열혈강호 6
Problem link: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11409
전형적인 min-cost-max-flow 문제이다.
단, 최대 비용을 구해야하므로, 비용만 음수로 처리한 후 출력시 절댓값으로 출력했다.
로 간선을 연결하는데, (source
- capacity는 1
- cost는 0
로 간선을 연결하는데, (work_j
- capacity는 1
- cost는 0
로 간선을 연결하는데, 이때 (employee_i
- capacity는 무한
- cost는 월급으로 한다.
- max flow와 -min cost가 답이 된다.
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int kMaxN = 400;
const int kMaxM = 400;
const int kMaxCapa = 400 + 400 + 1;
const int kMaxDist = (400 + 400 + 2) * 10000 + 1;
int N;
int M;
int COST[kMaxN + kMaxM + 2][kMaxN + kMaxM + 2];
int CAPA[kMaxN + kMaxM + 2][kMaxN + kMaxM + 2];
int FLOW[kMaxN + kMaxM + 2][kMaxN + kMaxM + 2];
vector<vector<int> > ADJACENT_LIST;
int Spfa(vector<int>& prev)
const int source = 0;
const int sink = N + M + 2 - 1;
prev.assign(N + M + 2, -1);
vector<bool> queued(N + M + 2, false);
vector<int> distance(N + M + 2, kMaxDist);
queue<int> q;
queued[source] = true;
distance[source] = 0;
while (!q.empty())
int here = q.front();
queued[here] = false;
for (const auto& there : ADJACENT_LIST[here])
int residual = CAPA[here][there] - FLOW[here][there];
if (residual > 0 && distance[there] > distance[here] + COST[here][there])
distance[there] = distance[here] + COST[here][there];
prev[there] = here;
if (!queued[there])
queued[there] = true;
if (prev[sink] == -1)
return 0;
int flow = kMaxCapa;
int current = sink;
while (current != source)
int residual = CAPA[prev[current]][current] - FLOW[prev[current]][current];
flow = min(flow, residual);
current = prev[current];
return flow;
pair<int, int> Solve(void)
const int source = 0;
const int sink = N + M + 2 - 1;
pair<int, int> ret{ 0, 0 };
while (true)
vector<int> prev;
const int flow = Spfa(prev);
if (flow == 0)
int current = sink;
while (current != source)
ret.second += flow * COST[prev[current]][current];
FLOW[prev[current]][current] += flow;
FLOW[current][prev[current]] -= flow;
current = prev[current];
ret.first += flow;
return ret;
int main(void)
// For faster IO
// Read input
cin >> N >> M;
const int source = 0;
const int sink = N + M + 2 - 1;
ADJACENT_LIST.assign(N + M + 2, vector<int>());
for (int emply = 1; emply < 1 + N; ++emply)
COST[source][emply] = 0;
COST[emply][source] = 0;
CAPA[source][emply] = 1;
FLOW[source][emply] = 0;
FLOW[emply][source] = 0;
int num_of_works;
cin >> num_of_works;
for (int it = 0; it < num_of_works; ++it)
int work, pay;
cin >> work >> pay;
COST[emply][1 + N + work - 1] = -pay;
COST[1 + N + work - 1][emply] = pay;
CAPA[emply][1 + N + work - 1] = kMaxCapa;
FLOW[emply][1 + N + work - 1] = 0;
FLOW[1 + N + work - 1][emply] = 0;
ADJACENT_LIST[emply].push_back(1 + N + work - 1);
ADJACENT_LIST[1 + N + work - 1].push_back(emply);
for (int work = 1 + N; work < 1 + N + M; ++work)
COST[work][sink] = 0;
COST[sink][work] = 0;
CAPA[work][sink] = 1;
FLOW[work][sink] = 0;
FLOW[sink][work] = 0;
auto answer = Solve();
cout << answer.first << "\n";
cout << -answer.second << "\n";
return 0;
Author And Source
이 문제에 관하여(열혈강호 6), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://velog.io/@aram_father/열혈강호-6저자 귀속: 원작자 정보가 원작자 URL에 포함되어 있으며 저작권은 원작자 소유입니다.
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