PostgreSQL 소스 코드 판독 (80) - 검색 어 \ # 65 (create plan 함수 \ # 4 - Join Plan)

44324 단어
이 절 은 창설 계획 create 를 소개 합 니 다.plan 함수 에서 연결 (join) 계획 의 실현 과정, 주요 논 리 는 함수 createjoin_plan 에서 이 루어 집 니 다.
데이터 구조
플랜 의 모든 계획 노드 는 플랜 구 조 를 첫 번 째 필드 로 플랜 구조 에서 파생 한다.이것 은 노드 를 계획 노드 로 바 꿀 때 정상적으로 작 동 할 수 있 도록 확보 했다.(실행 기 에서 일반적인 방식 으로 전 달 될 때 노드 포인터 가 Plan * 로 자주 전 환 됩 니 다)
/* ----------------
 *      Plan node
 * All plan nodes "derive" from the Plan structure by having the
 * Plan structure as the first field.  This ensures that everything works
 * when nodes are cast to Plan's.  (node pointers are frequently cast to Plan*
 * when passed around generically in the executor)
 *          Plan          Plan  “  ”。
 *                 ,        。
 * (             ,          Plan *)
 * We never actually instantiate any Plan nodes; this is just the common
 * abstract superclass for all Plan-type nodes.
 *        Plan  ;     Plan-type         。
 * ----------------
typedef struct Plan
    NodeTag     type;//    

     *       ;estimated execution costs for plan (see costsize.c for more info)
    Cost        startup_cost;   /*     ;cost expended before fetching any tuples */
    Cost        total_cost;     /*    ;total cost (assuming all tuples fetched) */

     *        ;planner's estimate of result size of this plan step
    double      plan_rows;      /*   ;number of rows plan is expected to emit */
    int         plan_width;     /*      (Byte   );average row width in bytes */

     *          ;information needed for parallel query
    bool        parallel_aware; /*           ?engage parallel-aware logic? */
    bool        parallel_safe;  /*       ;OK to use as part of parallel plan? */

     * Plan         .Common structural data for all Plan types.
    int         plan_node_id;   /* unique across entire final plan tree */
    List       *targetlist;     /* target list to be computed at this node */
    List       *qual;           /* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
    struct Plan *lefttree;      /* input plan tree(s) */
    struct Plan *righttree;
    List       *initPlan;       /* Init Plan nodes (un-correlated expr
                                 * subselects) */

     * Information for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
     * parameter-change-driven        .
     * extParam includes the paramIDs of all external PARAM_EXEC params
     * affecting this plan node or its children.  setParam params from the
     * node's initPlans are not included, but their extParams are.
     * allParam includes all the extParam paramIDs, plus the IDs of local
     * params that affect the node (i.e., the setParams of its initplans).
     * These are _all_ the PARAM_EXEC params that affect this node.
    Bitmapset  *extParam;
    Bitmapset  *allParam;
} Plan;

2. 소스 코드 해독
create_join_plan 함수 가 Join Plan 노드 를 만 듭 니 다. Join 은 Merge Join / Hash Join / NetLoop Join 세 가지 로 나 눌 수 있 습 니 다. 해당 실현 함 수 는 create 입 니 다.nestloop_plan/create_mergejoin_plan/create_hashjoin_plan.
//------------------------------------------------------------------ create_join_plan
 * create_join_plan
 *    Create a join plan for 'best_path' and (recursively) plans for its
 *    inner and outer paths.
 *          Plan  .
static Plan *
create_join_plan(PlannerInfo *root, JoinPath *best_path)
    Plan       *plan;
    List       *gating_clauses;

    switch (best_path->path.pathtype)
        case T_MergeJoin://Merge Join
            plan = (Plan *) create_mergejoin_plan(root,
                                                  (MergePath *) best_path);
        case T_HashJoin://Hash Join
            plan = (Plan *) create_hashjoin_plan(root,
                                                 (HashPath *) best_path);
        case T_NestLoop://NestLoop Join
            plan = (Plan *) create_nestloop_plan(root,
                                                 (NestPath *) best_path);
            elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
                 (int) best_path->path.pathtype);
            plan = NULL;        /* keep compiler quiet */

     * If there are any pseudoconstant clauses attached to this node, insert a
     * gating Result node that evaluates the pseudoconstants as one-time
     * quals.
     *                ,    gating Result  ,               quals。
    gating_clauses = get_gating_quals(root, best_path->joinrestrictinfo);
    if (gating_clauses)
        plan = create_gating_plan(root, (Path *) best_path, plan,

