자바스크립트에서 호이스팅. 선언 순서의 마법

2965 단어 javascriptbeginners

게양이란 무엇입니까 ??

a variable can be used before it has been declared because it stores in memory

예를 들어

💎 기능


function b(){

// "foo" 
// ✅ thanks to hoisting, function has stored in memory before declaring

▼ 하지만 화살표 기능은 그렇지 않습니다.


const arrFn = () => {

// 🔥 Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'arrFn' before initialization

💎 변수

var b  = 10;

// "undefined"
// ✅ default initialization of the var is undefined.
// ❗ initial value = undefined

const와 let의 경우

console.log(NAME) // 🔥 Throws ReferenceError exception as the variable value is uninitialized
const NAME = 'kaziu'

console.log(count) // 🔥 Throws ReferenceError exception as the variable value is uninitialized
let count = 2

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