HBase Java API 프로 그래 밍: 원본 상세 설명

47993 단어
예제 소스 코드 1:
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;

public class HBaseJavaAPIDemo 
	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
		//	Configuration configuration = new Configuration();//         
		Configuration configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();//HBaseConfiguration    Configuration ,    HBaseConfiguration create    ,      HBase       
		System.out.println(configuration.toString());//           ,  hbase-default.xml       ,  HBase         ,   hbase-1.2.0-cdh5.7.0/hbase-common/src/main/resources/hbase-default.xml

		configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "hadoop");////      HBase       ,      win7 hosts            hadoop IP     
//        configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort", "2181");
//		configuration.set("hbase.rootdir", "hdfs://hadoop:8020/hbase");	

//		Connection  connection = new Connection();//Connection     ,       
		Connection  connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);//         ,                  ;  Connection     interface,createConnection        ,    connection       
		TableName tableName  = TableName.valueOf("students1");//  TableName  valueOf    ,    TableName    ,tableName       
//		Admin admin = new Admin();//Admin     ,       
		Admin admin = connection.getAdmin();//  connection getAdmin  ,    Admin      HBaseAdmin  ,
		boolean isTableExists = admin.tableExists(tableName);

예제 소스 코드 2:
자바 문법 점: "인터페이스 인용 은 실제 클래스 의 대상 을 가리 킬 수 있 습 니 다"
interface Running //      Running
	void run();//        

class Dog implements Running  //     Dog,    Running
	 public void run() //  Running    run()  
		System.out.println("dog is running");

class Horse implements Running  //     Horse,    Running
	 public void run() //  Running    run()  
		System.out.println("horse is running");

public class testInterface 
	public static void main(String args[]) 
		Running  running;//    Running       
//		Dog dog = new Dog();//   Dog    dog
//		running = dog; // Running       ,      Dog   dog
		running = new Dog();
		running.run();//  Running       ,  dog   run()  
//		Horse horse = new Horse();//   Horse    horse
//		running = horse; // Running       ,      Horse   horse
		running = new Horse();
		running.run();//  Running       ,  dog   run()  

//                 ?      Java        
//     :                      ,                    。
//     Running        ,  Dog  Horse ,      Horse,                Dog ?
//             :Running  running = new Horse();      running            。
//       Horse horse = new Horse(),        ;,    Running  running = new Horse(); ,
//         .             

코드 재 구성 을 진행 하여 코드 재 활용 성과 가 독성 을 향상 시 킵 니 다.
STEP 1: main 방법 중의 업무 코드 를 하나의 방법 으로 추출
두 번 째 단계: Configuration 과 관련 된 코드 를 자바 정적 코드 블록 에 배치 합 니 다 (주 클래스 로 딩 후 한 번 만 실 행 됩 니 다)
STEP 3: Connection 과 관련 된 코드 를 자바 정적 코드 블록 에 배치 합 니 다 (주 클래스 로 딩 후 한 번 만 실 행 됩 니 다)
4 단계: Admin 관련 코드 를 자바 정적 코드 블록 에 배치 합 니 다 (주 클래스 로 딩 후 한 번 만 실 행 됩 니 다)
STEP 5: Configuration, Connection, Admin 과 관련 된 코드 를 모두 정적 초기 화 방법 init () 에 넣 습 니 다.
STEP 6: 데이터베이스 작업 이 끝 난 후 데이터베이스 연결 을 닫 는 모든 작업 을 정적 닫 는 방법 close () 에 통일 합 니 다.
예제 소스 코드 3:
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;

public class HBaseJavaAPIDemo 
	public static Configuration configuration;
	public static Connection connection;
	public static Admin admin;
//	static //Java     ,                  
//	{
//		configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();
//		configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "hadoop");
//		try 
//		{
//			connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);	
//			admin = connection.getAdmin();
//		}
//		catch(IOException e)
//		{
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }	
//	}
	public static void init() //         ,    configuration, Connection, Admin                 init() 
		configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();
		configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "hadoop");
			connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);	
			admin = connection.getAdmin();
		catch(IOException e)
	public static void close() //        ,                           close() 
		catch(IOException e)
	public static boolean isTableExist(String strTableName) throws IOException
//		Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);		
		TableName tableName  = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
//		Admin admin = connection.getAdmin();	
		boolean isTableExists = admin.tableExists(tableName);	
		return isTableExists;
	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
		boolean isExists = isTableExist("students");
			System.out.println("Table exists");
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");