#ifdef NOT_USED

     * * Expensive function pullups may have pulled local predicates * into
     * this path node.  Put them in the qpqual of the plan node. * JMH,
     * 6/15/92
     * pullups                      ,       Plan   qpqual 
    if (get_loc_restrictinfo(best_path) != NIL)
        set_qpqual((Plan) plan,
                   list_concat(get_qpqual((Plan) plan),

    return plan;

//------------------------------------------ create_nestloop_plan

static NestLoop *
create_nestloop_plan(PlannerInfo *root,
                     NestPath *best_path)
    NestLoop   *join_plan;
    Plan       *outer_plan;
    Plan       *inner_plan;
    List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
    List       *joinrestrictclauses = best_path->joinrestrictinfo;
    List       *joinclauses;
    List       *otherclauses;
    Relids      outerrelids;
    List       *nestParams;
    Relids      saveOuterRels = root->curOuterRels;
    ListCell   *cell;
    ListCell   *prev;
    ListCell   *next;

    /* NestLoop can project, so no need to be picky about child tlists */
    //NestLoop        ,           tlists
    outer_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->outerjoinpath, 0);

    /* For a nestloop, include outer relids in curOuterRels for inner side */
    //  nestloop,     curOuterRels        relids
    root->curOuterRels = bms_union(root->curOuterRels,
    inner_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->innerjoinpath, 0);

    /* Restore curOuterRels */
    //  curOuterRels
    root->curOuterRels = saveOuterRels;

    /* Sort join qual clauses into best execution order */
    joinrestrictclauses = order_qual_clauses(root, joinrestrictclauses);

    /* Get the join qual clauses (in plain expression form) */
    /* Any pseudoconstant clauses are ignored here */
    //        ,   ,      
    if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(best_path->jointype))
                                    &joinclauses, &otherclauses);//   
        /* We can treat all clauses alike for an inner join */
        joinclauses = extract_actual_clauses(joinrestrictclauses, false);
        otherclauses = NIL;

    /* Replace any outer-relation variables with nestloop params */
    //  nestloop        
    if (best_path->path.param_info)
        joinclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) joinclauses);
        otherclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) otherclauses);

     * Identify any nestloop parameters that should be supplied by this join
     * node, and move them from root->curOuterParams to the nestParams list.
     *                nestloop    ,
     *      root->curOuterParams   nestParams   。
    outerrelids = best_path->outerjoinpath->parent->relids;
    nestParams = NIL;
    prev = NULL;
    for (cell = list_head(root->curOuterParams); cell; cell = next)//  curOuterParams
        NestLoopParam *nlp = (NestLoopParam *) lfirst(cell);//    

        next = lnext(cell);
        if (IsA(nlp->paramval, Var) &&
            bms_is_member(nlp->paramval->varno, outerrelids))//Var  ,      relids
            root->curOuterParams = list_delete_cell(root->curOuterParams,
                                                    cell, prev);
            nestParams = lappend(nestParams, nlp);
        else if (IsA(nlp->paramval, PlaceHolderVar) &&//PHV
                 bms_overlap(((PlaceHolderVar *) nlp->paramval)->phrels,
                             outerrelids) &&
                                                     (PlaceHolderVar *) nlp->paramval,
            root->curOuterParams = list_delete_cell(root->curOuterParams,
                                                    cell, prev);
            nestParams = lappend(nestParams, nlp);
            prev = cell;//    

    join_plan = make_nestloop(tlist,
                              best_path->inner_unique);//  nestloop    

    copy_generic_path_info(&join_plan->join.plan, &best_path->path);

    return join_plan;

//------------------------------------------ create_mergejoin_plan

static MergeJoin *
create_mergejoin_plan(PlannerInfo *root,
                      MergePath *best_path)
    MergeJoin  *join_plan;
    Plan       *outer_plan;
    Plan       *inner_plan;
    List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->jpath.path);
    List       *joinclauses;
    List       *otherclauses;
    List       *mergeclauses;
    List       *outerpathkeys;
    List       *innerpathkeys;
    int         nClauses;
    Oid        *mergefamilies;
    Oid        *mergecollations;
    int        *mergestrategies;
    bool       *mergenullsfirst;
    PathKey    *opathkey;
    EquivalenceClass *opeclass;
    int         i;
    ListCell   *lc;
    ListCell   *lop;
    ListCell   *lip;
    Path       *outer_path = best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath;
    Path       *inner_path = best_path->jpath.innerjoinpath;

     * MergeJoin can project, so we don't have to demand exact tlists from the
     * inputs.  However, if we're intending to sort an input's result, it's
     * best to request a small tlist so we aren't sorting more data than
     * necessary.
     * MergeJoin        ,             tlist。
    *   ,              ,         tlist,               。
    //       Plan
    outer_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath,
                                     (best_path->outersortkeys != NIL) ? CP_SMALL_TLIST : 0);
    //       Plan
    inner_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->jpath.innerjoinpath,
                                     (best_path->innersortkeys != NIL) ? CP_SMALL_TLIST : 0);

