linux C HTTP get 및 post 요청 실현

얼마 전에 친구 들 이 Liux C 를 도와 HTTP get 과 POSt 요청 을 실 현 했 고 원래 libcurl 라 이브 러 리 를 사용 하여 이 루어 질 계획 이 었 습 니 다.그러나 다른 인터페이스 와 의 통신 상황 을 고려 하여 잠시 C 를 사용 하여 이 루어 집 니 다.코드 는 URL 연결 을 자동 으로 분석 할 수 있 습 니 다.구체 적 으로 아래 코드 를 보십시오.
/*File : http.h
 *Auth : sjin
 *Date : 20141206
 *Mail : [email protected]
#ifndef _MY_HTTP_H
#define _MY_HTTP_H


char * http_get(const char *url);
char * http_post(const char *url,const char * post_str);

/*File : http.c
 *Auth : sjin
 *Date : 20141206
 *Mail : [email protected]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "http.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
#define HTTP_POST "POST /%s HTTP/1.1\r
HOST: %s:%d\r
Accept: */*\r
"\ "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r
Content-Length: %d\r
%s" #define HTTP_GET "GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r
HOST: %s:%d\r
Accept: */*\r
" static int http_tcpclient_create(const char *host, int port){ struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; int socket_fd; if((he = gethostbyname(host))==NULL){ return -1; } server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); if((socket_fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1){ return -1; } if(connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1){ return -1; } return socket_fd; } static void http_tcpclient_close(int socket){ close(socket); } static int http_parse_url(const char *url,char *host,char *file,int *port) { char *ptr1,*ptr2; int len = 0; if(!url || !host || !file || !port){ return -1; } ptr1 = (char *)url; if(!strncmp(ptr1,"http://",strlen("http://"))){ ptr1 += strlen("http://"); }else{ return -1; } ptr2 = strchr(ptr1,'/'); if(ptr2){ len = strlen(ptr1) - strlen(ptr2); memcpy(host,ptr1,len); host[len] = '\0'; if(*(ptr2 + 1)){ memcpy(file,ptr2 + 1,strlen(ptr2) - 1 ); file[strlen(ptr2) - 1] = '\0'; } }else{ memcpy(host,ptr1,strlen(ptr1)); host[strlen(ptr1)] = '\0'; } //get host and ip ptr1 = strchr(host,':'); if(ptr1){ *ptr1++ = '\0'; *port = atoi(ptr1); }else{ *port = MY_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } return 0; } static int http_tcpclient_recv(int socket,char *lpbuff){ int recvnum = 0; recvnum = recv(socket, lpbuff,BUFFER_SIZE*4,0); return recvnum; } static int http_tcpclient_send(int socket,char *buff,int size){ int sent=0,tmpres=0; while(sent < size){ tmpres = send(socket,buff+sent,size-sent,0); if(tmpres == -1){ return -1; } sent += tmpres; } return sent; } static char *http_parse_result(const char*lpbuf) { char *ptmp = NULL; char *response = NULL; ptmp = (char*)strstr(lpbuf,"HTTP/1.1"); if(!ptmp){ printf("http/1.1 not faind
"); return NULL; } if(atoi(ptmp + 9)!=200){ printf("result:
",lpbuf); return NULL; } ptmp = (char*)strstr(lpbuf,"\r
"); if(!ptmp){ printf("ptmp is NULL
"); return NULL; } response = (char *)malloc(strlen(ptmp)+1); if(!response){ printf("malloc failed
"); return NULL; } strcpy(response,ptmp+4); return response; } char * http_post(const char *url,const char *post_str){ char post[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int socket_fd = -1; char lpbuf[BUFFER_SIZE*4] = {'\0'}; char *ptmp; char host_addr[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char file[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int port = 0; int len=0; char *response = NULL; if(!url || !post_str){ printf(" failed!
"); return NULL; } if(http_parse_url(url,host_addr,file,&port)){ printf("http_parse_url failed!
"); return NULL; } //printf("host_addr : %s\tfile:%s\t,%d
",host_addr,file,port); socket_fd = http_tcpclient_create(host_addr,port); if(socket_fd < 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_create failed
"); return NULL; } sprintf(lpbuf,HTTP_POST,file,host_addr,port,strlen(post_str),post_str); if(http_tcpclient_send(socket_fd,lpbuf,strlen(lpbuf)) < 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_send failed..
"); return NULL; } //printf(" :
",lpbuf); /*it's time to recv from server*/ if(http_tcpclient_recv(socket_fd,lpbuf) <= 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_recv failed
"); return NULL; } http_tcpclient_close(socket_fd); return http_parse_result(lpbuf); } char * http_get(const char *url) { char post[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int socket_fd = -1; char lpbuf[BUFFER_SIZE*4] = {'\0'}; char *ptmp; char host_addr[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char file[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int port = 0; int len=0; if(!url){ printf(" failed!
"); return NULL; } if(http_parse_url(url,host_addr,file,&port)){ printf("http_parse_url failed!
"); return NULL; } //printf("host_addr : %s\tfile:%s\t,%d
",host_addr,file,port); socket_fd = http_tcpclient_create(host_addr,port); if(socket_fd < 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_create failed
"); return NULL; } sprintf(lpbuf,HTTP_GET,file,host_addr,port); if(http_tcpclient_send(socket_fd,lpbuf,strlen(lpbuf)) < 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_send failed..
"); return NULL; } // printf(" :
",lpbuf); if(http_tcpclient_recv(socket_fd,lpbuf) <= 0){ printf("http_tcpclient_recv failed
"); return NULL; } http_tcpclient_close(socket_fd); return http_parse_result(lpbuf); }

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