STEP 7: 데이터 베 이 스 를 초기 화하 고 각종 데이터 베 이 스 를 조작 하 는 방법, 연결 을 닫 는 방법 을 하나의 통 일 된 HBase Java API 도구 류 에 밀봉 하여 코드 의 재 활용 성 을 향상 시 키 고 코드 결합 성 을 낮 추 며 코드 의 유지 가능성 을 높 인 다.
예시 원본 4:
class HBaseJavaAPIUtils //       ,          ,             HBase    ,    ,          ,       
	public static Configuration configuration;
	public static Connection connection;
	public static Admin admin;
	public static void init() //         ,    configuration, Connection, Admin                 init() 
		configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();
		configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "hadoop");
			connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);	
			admin = connection.getAdmin();
		catch(IOException e)
	public static void close() //        ,                           close() 
		catch(IOException e)
	public static boolean isTableExist(String strTableName) throws IOException
		TableName tableName  = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
		boolean isTableExists = admin.tableExists(tableName);	
		return isTableExists;

8 단계: 데이터베이스 접근 작업 과 관련 된 모든 코드 를 HBase 도구 류 인 HBaseJavaAPIUtils 로 봉 하고 자바 소스 파일 에 따로 넣 어 유지 합 니 다.한편, HBaseJavaAPIDemo 류 는 도구 류 가 제공 하 는 데이터 베 이 스 를 호출 하 는 방법 만 담당 하고 HBase Java API 를 구체 적 으로 어떻게 호출 하 는 지 에 관심 을 가지 지 않 고 상부 업무 논리 개발 에 초점 을 맞 출 필요 가 없다.소프트웨어 공학 의 코드 결합, 코드 재 활용 등 사상 을 나타 내 고 코드 의 유지 가능성 을 한층 향상 시 켜 bug 가 쉽게 발생 하지 않 습 니 다.
HBase 도구 류 파일 HBaseJavaAPIUtils. java 의 원본 코드 는 다음 과 같 습 니 다. 작성 한 모든 HBase Java API 의 DDL 동작 방법 을 여기에 놓 습 니 다.
예시 원본 5:
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;

public class HBaseJavaAPIUtils //HBase     
	public static Configuration configuration;
	public static Connection connection;
	public static Admin admin;
	*          ,    configuration, Connection, Admin                 init() 
	* @parameter  
	* @return void 
	public static void init() throws IOException  
		configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create();		
		configuration.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "hadoop");	
		connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration);	//     Connection        HConnectionImplementation     		
		admin = connection.getAdmin();//     Admin         HBaseAdmin     				

	*         ,                           close() 
	* @parameter  
	* @return   
	public static void close() throws IOException

	 *                             ,        
	*                    ,  TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,     true,      fase
	* @parameter String  strTableName   
	* @return boolean 
	public static boolean isTableNameFormatCorrect(String strTableName)
		//          ,          
		//    1   ||        ||         
		if(strTableName.indexOf(":") != strTableName.lastIndexOf(":") || 
		   strTableName.indexOf(":")==0 || 
		   strTableName.indexOf(":")==strTableName.length()-1)//    1   ||        ||         
			System.out.println("Input parameter format incorrect");
			return false;
		return true;

	*        ,     TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,     true,     fase
	* @parameter String  strTableName   
	* @return boolean 
	public static boolean isTableExist(String strTableName) throws IOException//       
			return false;
		TableName tableName  = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);	
		boolean isTableExists = admin.tableExists(tableName);	//   meta         
//		System.out.println(isTableExists);
		return isTableExists;
	*         default       ,    1
	* @parameter void
	* @return void 
	public static void listTables() throws IOException//         
		//  TableDesciptors     
//		HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors = admin.listTables();
//		for(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor : tableDescriptors)
//		{
//			System.out.println(tableDescriptor.getTableName());//       
//		}	
		//  TableName     
		TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNames();
		 for(TableName tableName : tableNames)
			 System.out.println(new String(tableName.getName()));//     byte[]   String
	*         default       ,    2
	* @parameter HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors
	* @return void 
	public static void listTables(HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors) throws IOException//         
		for(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor : tableDescriptors)
	*         default       ,    3
	* @parameter TableName[] tableNames
	* @return void 
	public static void listTables(TableName[] tableNames) throws IOException//         
		 for(TableName tableName : tableNames)
			 //			 System.out.println(new String(tableName.getName()));
	*                ,    4
	* @parameter String strNameSpace        
	* @return void 
//	public static void listTables(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
//	{	
//		 TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNamesByNamespace(strNameSpace);
//		 for(TableName tableName : tableNames)
//		 {	
//			 System.out.println(new String(tableName.getName()));
//		 }
//	}	
	public static void listTables(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
		//          、  ,       
			System.out.println("NameSpace does not exists");
		TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNamesByNamespace(strNameSpace);
		listTables(tableNames);//            ,       

