부서 ID를 기반으로 모든 하위 부서 및 부서 정보를 반복적으로 가져옵니다.

15560 단어 귀속
방법 1: SQL2000+ 적용

1 if object_id ( ' sp_GetAllChild ' ) > 0
2   drop proc sp_GetAllChild
3 go
5 create proc sp_GetAllChild( @pid varchar ( 20 ))
6 as
7 begin
8 create table #t(ID int ,Parent_ID int ,Name varchar ( 1000 ), level int )
9 declare @t_id varchar ( 1000 ), @l int
10 set @t_id = @pid
11 set @l = 0
12 insert into #t select id,parent_id,name , @l from org_organization where parent_id = @pid or id = @pid
13 while @@rowcount > 0
14 begin
15 set @l = @l + 1
16 insert #t select a.id,a.parent_id,a.name, @l
17 from org_organization a,#t b
18 where a.parent_Id = b.id and b. level = @l - 1
20 end
21 select ID,parent_id,name from #t -- where id<>@pid
23 end
25 -- :exec sp_GetAllChild '13'

방법2: SQL2005+ 적용

1 with temp (ID,Parent_ID,Name)
2 as (( select cast (r.ID as integer ) as ID, cast (r.Parent_ID AS integer ),r.Name
3 from Org_Organization r where cast (r.ID as integer ) = 1 )
4 union all ( select cast (cc.ID as integer ), cast (cc.Parent_ID as integer ),cc.Name
5 from Org_Organization cc, temp p where cast (p.ID as integer ) = cast (cc.Parent_ID AS integer ) ))
6 select * from temp where 1 = 1 order by temp .Parent_ID, temp .ID desc

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