpRight, result);
else if (!toright && tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDownLeft, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeUpLeft, result);
// Otherwise trigger horizontal events if X > Y.
else if (ax >= ay)
if (toright)
triggerEvent(config.wipeRight, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeLeft, result);
// If Y > X and no diagonal, trigger vertical events.
else if (ay >= config.moveY && ay > ax)
if (tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDown, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeUp, result);
// Resets the cached variables.
function resetTouch()
startX = false;
startY = false;
startDate = false;
isMoving = false;
// If there's a click event, bind after a few miliseconds.
if (clickEvent)
window.setTimeout(function ()
touchedElement.bind("click", clickEvent);
clickEvent = false;
}, 50);
// Trigger a wipe event passing a result object with
// speed from 1 to 5, x / y movement amount in pixels,
// and the source element.
function triggerEvent(wipeEvent, result)
if (wipeEvent)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)
$(this).bind("touchstart", onTouchStart);
$(this).bind("touchend", onTouchEnd);
useMouseEvents = true;
$(this).bind("mousedown", onTouchStart);
$(this).bind("mouseout", onTouchEnd);
return this;
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