    /* Sort join qual clauses into best execution order */
    /* NB: do NOT reorder the mergeclauses */
    joinclauses = order_qual_clauses(root, best_path->jpath.joinrestrictinfo);

    /* Get the join qual clauses (in plain expression form) */
    /* Any pseudoconstant clauses are ignored here */
    //          (       )
    if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(best_path->jpath.jointype))
                                    &joinclauses, &otherclauses);
        /* We can treat all clauses alike for an inner join */
        joinclauses = extract_actual_clauses(joinclauses, false);
        otherclauses = NIL;

     * Remove the mergeclauses from the list of join qual clauses, leaving the
     * list of quals that must be checked as qpquals.
     *  join qual       mergeclauses,      qpquals quals      。
    mergeclauses = get_actual_clauses(best_path->path_mergeclauses);
    joinclauses = list_difference(joinclauses, mergeclauses);

     * Replace any outer-relation variables with nestloop params.  There
     * should not be any in the mergeclauses.
     *   nestloop        .       mergeclauses   .
    if (best_path->jpath.path.param_info)
        joinclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) joinclauses);//    
        otherclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) otherclauses);//    

     * Rearrange mergeclauses, if needed, so that the outer variable is always
     * on the left; mark the mergeclause restrictinfos with correct
     * outer_is_left status.
     *     ,    mergeclauses,          ;
     *     outer_is_left    mergeclause restrictinfos。
    mergeclauses = get_switched_clauses(best_path->path_mergeclauses,

     * Create explicit sort nodes for the outer and inner paths if necessary.
     *         Sort  
    if (best_path->outersortkeys)
        Relids      outer_relids = outer_path->parent->relids;
        Sort       *sort = make_sort_from_pathkeys(outer_plan,

        label_sort_with_costsize(root, sort, -1.0);
        outer_plan = (Plan *) sort;
        outerpathkeys = best_path->outersortkeys;
        outerpathkeys = best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath->pathkeys;

    if (best_path->innersortkeys)
        Relids      inner_relids = inner_path->parent->relids;
        Sort       *sort = make_sort_from_pathkeys(inner_plan,

        label_sort_with_costsize(root, sort, -1.0);
        inner_plan = (Plan *) sort;
        innerpathkeys = best_path->innersortkeys;
        innerpathkeys = best_path->jpath.innerjoinpath->pathkeys;

     * If specified, add a materialize node to shield the inner plan from the
     * need to handle mark/restore.
     *      ,       
    if (best_path->materialize_inner)
        Plan       *matplan = (Plan *) make_material(inner_plan);

         * We assume the materialize will not spill to disk, and therefore
         * charge just cpu_operator_cost per tuple.  (Keep this estimate in
         * sync with final_cost_mergejoin.)
         *   materialize       ,          cpu_operator_cost。
         * (      final_cost_mergejoin    。)
        copy_plan_costsize(matplan, inner_plan);
        matplan->total_cost += cpu_operator_cost * matplan->plan_rows;

        inner_plan = matplan;

     * Compute the opfamily/collation/strategy/nullsfirst arrays needed by the
     * executor.  The information is in the pathkeys for the two inputs, but
     * we need to be careful about the possibility of mergeclauses sharing a
     * pathkey, as well as the possibility that the inner pathkeys are not in
     * an order matching the mergeclauses.
     *         opfamily/collation/strategy/nullsfirst  。
     *          pathkeys ,      mergeclauses    pathkey    ,
     *           mergeclauses      。
    nClauses = list_length(mergeclauses);
    Assert(nClauses == list_length(best_path->path_mergeclauses));
    mergefamilies = (Oid *) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(Oid));//    
    mergecollations = (Oid *) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(Oid));
    mergestrategies = (int *) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(int));
    mergenullsfirst = (bool *) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(bool));

    opathkey = NULL;
    opeclass = NULL;
    lop = list_head(outerpathkeys);
    lip = list_head(innerpathkeys);
    i = 0;
    foreach(lc, best_path->path_mergeclauses)//    
        RestrictInfo *rinfo = lfirst_node(RestrictInfo, lc);
        EquivalenceClass *oeclass;
        EquivalenceClass *ieclass;
        PathKey    *ipathkey = NULL;
        EquivalenceClass *ipeclass = NULL;
        bool        first_inner_match = false;

