증가/감소 연산자

4245 단어

Oshirish/kamaytirish operatorlari obyekt qiymatini oshiradi yoki kamaytiradi.
Pre-increment and pre-decrement operatorlari ob'ekt qiymatini oshiradi yoki kamaytiradi va natijaga havolani qaytaradi.
O'sish va pasayishdan keyingi ob'ekt nusxasini yaratadi, ob'ekt qiymatini oshiradi yoki kamaytiradi va ko'paytirish yoki kamaytirishdan oldingi nusxani qaytaradi.

   int num = 57;      
    cout << "\n\n Display the operation of pre and post increment and decrement :\n";
    cout << "---------------------------------------------\n";    
   cout <<" The number is : " << num << endl; 
   num++;               // increase by 1 (post-increment)
   cout <<" After post increment by 1 the number is : " << num << endl; 
   ++num;               // increase by 1 (pre-increment)
   cout <<" After pre increment by 1 the number is : " << num << endl; 
   num = num + 1;  // num is now increased by 1.
   cout <<" After increasing by 1 the number is : " << num << endl; // 79
   num--;               // decrease by 1 (post-decrement)
   cout <<" After post decrement by 1 the number is : " << num << endl; 
   --num;               // decrease by 1 (pre-decrement)
   cout <<" After pre decrement by 1 the number is : " << num << endl; 
   num = num - 1; // num is now decreased by 1.
   cout <<" After decreasing by 1 the number is : " << num << endl;
   cout << endl;

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