//		HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors = admin.listTableDescriptorsByNamespace(strNameSpace);
//		listTables(tableDescriptors);//            ,       

	*         default       ,    5
	* @parameter Admin admin       Admin     ,                        
	* @return void 
	public static void listTables(Admin admin) throws IOException//         
		//  TableDesciptors     
//		HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors = admin.listTables();
//		for(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor : tableDescriptors)
//		{
//			System.out.println(tableDescriptor.getTableName());//       
//		}		
		//  TableName     
		TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNames();
		 for(TableName tableName : tableNames)
			 System.out.println(new String(tableName.getName()));//     byte[]   String
	*                ,    6
	* @parameter String strNameSpace         ; Admin admin Admin      ,     
	* @return void 
	public static void listTables(String strNameSpace, Admin admin) throws IOException//         
		if(!isNameSpacesExists(strNameSpace)) //        
		TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNamesByNamespace(strNameSpace);		

	*           ,     TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,       true,        false
	* @parameter String  strTableName   
	* @return boolean 
	public static boolean isTableAllowCreate(String strTableName) throws IOException//       
		if(!isTableNameFormatCorrect(strTableName)) //       
			return false;
		if(strTableName.indexOf(":") != -1) //           ,      NameSpace:TableName
			String strNameSpace = strTableName.substring(0, strTableName.indexOf(":"));//        ,         NameSpace
				return false;
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
		if(admin.tableExists(tableName)) //        ,     true,   ,     
			System.out.println("Table already exists");
			return false;
		return true;

	*           ,           ,           (          ,            ),  1
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String strColumnFamilyName    
	* @return void
    public static void createTable(String strTableName, String strColumnFamilyName) throws IOException
    	if(!isTableAllowCreate(strTableName)) //         
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
		HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(strColumnFamilyName);
	*           ,                ,         ,  2
	*             TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,      NameSpace    
	* @parameter String  strTableName   , String[] strColumnFamilyNames         
	* @return void
    public static void createTable(String strTableName, String[] strColumnFamilyNames) throws IOException
		if(!isTableAllowCreate(strTableName)) //         
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);

		HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);		
		for(String strColumnFamilyName:strColumnFamilyNames) 
			HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(strColumnFamilyName);
	*        ,     TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,       true,        false
	* @parameter String  strTableName   
	* @return boolean 
	public static boolean isTableAllowDrop(String strTableName) throws IOException//       
		if(!isTableExist(strTableName)) //         false
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
			return false;
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
		if(admin.isTableEnabled(tableName)) //        ,   enabled,  true
			admin.disableTable(tableName);//         ,  off-line
		return true;

	*         ,           
	*           TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,  drop 't1' drop 'ns1:t1'      
	* @parameter String  strTableName      
	* @return void
    public static void dropTable(String strTableName) throws IOException
		if(!isTableAllowDrop(strTableName)) //  false,      
			System.out.println("Table dose not allow to be dropped");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);
		System.out.println("Table deleted successfully");

	*   HBase           
	* @parameter void
	* @return void 
	public static void listNameSpaces() throws IOException//         
		NamespaceDescriptor[] namespaceDescriptors = admin.listNamespaceDescriptors();
		for(NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor: namespaceDescriptors) 

	*   HBase              ,           
	* @parameter String strNameSpace
	* @return boolean      true
	public static boolean isNameSpacesExists(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
		NamespaceDescriptor[] namespaceDescriptors = admin.listNamespaceDescriptors();
		for(NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor: namespaceDescriptors) 
				return true;
		return false;