        /* fetch outer/inner eclass from mergeclause */
        // mergeclause   outer/inner   
        if (rinfo->outer_is_left)
            oeclass = rinfo->left_ec;
            ieclass = rinfo->right_ec;
            oeclass = rinfo->right_ec;
            ieclass = rinfo->left_ec;
        Assert(oeclass != NULL);
        Assert(ieclass != NULL);

         * We must identify the pathkey elements associated with this clause
         * by matching the eclasses (which should give a unique match, since
         * the pathkey lists should be canonical).  In typical cases the merge
         * clauses are one-to-one with the pathkeys, but when dealing with
         * partially redundant query conditions, things are more complicated.
         *          eclasses          pathkey  
         * (          ,  pathkey        )。
         *        ,merge   pathkey     ,              ,        。
         * lop and lip reference the first as-yet-unmatched pathkey elements.
         * If they're NULL then all pathkey elements have been matched.
         * lop lip          pathkey  。      ,     pathkey      。
         * The ordering of the outer pathkeys should match the mergeclauses,
         * by construction (see find_mergeclauses_for_outer_pathkeys()). There
         * could be more than one mergeclause for the same outer pathkey, but
         * no pathkey may be entirely skipped over.
         *     ,  pathkey     mergeclauses  (  find_mergeclauses_for_outer_pathkeys()  )。
         *      pathkey     mergeclause,          pathkey。
        if (oeclass != opeclass)    /* multiple matches are not interesting */
            /* doesn't match the current opathkey, so must match the next */
            //    opathkey   ,           
            if (lop == NULL)
                elog(ERROR, "outer pathkeys do not match mergeclauses");
            opathkey = (PathKey *) lfirst(lop);
            opeclass = opathkey->pk_eclass;
            lop = lnext(lop);
            if (oeclass != opeclass)
                elog(ERROR, "outer pathkeys do not match mergeclauses");

         * The inner pathkeys likewise should not have skipped-over keys, but
         * it's possible for a mergeclause to reference some earlier inner
         * pathkey if we had redundant pathkeys.  For example we might have
         * mergeclauses like "o.a = i.x AND o.b = i.y AND o.c = i.x".  The
         * implied inner ordering is then "ORDER BY x, y, x", but the pathkey
         * mechanism drops the second sort by x as redundant, and this code
         * must cope.
         *   ,  pathkey     skipped-over keys,             ,
         * mergeclause              。
         *   ,         mergeclauses,  "o.a = i.x AND o.b = i.y AND o.c = i.x"。
         *         “x, y, x   ”,  pathkey    x         ,           。
         * It's also possible for the implied inner-rel ordering to be like
         * "ORDER BY x, y, x DESC".  We still drop the second instance of x as
         * redundant; but this means that the sort ordering of a redundant
         * inner pathkey should not be considered significant.  So we must
         * detect whether this is the first clause matching an inner pathkey.
         *          ,     “ORDER BY x, y, x DESC”。
         *    x             ;
         *            pathkey               。
         *   ,             pathkey        。
        if (lip)
            ipathkey = (PathKey *) lfirst(lip);
            ipeclass = ipathkey->pk_eclass;
            if (ieclass == ipeclass)
                /* successful first match to this inner pathkey */
                lip = lnext(lip);
                first_inner_match = true;
        if (!first_inner_match)
            /* redundant clause ... must match something before lip */
            //       ,   lip     pathkey
            ListCell   *l2;

            foreach(l2, innerpathkeys)
                if (l2 == lip)
                ipathkey = (PathKey *) lfirst(l2);
                ipeclass = ipathkey->pk_eclass;
                if (ieclass == ipeclass)
            if (ieclass != ipeclass)
                elog(ERROR, "inner pathkeys do not match mergeclauses");

         * The pathkeys should always match each other as to opfamily and
         * collation (which affect equality), but if we're considering a
         * redundant inner pathkey, its sort ordering might not match.  In
         * such cases we may ignore the inner pathkey's sort ordering and use
         * the outer's.  (In effect, we're lying to the executor about the
         * sort direction of this inner column, but it does not matter since
         * the run-time row comparisons would only reach this column when
         * there's equality for the earlier column containing the same eclass.
         * There could be only one value in this column for the range of inner
         * rows having a given value in the earlier column, so it does not
         * matter which way we imagine this column to be ordered.)  But a
         * non-redundant inner pathkey had better match outer's ordering too.
         *   opfamily collation(      ),pathkey       ,
         *                pathkey,           。
         *       ,        pathkey     ,         。
         * (   ,                ,      ,
         *                eclass              。
         *                    ,          ,
         *                   。)
         *                       。
        if (opathkey->pk_opfamily != ipathkey->pk_opfamily ||
            opathkey->pk_eclass->ec_collation != ipathkey->pk_eclass->ec_collation)
            elog(ERROR, "left and right pathkeys do not match in mergejoin");
        if (first_inner_match &&
            (opathkey->pk_strategy != ipathkey->pk_strategy ||
             opathkey->pk_nulls_first != ipathkey->pk_nulls_first))
            elog(ERROR, "left and right pathkeys do not match in mergejoin");

