is it microsoft windows server security issue??? resolved!

Good Morning!

I hope you are doing well.

But there is something not going well. I am talking about the security issue of Microsoft Windows Server and other products.

One week ago, I was encountered with login issue on windows server 2012R2. I can not able to access my server2012R2. I am using a windows-10 machine with a mstsc command(remote desktop app) to connect with the.

But I got a solution. Below are the solutions.
##First Solution:
I can not able to log-in by using a windows machine. sad!!!!
But I can log in with other OS, such as Macbook.

Yes, I can log in by using my mac. really???

it works. I can log-in on windows server by using MacBook. oh, my god!
응용 프로그램 이름: Microsoft Remote Desktop

Is it really a security enhancement by Microsoft?
Because I can log-in by other OS(MacBook) but I can not login by Microsoft Windows(10, 7).

##Second Solution:

2.1 If you disabled your windows server update, then go through the below step.
Microsoft released a solution.

To download the solution, please check the below link.
htps : // 포르타 l. msrc. 미 c 로소 ft. 코 m / 엔 - s / 세쿠리 티 - 굉장한 / 아 ゔ ぃ 소 ry / C ぇ - 2018-0886

Step 1.
In the above link, you can see the list of Affected Products and search your product.
in my case, it is Windows Server 2012 R2.

Step 2.
Download the security patch.

Step 3.
after clicking on download button, the new screen will appear.

then download the windowsXXXXXXX.msu file.

Step 4.
after successfully download the security patch, install it on your affected server then restart the server.

And try to login with mstsc(windows machine) and it works.

2.2 other action is, just install all updates.
go to your windows update panel then install.

I hope it will work for you. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask.

Have a good day ahead.


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