hangfire 초기화 작업 메커니즘

9493 단어 초기화

hangfire 초기화 구성 방법: UseHangfire.
   public static class OwinBootstrapper


        /// <summary>

        /// Bootstraps Hangfire components using the given configuration

        /// action and maps Hangfire Dashboard to the app builder pipeline

        /// at the configured path ('/hangfire' by default).

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="app">The app builder</param>

        /// <param name="configurationAction">Configuration action</param>

        public static void UseHangfire([NotNull] this IAppBuilder app,[NotNull] Action<IBootstrapperConfiguration> configurationAction)


            if (app == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("app");

            if (configurationAction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("configurationAction");


            var configuration = new BootstrapperConfiguration(); 



            if (configuration.Activator != null)


                JobActivator.Current = configuration.Activator;


            if (configuration.Storage == null)


                throw new InvalidOperationException("Job storage was not configured. Please call either `UseStorage` method or its overloads.");



            JobStorage.Current = configuration.Storage;

            //   UseFilter()            

            foreach (var filter in configuration.Filters)




            //   UseServers()             ,           ,         server

            foreach (var server in configuration.Servers)




            //  Route   filter   owin   

            app.MapHangfireDashboard(configuration.DashboardPath, configuration.AuthorizationFilters);



개발자가 직접 Ibootstrapper Configuration 인터페이스를 실현하도록 위탁하는 것이 아니라 위탁하는 방식으로 처리하다
이런 방식은 확실히 개발자가 사용하기에 더욱 편리하다. 
      public static void MapHangfireDashboard(

            [NotNull] this IAppBuilder app,

            string dashboardPath,

            IEnumerable<IAuthorizationFilter> authorizationFilters,

            JobStorage storage)


            if (app == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("app");


            app.Map(dashboardPath,subApp => subApp.Use<DashboardMiddleware>(




MapHangfireDashboard    DashboardMiddleware   own   

dashboardPath    “/hangfire”  ,         Http://www.xxx.com/hangfire            DashboardMiddleware

DashboardMiddleware OwinMiddleware
 //    DashboardMiddleware 

        public override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)


            // RouteCollection        ,

            var dispatcher = _routes.FindDispatcher(context.Request.Path.Value);


            if (dispatcher == null)


                //    OwinMiddleware    

                //         OwinMiddleware

                return Next.Invoke(context);



            foreach (var filter in _authorizationFilters)


                if (!filter.Authorize(context.Environment))


                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;

                    return Task.FromResult(false);





            var dispatcherContext = new RequestDispatcherContext(





            return dispatcher.Item1.Dispatch(dispatcherContext);


RequestDispatcherContext             ,        ,       。

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