        /* OK, save info for executor */
        mergefamilies[i] = opathkey->pk_opfamily;
        mergecollations[i] = opathkey->pk_eclass->ec_collation;
        mergestrategies[i] = opathkey->pk_strategy;
        mergenullsfirst[i] = opathkey->pk_nulls_first;

     * Note: it is not an error if we have additional pathkey elements (i.e.,
     * lop or lip isn't NULL here).  The input paths might be better-sorted
     * than we need for the current mergejoin.
     *   :      pathkey  (  , lop lip       )。
     *                     。

     * Now we can build the mergejoin node.
     *   mergejoin  
    join_plan = make_mergejoin(tlist,

    /* Costs of sort and material steps are included in path cost already */
    copy_generic_path_info(&join_plan->join.plan, &best_path->jpath.path);

    return join_plan;

//------------------------------------------ create_hashjoin_plan

static HashJoin *
create_hashjoin_plan(PlannerInfo *root,
                     HashPath *best_path)
    HashJoin   *join_plan;
    Hash       *hash_plan;
    Plan       *outer_plan;
    Plan       *inner_plan;
    List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->jpath.path);
    List       *joinclauses;
    List       *otherclauses;
    List       *hashclauses;
    Oid         skewTable = InvalidOid;
    AttrNumber  skewColumn = InvalidAttrNumber;
    bool        skewInherit = false;

     * HashJoin can project, so we don't have to demand exact tlists from the
     * inputs.  However, it's best to request a small tlist from the inner
     * side, so that we aren't storing more data than necessary.  Likewise, if
     * we anticipate batching, request a small tlist from the outer side so
     * that we don't put extra data in the outer batch files.
     * HashJoin        ,               tlist。
     *   ,          tlist,             。
     *   ,          ,        tlist,                     。
    outer_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath,
                                     (best_path->num_batches > 1) ? CP_SMALL_TLIST : 0);

    inner_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->jpath.innerjoinpath,

    /* Sort join qual clauses into best execution order */
    joinclauses = order_qual_clauses(root, best_path->jpath.joinrestrictinfo);
    /* There's no point in sorting the hash clauses ... */

    /* Get the join qual clauses (in plain expression form) */
    /* Any pseudoconstant clauses are ignored here */
    if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(best_path->jpath.jointype))
                                    &joinclauses, &otherclauses);
        /* We can treat all clauses alike for an inner join */
        joinclauses = extract_actual_clauses(joinclauses, false);
        otherclauses = NIL;

     * Remove the hashclauses from the list of join qual clauses, leaving the
     * list of quals that must be checked as qpquals.
     *  join qual       hashclause,      qpquals quals      。
    hashclauses = get_actual_clauses(best_path->path_hashclauses);
    joinclauses = list_difference(joinclauses, hashclauses);

     * Replace any outer-relation variables with nestloop params.  There
     * should not be any in the hashclauses.
     *  nestloop            。     hashclauses   。
    if (best_path->jpath.path.param_info)
        joinclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) joinclauses);
        otherclauses = (List *)
            replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) otherclauses);

     * Rearrange hashclauses, if needed, so that the outer variable is always
     * on the left.
     *     hashclausees,     Var     
    hashclauses = get_switched_clauses(best_path->path_hashclauses,

     * If there is a single join clause and we can identify the outer variable
     * as a simple column reference, supply its identity for possible use in
     * skew optimization.  (Note: in principle we could do skew optimization
     * with multiple join clauses, but we'd have to be able to determine the
     * most common combinations of outer values, which we don't currently have
     * enough stats for.)
     *            ,                    ,
     *                          。
     * (  :                   ,
     *                   ,              。)
    if (list_length(hashclauses) == 1)
        OpExpr     *clause = (OpExpr *) linitial(hashclauses);
        Node       *node;

        node = (Node *) linitial(clause->args);
        if (IsA(node, RelabelType))
            node = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) node)->arg;
        if (IsA(node, Var))
            Var        *var = (Var *) node;
            RangeTblEntry *rte;

            rte = root->simple_rte_array[var->varno];
            if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
                skewTable = rte->relid;
                skewColumn = var->varattno;
                skewInherit = rte->inh;

     * Build the hash node and hash join node.
     *   hash   hash join  
    hash_plan = make_hash(inner_plan,
                          skewInherit);//     hash 

