Html Agility Pack 라이브러리 Stack Overflow Exception 솔루션

2799 단어 exception
최근에 Html Agility Pack을 사용해서 html을 해석했습니다. 시험 과정에서 프로그램은 Stack Overflow Exception 이상을 던져서 MSDN에서 볼 수 있습니다.NET Framework 2.0 버전이 시작되면try-catch 블록을 통해 Stack Overflow Exception 객체를 캡처할 수 없으며 기본적으로 프로세스가 종료됩니다.
조사 원인, 한 html 구조가 매우 복잡할 때 Html Agility Pack의 귀환 횟수가 매우 많은 것을 발견하여 Stack Overflow Exception 이상에 대해 보고했고 구글은 아래솔루션를 찾아냈다.
먼저 라이브러리에 클래스를 추가합니다.
public class StackChecker


    public unsafe static bool HasSufficientStack(long bytes)


        var stackInfo = new MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION();

        // We subtract one page for our request. VirtualQuery rounds UP to the next page.

        // Unfortunately, the stack grows down. If we're on the first page (last page in the

        // VirtualAlloc), we'll be moved to the next page, which is off the stack! Note this

        // doesn't work right for IA64 due to bigger pages.

        IntPtr currentAddr = new IntPtr((uint)&stackInfo - 4096);

        // Query for the current stack allocation information.

        VirtualQuery(currentAddr, ref stackInfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));

        // If the current address minus the base (remember: the stack grows downward in the

        // address space) is greater than the number of bytes requested plus the reserved

        // space at the end, the request has succeeded.

        return ((uint)currentAddr.ToInt64() - stackInfo.AllocationBase) >

            (bytes + STACK_RESERVED_SPACE);


    // We are conservative here. We assume that the platform needs a whole 16 pages to

    // respond to stack overflow (using an x86/x64 page-size, not IA64). That's 64KB,

    // which means that for very small stacks (e.g. 128KB) we'll fail a lot of stack checks

    // incorrectly.

    private const long STACK_RESERVED_SPACE = 4096 * 16;


    private static extern int VirtualQuery(

        IntPtr lpAddress,

        ref MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer,

        int dwLength);



        internal uint BaseAddress;

        internal uint AllocationBase;

        internal uint AllocationProtect;

        internal uint RegionSize;

        internal uint State;

        internal uint Protect;

        internal uint Type;



그리고 귀환 횟수가 많은 곳(such as Html Node. Write To(Text Writer out Text) and Html Node.WriteTo(XmlWriter writer):) 다음 코드를 추가합니다.
if (!StackChecker.HasSufficientStack(4*1024))

                throw new Exception("The document is too complex to parse");

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