	*                 ,           
	* @parameter String strNameSpace
	* @return boolean       true       false
	public static boolean isNameSpacesHasTable(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
		TableName[] tableNames = admin.listTableNamesByNamespace(strNameSpace);	
		if(tableNames.length <1) 
			System.out.println("The namespace has no tables");
			return false;
		return true;

	*           ,            
	* @parameter String strNameSpace
	* @return void 
	public static void createNameSpace(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
			System.out.println("NameSpace already exists");
//		NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor = new NamespaceDescriptor();//        ,      
		NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor = NamespaceDescriptor.create(strNameSpace).build();


	*          ,            
	* @parameter String strNameSpace
	* @return void 
	public static void dropNameSpace(String strNameSpace) throws IOException//         
			System.out.println("Only empty namespaces can be removed. The namespace has one or more tables");

	*               ,            
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String newColumnFamily     
	* @return void
	public static void alterTable(String strTableName, String newColumnFamily) throws IOException
		if(!isTableExist(strTableName)) //         
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//      	    	
		HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);//       		
		if(isColumnFamilyExists(tableDescriptor, newColumnFamily)) //         ,     
		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(newColumnFamily);//           			
		admin.modifyTable(tableName, tableDescriptor);	//        
	*              ,       ,       ,        
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String delColumnFamily        ,      String method
	* @return void
    public static void alterTable(String strTableName, String delColumnFamily, String method) throws IOException
    	if(!isTableExist(strTableName)) //         
    		System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);	//      
    	HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);	//       
		if(isTableHasOnlyOneFamily(tableDescriptor)) //          ,     
		admin.modifyTable(tableName, tableDescriptor);	//        

	*                        ,       ,   ,     ,     
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String delColumnFamily        ,int maxVersion      ,,int minVersion      
	* @return void
        public static void alterTable(String strTableName, String columnFamily, int maxVersion, int minVersion) throws IOException
		if(!isTableExist(strTableName)) //         
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	if(maxVersion < 1 ||minVersion < 0 || maxVersion < minVersion) //       :         1,         0,              
    		System.out.println("max versions or min versions is illegal" );
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//      
		HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);//       
		if(!isColumnFamilyExists(tableDescriptor, columnFamily)) //         ,     
			System.out.println("column family dose not exists");
//		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(columnFamily);//               ,                      
		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = tableDescriptor.getFamily(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily));//              ,               
		System.out.println("Max Versions: " + columnDescriptor.getMaxVersions());//         ,           
		System.out.println("Min Versions: " + columnDescriptor.getMinVersions());//         ,           
//		if(maxVersion < columnDescriptor.getMinVersions()) //                     
//		{
//			System.out.println("Maximum versions to be set must be equal or more than current minimum versions" );
//    		return;
//		}
		columnDescriptor.setMinVersions(minVersion);//           ,                       
		admin.modifyTable(tableName, tableDescriptor);//        
		System.out.println("Max Versions: " + columnDescriptor.getMaxVersions());//         ,           
		System.out.println("Min Versions: " + columnDescriptor.getMinVersions());//         ,           
	*                ,       ,   ,    
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String delColumnFamily        ,Algorithm compression           
	* @return void
    public static void alterTable(String strTableName, String columnFamily, Algorithm compression) throws IOException
    	if(!isTableExist(strTableName)) //         
    		System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//      
		HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);//       
		if(!isColumnFamilyExists(tableDescriptor, columnFamily)) //         ,     
			System.out.println("column family dose not exists");
//		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(columnFamily);//               ,                                		
		HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = tableDescriptor.getFamily(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily));//              ,               
		admin.modifyTable(tableName, tableDescriptor);//        

	*   HBase              ,           
	* @parameter HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, String strNameSpace
	* @return boolean      true
	public static boolean isColumnFamilyExists(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, String strFamiliyName) throws IOException//         
		HColumnDescriptor[] hColumnDescriptors = tableDescriptor.getColumnFamilies();
		for(HColumnDescriptor hColumnDescriptor: hColumnDescriptors) 
				System.out.println("Column Family already exists");
				return true;
		return false;	
	*               ,           
	* @parameter HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor
	* @return boolean          true        false
	public static boolean isTableHasOnlyOneFamily(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor) throws IOException//         
    	HColumnDescriptor[] hColumnDescriptors = tableDescriptor.getColumnFamilies();
    	if(hColumnDescriptors.length <=1) 
    		System.out.println("Table has only one Column Family");
			return true;
        return false;