     * Set Hash node's startup & total costs equal to total cost of input
     * plan; this only affects EXPLAIN display not decisions.
     *                        ;
     *              。
    copy_plan_costsize(&hash_plan->plan, inner_plan);
    hash_plan->plan.startup_cost = hash_plan->plan.total_cost;

     * If parallel-aware, the executor will also need an estimate of the total
     * number of rows expected from all participants so that it can size the
     * shared hash table.
     *       ,                  ,              。
    if (best_path->jpath.path.parallel_aware)
        hash_plan->plan.parallel_aware = true;
        hash_plan->rows_total = best_path->inner_rows_total;

    join_plan = make_hashjoin(tlist,
                              (Plan *) hash_plan,
                              best_path->jpath.inner_unique);//  hash join  

    copy_generic_path_info(&join_plan->join.plan, &best_path->jpath.path);

    return join_plan;

3. 추적 분석
테스트 스 크 립 트 는 다음 과 같 습 니 다.
testdb=# explain select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, 
testdb-# from t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, 
testdb(#                         from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf 
testdb(#                                        on gr.dwbh = dw.dwbh 
testdb(#                                           and gr.grbh = jf.grbh) grjf
testdb-# where dw.dwbh in ('1001','1002')
testdb-# order by dw.dwbh;
                                     QUERY PLAN                                               
 Sort  (cost=2010.12..2010.17 rows=20 width=47)
   Sort Key: dw.dwbh
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=14.24..2009.69 rows=20 width=47)
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=13.95..2002.56 rows=20 width=32)
               Hash Cond: ((gr.dwbh)::text = (dw.dwbh)::text)
               ->  Seq Scan on t_grxx gr  (cost=0.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
               ->  Hash  (cost=13.92..13.92 rows=2 width=20)
                     ->  Index Scan using t_dwxx_pkey on t_dwxx dw  (cost=0.29..13.92 rows=2 width=20)
                           Index Cond: ((dwbh)::text = ANY ('{1001,1002}'::text[]))
         ->  Index Scan using idx_t_jfxx_grbh on t_jfxx jf  (cost=0.29..0.35 rows=1 width=20)
               Index Cond: ((grbh)::text = (gr.grbh)::text)

gdb 시작, 정지점 설정, create 진입join_plan 함수
(gdb) b create_join_plan
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7b8426: file createplan.c, line 973.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, create_join_plan (root=0x2ef8a00, best_path=0x2f5ad40) at createplan.c:973
973     switch (best_path->path.pathtype)

입력 인자 보기, pathtype 은 TNestLoop
(gdb) p *best_path
$3 = {path = {type = T_NestPath, pathtype = T_NestLoop, parent = 0x2f5a570, pathtarget = 0x2f5a788, param_info = 0x0, 
    parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 20, startup_cost = 14.241722117799656, 
    total_cost = 2009.6908721177995, pathkeys = 0x0}, jointype = JOIN_INNER, inner_unique = false, 
  outerjoinpath = 0x2f58bb0, innerjoinpath = 0x2f56080, joinrestrictinfo = 0x0}

create 입장nestloop_plan
973     switch (best_path->path.pathtype)
(gdb) n
984             plan = (Plan *) create_nestloop_plan(root,
(gdb) step
create_nestloop_plan (root=0x2f49180, best_path=0x2f5ad40) at createplan.c:3678
3678        List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);    

nestloop join - > tlist 생 성, 연결 조건 가 져 오기 등
3678        List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
(gdb) n
3679        List       *joinrestrictclauses = best_path->joinrestrictinfo;
3684        Relids      saveOuterRels = root->curOuterRels;
(gdb) p root->curOuterRels
$1 = (Relids) 0x0

nestloop join - > create 호출plan_recurse 생 성 outerplan
(gdb) n
3690        outer_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->outerjoinpath, 0);

Breakpoint 1, create_join_plan (root=0x2f49180, best_path=0x2f58bb0) at createplan.c:973
973     switch (best_path->path.pathtype)

nestloop join - > 외모 에 대응 하 는 outerplan 은 THashJoin
(gdb) p *best_path
$2 = {path = {type = T_HashPath, pathtype = T_HashJoin, parent = 0x2f572d0, pathtarget = 0x2f57508, param_info = 0x0, 
    parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 20, startup_cost = 13.949222117799655, 
    total_cost = 2002.5604721177997, pathkeys = 0x0}, jointype = JOIN_INNER, inner_unique = true, 
  outerjoinpath = 0x2f512f0, innerjoinpath = 0x2f51e98, joinrestrictinfo = 0x2f577a8}

