HTML 003| Code Academy : Table

31155 단어 htmlhtml

1.Table tag


2.Table Rows :tr tag


3. Table Data : td tag


4. Table Headings

  • To add titles to rows and columns, you can use the table heading element: th.
    <th scope="col">Saturday</th>
    <th scope="col">Sunday</th>
    <th scope="row">Temperature</th>

  • Note, also, the use of the scope attribute, which can take one of two values:
  1. row - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a row.
  2. col - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a column.
  • Since these headings are at the top of each column,
    they should all have scope="col".

5.Table Borders

  • We use CSS to add style to HTML documents, because it helps us to separate the structure of a page from how it looks.

You can achieve the same table border effect using CSS.

table, td {
  border: 1px solid black;

6.Spanning Columns

  • 열을 두곳에 걸치는 것
    <td colspan="2">Out of Town</td>
    <td>Back in Town</td>
  • In the example above, the data Out of Town spans the Monday and Tuesday table headings using the value 2 (two columns). The data Back in Town appear only under the Wednesday heading.

colspan="2"를 하면

7. Spanning Rows

  • 행을 두 곳에 걸치는 것
  • The rowspan attribute is used for data that spans multiple rows (perhaps an event goes on for multiple hours on a certain day). It accepts an integer (greater than or equal to 1) to denote the number of rows it spans across.
  <tr> <!-- Row 1 -->
  <tr> <!-- Row 2 -->
    <td rowspan="2">Work</td>
    <td rowspan="3">Relax</td>
  <tr> <!-- Row 3 -->
  <tr> <!-- Row 4 -->

8. Table Head

  • When a table’s body is sectioned off, however, it also makes sense to section off the table’s column headings using the (thead) element.

  • 열의 제목으로 구성된 행의 집합입니다. 이 요소는 table 요소에서 한 번만 쓸 수 있으며, tbody나 tfoot보다 먼저 선언되어야 합니다

  • thead 요소는 테이블의 제목 그룹화. 한 번만 선언 가능하며, tbody나 tfoot 보다 먼저 위치.

      <th scope="col">Saturday</th>
      <th scope="col">Sunday</th>
      <th scope="row">Morning</th>
      <td rowspan="2">Work</td>
      <td rowspan="3">Relax</td>
     <th scope="row">Afternoon</th>
      <th scope="row">Evening</th>
  • Additionally, only the column headings go under the element. We can use the scope attribute on elements to indicate whether a element is being used as a "row" heading or a "col" heading.

9.Table Footer

  • The bottom part of a long table can also be sectioned off using the element.
## Review
- The <table> element creates a table.
- The <tr> element adds rows to a table.
- To add data to a row, you can use the <td> element.
- Table headings clarify the meaning of data. Headings are added with the <th> element.
- Table data can span columns using the colspan attribute.
- Table data can span rows using the rowspan attribute.
- Tables can be split into three main sections: a head, a body, and a footer.
- A table’s head is created with the <thead> element.
- A table’s body is created with the <tbody> element.
- A table’s footer is created with the <tfoot> element.
- All the CSS properties you learned about in this course can be applied to tables and their data.

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