예제 소스 코드 6:
비 즈 니스 논 리 를 작성 하 는 데 사용 되 는 HBaseJavaAPIDemo. java 파일 원본 코드 는 다음 과 같 습 니 다.
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;

public class HBaseJavaAPIDemo//    
	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.init();//         ,     ,    ,    
		//Demo1       ,  hbase shell exists  
		//     TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,  exists 't1' exists 'ns1:t1'      
//	    System.out.println("Is Table exists? " + HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist("students"));
//		System.out.println("Is Table exists? " + HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist("default:students"));
//		System.out.println("Is Table exists? " + HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist("hbase:meta"));
		//Demo2:  HBase        ,       ListTable  ,  hbase shell list  
		//Demo2.1:        default     ,listTables    1
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables();
		//Demo2.2:      (      ) listTables    2
//		HTableDescriptor[] tableDescriptors = HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.listTables();
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables(tableDescriptors);
		//Demo2.3:      (      ) listTables    3
//		TableName[] tableNames = HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.listTableNames();
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables(tableNames);
		//Demo2.4:                listTables    4
//		String strNameSpace = "hbase";
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables(strNameSpace);

		//Demo2.5:        default     ,listTables    5
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin);
		//Demo2.6:        default     ,listTables    5
//		String strNameSpace = "hbase";
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listTables(strNameSpace, HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin);
        //Demo3:   ,  hbase shell create  		
		//Demo3.1:              ,           
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.createTable("teachers", "baseinfo");
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.createTable("my_namespace:teachers", "baseinfo");
		//Demo3.2:                 ,          
		//          TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,  create 't1' create 'ns1:t1'      
//		String[] strFamilies = new String[]{"family1", "family2", "family3"};
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.createTable("teachers", strFamilies);
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.createTable("my_namespace:teachers", strFamilies);
		//Demo4:           ,  hbase shell drop  
		//          TableName(  default    ) NameSpace:TableName    ,  drop 't1' drop 'ns1:t1'      
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.dropTable("table1");//  drop   ,   
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.dropTable("default:table1");

	    //Demo5:  HBase           
		//Demo5.1:  HBase        
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.listNameSpaces();
		//Demo5.2:  HBase              
//		System.out.println(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isNameSpacesExists("hbase"));

//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.createNameSpace("my_namespace1");

//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.dropNameSpace("my_namespace1");

		//Demo5:   ,  hbase shell alter  
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("newtable_1", "newFamily_1");
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("newtable_2", "newFamily_2", "");
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("students", "info", 3, 0);	
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("students", "info", HConstants.ALL_VERSIONS, 0);//             
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("students", "info", Algorithm.GZ);//              GZ
//		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.alterTable("students", "info", Algorithm.NONE);//          

		//Demo6:           ,  hbase shell put  
		//Demo6.1:            ,    ,  、    ,  hbase shell  put 't1', 'r1', 'c1', 'value'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.putACellValue("students", "001", "info", "name", "Jack");
//		HBaseDMLUtils.putACellValue("my_namespace:teachers", "001", "baseinfo", "name", "Mr.Zhang");		
		//Demo6.2:            ,    ,  、  、        ,  hbase shell  put 't1', 'r1', 'c1', 'value', ts1  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.putACellValue("students", "001", "info", "name", "Jack", 1000000000);
//		HBaseDMLUtils.putACellValue("students", "001", "info", "name", "Jack", 1000000001);
//		HBaseDMLUtils.putACellValue("students", "001", "info", "name", "Jack", 1000000002);

		//Demo7:         ,  hbase shell get  
		//Demo7.1:    、                  ,  hbase shell get 't1', 'r1'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.getCellValue("students", "001");
//		HBaseDMLUtils.getCellValue("my_namespace:teachers", "001");
		//Demo7.2:    、      ,                ,  hbase shell get 't1', 'r1'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.getCellValue("students", "001", "scores");
		//Demo7.3:    、  、     ,                ,   hbase shell get 't1', 'r1'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.getCellValue("students", "001", "scores", "Hadoop");