nestloop join - > create 진입hashjoin_plan
(gdb) n
980             plan = (Plan *) create_hashjoin_plan(root,
(gdb) step
create_hashjoin_plan (root=0x2f49180, best_path=0x2f58bb0) at createplan.c:4093
4093        List       *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->jpath.path);

hash join - > outer plan 만 들 기
4108        outer_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath,
(gdb) p *best_path->jpath.outerjoinpath
$4 = {type = T_Path, pathtype = T_SeqScan, parent = 0x2f06090, pathtarget = 0x2f062c8, param_info = 0x0, 
  parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 100000, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 1726, 
  pathkeys = 0x0}

hash join - > 내부 플랜 만 들 기
(gdb) p *best_path->jpath.innerjoinpath
$5 = {type = T_IndexPath, pathtype = T_IndexScan, parent = 0x2f04b60, pathtarget = 0x2f04d98, param_info = 0x0, 
  parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 2, startup_cost = 0.28500000000000003, 
  total_cost = 13.924222117799655, pathkeys = 0x2f51e20}

hash join - > 연결 조건 가 져 오기
(gdb) n
4115        joinclauses = order_qual_clauses(root, best_path->jpath.joinrestrictinfo);
4120        if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(best_path->jpath.jointype))
(gdb) p *joinclauses
$6 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2f57780, tail = 0x2f57780}

hash join - > 연결 조건 처리 & hash 조건
(gdb) n
4137        hashclauses = get_actual_clauses(best_path->path_hashclauses);
4138        joinclauses = list_difference(joinclauses, hashclauses);
4144        if (best_path->jpath.path.param_info)
(gdb) p *hashclauses
$8 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2f5d690, tail = 0x2f5d690}
(gdb) p *joinclauses
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

hash join - > 위 치 를 바 꾸 고 외모 의 Var 를 왼쪽 에 놓 습 니 다.
(gdb) n
4156        hashclauses = get_switched_clauses(best_path->path_hashclauses,

hash join - > Hash 연결 조건 은 하나 뿐 이 며 데이터 경사 최적화
4167        if (list_length(hashclauses) == 1)
(gdb) n
4169            OpExpr     *clause = (OpExpr *) linitial(hashclauses);
(gdb) n
4172            Assert(is_opclause(clause));
4173            node = (Node *) linitial(clause->args);
4174            if (IsA(node, RelabelType))
4175                node = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) node)->arg;
4176            if (IsA(node, Var))
4178                Var        *var = (Var *) node;
4181                rte = root->simple_rte_array[var->varno];
(gdb) p *node
$9 = {type = T_Var}
(gdb) p *(Var *)node
$10 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 3, varattno = 1, vartype = 1043, vartypmod = 14, varcollid = 100, varlevelsup = 0, 
  varnoold = 3, varoattno = 1, location = 208}
(gdb) n
4182                if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
4184                    skewTable = rte->relid;
4185                    skewColumn = var->varattno;
4186                    skewInherit = rte->inh;

hash join - > hash 노드 와 hash join 노드 를 만 들 고 hash 노드 를 만 들 기 시작 합 니 다 (Hash 표 구축)
4194        hash_plan = make_hash(inner_plan,
(gdb) n
4203        copy_plan_costsize(&hash_plan->plan, inner_plan);
4204        hash_plan->plan.startup_cost = hash_plan->plan.total_cost;
(gdb) p *hash_plan
$11 = {plan = {type = T_Hash, startup_cost = 0.28500000000000003, total_cost = 13.924222117799655, plan_rows = 2, 
    plan_width = 20, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x2f5d250, qual = 0x0, 
    lefttree = 0x2f58428, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}, skewTable = 16742, 
  skewColumn = 1, skewInherit = false, rows_total = 0}

hash join - > hash join 노드 만 들 기
(gdb) n
4217        join_plan = make_hashjoin(tlist,
4226        copy_generic_path_info(&join_plan->join.plan, &best_path->jpath.path);
4228        return join_plan;
(gdb) p *join_plan
$13 = {join = {plan = {type = T_HashJoin, startup_cost = 13.949222117799655, total_cost = 2002.5604721177997, 
      plan_rows = 20, plan_width = 32, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, 
      targetlist = 0x2f5cb28, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x2f5ae98, righttree = 0x2f5d830, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, 
      allParam = 0x0}, jointype = JOIN_INNER, inner_unique = true, joinqual = 0x0}, hashclauses = 0x2f5d7f8}

hash join - > create 로 돌아 가기nestloop_plan
(gdb) n
create_nestloop_plan (root=0x2f49180, best_path=0x2f5ad40) at createplan.c:3694
3694                                       best_path->outerjoinpath->parent->relids);
(gdb) n
3693        root->curOuterRels = bms_union(root->curOuterRels,        