		//Demo8:   ,  hbase shell scan  
		//Demo8.1:     ,  hbase shell scan 'ns1:t1'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students");
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("hbase:meta");
		//Demo8.2:          ,  hbase shell scan 'hbase:meta', {COLUMNS => 'info'}  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", "info");
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("hbase:meta", "info");
		//Demo8.3:             ,  hbase shell scan 'hbase:meta', {COLUMNS => 'info:regioninfo'}  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", "info", "name");
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("hbase:meta", "info", "regioninfo");
		//Demo8.4:            ,  hbase shell scan 'students', { STARTROW => '002', STOPROW =>'005'}  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"002", "005"});//        002 004
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"002", ""});//        002   
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"", "005"});//           004
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"", ""});//              ,     
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"001", "005"});//        001 004
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"000", "005"});//        001 004
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"00-1", "005"});//        001 004
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new String[]{"00a", "005"});//        ,     

        //Demo8.5:             ,  hbase shell scan 'students', { TIMERANGE => [1587898000000, 1587898500000]}  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.scanTable("students", new long[]{1587898000000l, 1587898500000l});//         1587898000000l 1587898500000l

		//Demo9:        ,  hbase shell delete  
		//Demo9.1:          ,    、  、     ,  hbase shell delete 'students', '001', 'info:name'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.deleteCellValue("students", "001", "info", "name");

		//Demo9.2:              ,    、  ,  hbase shell deleteall "students", '001'  
//		HBaseDMLUtils.deleteCellValue("students", "001");

		//Demo9.3:          ,    、      ,    hbase shell delete    
//		HBaseDMLUtils.deleteCellValue("students", "001", 1591532065401l);

		//Demo9.4:          ,    、   、  、      ,    hbase shell delete    
//		HBaseDMLUtils.deleteCellValue("students", "003", "scores", "Hadoop", 1592137954352l);
		HBaseJavaAPIUtils.close();//         ,    ,    

HBase 도구 류 파일 HBaseDMLUtils. java 의 원본 코드 는 다음 과 같 습 니 다. 작성 한 모든 HBase Java API 의 DML 동작 방법 을 여기에 놓 습 니 다.
예제 소스 코드 7: 표 의 데이터 에 삽입, 조회, 삭제 등 DML 작업 을 수행 합 니 다.
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;

public class HBaseDMLUtils //HBase     ,     DML  
	*                 ,    ,  、    
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String rowKey   ,String columnFamily    ,String column   ,String value     
	* @return void
	public static void putACellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, String column, String value) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//       		
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isColumnFamilyExists(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName), columnFamily)) //            
			System.out.println("Column Family does not exists");
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table  
    	Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Put  ,    rowKey
    	put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column), Bytes.toBytes(value));//    ,    、    、    
    	table.put(put);	//  put  ,    
	*                 ,    ,  、  、     
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String rowKey   ,String columnFamily    ,String column   ,String value     ,long timeStamp       
	* @return void
	public static void putACellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, String column, String value, long timeStamp) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//       		
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isColumnFamilyExists(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName), columnFamily)) //            
			System.out.println("Column Family does not exists");
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table  
    	Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Put  ,    rowKey
    	put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column), timeStamp, Bytes.toBytes(value));	//    ,    、    、      、    
    	table.put(put);//  put  ,    

	*       、                     ,    ,  
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String rowKey   
	* @return void
    public static void getCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table      	
    	Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Get  ,    rowKey 	
    	Result result = table.get(get);//  get  ,       ,    
    	Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();//          
	*       、                     ,    ,     
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String rowKey   ,String columnFamily   
	* @return void
    public static void getCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName);//       
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isColumnFamilyExists(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName), columnFamily)) //            
			System.out.println("Column Family does not exists");
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table      	
    	Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Get  ,    rowKey
    	Result result = table.get(get);//  get  ,       ,    
    	Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();//          
	*       、                     ,    ,  ,    
	* @parameter String  strTableName   ,  String rowKey   ,String columnFamily   
	* @return void
    public static void getCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, String column) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      		
    	if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isColumnFamilyExists(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName), columnFamily)) //            
			System.out.println("Column Family does not exists");
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table      	
    	Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Get  ,    rowKey
    	get.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column));//              
    	Result result = table.get(get);//  get  ,       ,    
    	Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();//          
	*            ,             
	* @parameter Cell[] cells         
	* @return void 
	public static void printCellValue(Cell[] cells) throws IOException//         
        for (Cell cell : cells) 
            System.out.println("rowkey:" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell)) + 
            		         " | column family:" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell)) + 
            		         " | column:" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell)) + 
            		         " | timestamp:" + cell.getTimestamp() +
            		         " | cell value:" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell)));

	*           ,       
	* @parameter String  strTableName   
	* @return void
    public static void scanTable(String strTableName) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Scan scan = new Scan(); //          	
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table     	
    	ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);//         ResultScanner  
	*           ,          
	* @parameter String  strTableName   , String columnFamily    
	* @return void
    public static void scanTable(String strTableName, String columnFamily) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Scan scan = new Scan(); //          	
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table     	
    	ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);//         ResultScanner  
	*           ,       ,     
	* @parameter String  strTableName   , String columnFamily    , String column   
	* @return void
    public static void scanTable(String strTableName, String columnFamily, String column) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Scan scan = new Scan(); //          	
    	scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column));//                    
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table     	
    	ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);//         ResultScanner  
	*           ,               
	* @parameter String  strTableName   , String [] rowKeyRange        ,           
	* @return void
    public static void scanTable(String strTableName, String [] rowKeyRange) throws IOException
    	if(rowKeyRange.length !=2) 
    		System.out.println("Input rowkey range incorrect");
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Scan scan = new Scan(); //          	
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table     	
    	ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);//         ResultScanner  

	*           ,                
	* @parameter String  strTableName   , String [] timeRange         ,             
	* @return void
    public static void scanTable(String strTableName, long [] timeRange) throws IOException
    	if(timeRange.length !=2 || timeRange[0] > timeRange[1]) //            
    		System.out.println("Input time range incorrect");
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Scan scan = new Scan(); //          	
    	scan.setTimeRange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]);//          
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table     	
    	ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);//         ResultScanner  
	*            ,     ResultScanner  
	* @parameter ResultScanner resultScanner        
	* @return void 
	public static void printScanResult(ResultScanner resultScanner) throws IOException
        for (Result result : resultScanner) 
//        	System.out.println(result);
        	Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();//     Cell        	
        	printCellValue(cells);//     Cell     

	*                ,    、  、     
	* @parameter String strTableName   , String rowKey  , String columnFamily   , String column  
	* @return void 
    public static void deleteCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, String column) throws IOException
    	TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      	
    	Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table  
    	Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Delete  ,         rowKey
    	delete.addColumns(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column));// Delete          ,       
    	table.delete(delete);//  delete  ,    

	*                ,    、      
	* @parameter String strTableName   , String rowKey  , long timeStamp     
	* @return void 
    public static void deleteCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, long timeStamp) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //        	
		Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table  
//    	Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Delete  ,         rowKey
    	Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey), timeStamp);   //    Delete  ,         rowKey
//    	delete.setTimestamp(timeStamp);//              
    	table.delete(delete);//  delete  ,    
	*                ,    、  、  、      
	* @parameter String strTableName   , String rowKey  , String columnFamily   , String column  ,long timeStamp     
	* @return void 
    public static void deleteCellValue(String strTableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, String column, long timeStamp) throws IOException
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isTableExist(strTableName)) //           
			System.out.println("Table dose not exists");
		TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(strTableName); //      
		if(!HBaseJavaAPIUtils.isColumnFamilyExists(HBaseJavaAPIUtils.admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName), columnFamily)) //            
			System.out.println("Column Family does not exists");
		Table table =  HBaseJavaAPIUtils.connection.getTable(tableName);//      Table  
    	Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));//    Delete  ,         rowKey
    	delete.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column), timeStamp);// Delete          ,    ,      
    	table.delete(delete);//  delete  ,    

9 단계: HBaseJavaAPIUtils. java, HBaseJavaAPIDemo. java 와 HBaseDMLUtils. java 의 원본 코드 를 계속 교체 하고 업그레이드 하 며 새로운 방법, 새로운 기능 의 실현 을 증가 하고 코드 재 구성 을 하 며 방법 을 다시 불 러 오고 합 법성 검 사 를 입력 하여 bug 복 구 를 하고 중복 되 는 공공 코드 블록 을 추출 하 는 방법.........................................................발전, 최적화, 수정, 버 전 업그레이드, 소프트웨어 개발 의 길 은 길 고 끊임없이 찾 고 있 습 니 다.

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