nestloop join - > 내 표 플랜 생 성
(gdb) n
3696        inner_plan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->innerjoinpath, 0);
(gdb) p *best_path->innerjoinpath
$16 = {type = T_IndexPath, pathtype = T_IndexScan, parent = 0x2f06858, pathtarget = 0x2f06a70, param_info = 0x2f56910, 
  parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 1, startup_cost = 0.29249999999999998, 
  total_cost = 0.34651999999999999, pathkeys = 0x2f56608}

nestloop join - > 연결 조건 자구 가 져 오기
(gdb) n
3699        bms_free(root->curOuterRels);
3700        root->curOuterRels = saveOuterRels;
3703        joinrestrictclauses = order_qual_clauses(root, joinrestrictclauses);
3707        if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(best_path->jointype))
(gdb) p *joinrestrictclauses
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

nestloop join - > 연결 조건 가 져 오기 & 매개 변수 화 처리 (관련 값 은 NULL)
(gdb) n
3716            joinclauses = extract_actual_clauses(joinrestrictclauses, false);
3717            otherclauses = NIL;
3721        if (best_path->path.param_info)
(gdb) p *joinclauses
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
(gdb) p *best_path->path.param_info
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

nestloop join - > 겉모습 의 relids 가 져 오기 (겉모습 은 1 번 과 3 번 RTE 의 연결)
(gdb) n
3733        outerrelids = best_path->outerjoinpath->parent->relids;
3734        nestParams = NIL;
(gdb) p *outerrelids
$17 = {nwords = 1, words = 0x2f574ec}
(gdb) p *outerrelids->words
$18 = 10

nestloop join - > 현재 외모 매개 변수 링크 를 옮 겨 다 닙 니 다.
(gdb) n
3735        prev = NULL;
3736        for (cell = list_head(root->curOuterParams); cell; cell = next)
(gdb) p *root->curOuterParams
$19 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2f5df98, tail = 0x2f5df98}

nestloop join - > 이 매개 변수 정 보 를 보십시오. 3 번 RTE 번호 가 2 인 필드 (즉 grbh)
(gdb) n
3738            NestLoopParam *nlp = (NestLoopParam *) lfirst(cell);
3740            next = lnext(cell);
(gdb) p *(NestLoopParam *)nlp
$21 = {type = T_NestLoopParam, paramno = 0, paramval = 0x2f54e50}
(gdb) p *nlp->paramval
$22 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 3, varattno = 2, vartype = 1043, vartypmod = 14, varcollid = 100, varlevelsup = 0, 
  varnoold = 3, varoattno = 2, location = 273}

nestloop join - > 루트 - > curOuterParams 에서 nestParams 링크 로 조건 이동
(gdb) n
3741            if (IsA(nlp->paramval, Var) &&
(gdb) n
3742                bms_is_member(nlp->paramval->varno, outerrelids))
3741            if (IsA(nlp->paramval, Var) &&
3744                root->curOuterParams = list_delete_cell(root->curOuterParams,
3746                nestParams = lappend(nestParams, nlp);
3736        for (cell = list_head(root->curOuterParams); cell; cell = next)
(gdb) p *nestParams
$23 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2f5df98, tail = 0x2f5df98}
(gdb) p *(Node *)nestParams->head->data.ptr_value
$24 = {type = T_NestLoopParam}
(gdb) p *(NestLoopParam *)nestParams->head->data.ptr_value
$25 = {type = T_NestLoopParam, paramno = 0, paramval = 0x2f54e50}
(gdb) set $nlp=(NestLoopParam *)nestParams->head->data.ptr_value
(gdb) p $nlp->paramval
$26 = (Var *) 0x2f54e50
(gdb) p *$nlp->paramval
$27 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 3, varattno = 2, vartype = 1043, vartypmod = 14, varcollid = 100, varlevelsup = 0, 
  varnoold = 3, varoattno = 2, location = 273}

nestloop join - > nestloop join 노드 만 들 기
(gdb) n
3771                                  best_path->inner_unique);
3764        join_plan = make_nestloop(tlist,
3773        copy_generic_path_info(&join_plan->join.plan, &best_path->path);
3775        return join_plan;
(gdb) p *join_plan
$28 = {join = {plan = {type = T_NestLoop, startup_cost = 14.241722117799656, total_cost = 2009.6908721177995, 
      plan_rows = 20, plan_width = 47, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, 
      targetlist = 0x2f5c770, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x2f5d8c8, righttree = 0x2f59ed0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, 
      allParam = 0x0}, jointype = JOIN_INNER, inner_unique = false, joinqual = 0x0}, nestParams = 0x2f5dfc0}

참고 자료
createplan.c PG Document:Query Planning

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