excel에서 ip-address 처리

11028 단어 ipv4ExcelVBA

ip-address,wild-card-mask,subnetmask 등


- ipwild ip-address/wild-card-mask ex.
- wild wild-card-mask ex.
- maskl subnet-prefix-length ex. 24

함수 목록


ipinnet(ip As String, net As String) As Boolean
ip 주소가 네트워크 주소 (ip/wild 형식)에 포함되어 있는지 여부

ipwild2broadaddr(ipwild As String) As String
ip/wild의 브로드캐스트 주소를 반환 호스트 주소부는 비트 온(1)

ipwild2nwaddress(ipwild As String) As String
ip/wild의 NW 주소를 반환 호스트 주소부는 비트 오프(제로)

wild2subnetmask(sWild As String) As String
wild-card-mask의 비트 반전 wild-card-mask를 subnetmask로

ipwild2ipmaskl(sNetwork As String) As String
ip/wild를 ip/prefix로 변환

ipmaskl2ipwild(sNetwork As String) As String
ip/prefix를 ip/wild로 변환

Ip2Int(sIp As String) As Variant
ip 주소를 4바이트 정수로 변환

wild2maskl(sWild As String) As Integer
wild-card-mask를 prefix-length로 변환

maskl2wild(sMaskl As Variant) As String
prefix-length를 wild-card-mask로 변환

maskl2wildoct(iMaskl As Variant) As String
1바이트분의 마스크 길이(0-8)를 0-255로 변환


Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Explicit

Function ipinnet(ip As String, net As String) As Boolean
    Dim ip_network As String
    Dim net_ip As String
    Dim net_net As String
    Dim net_network As String
    Dim lslash As Integer

    lslash = InStr(1, net, "/")
    net_ip = Left(net, lslash - 1)
    net_net = Mid(net, lslash + 1, Len(net))

    ip_network = ipwild2nwaddress(ip + "/" + net_net)
    net_network = ipwild2nwaddress(net_ip + "/" + net_net)

    If ip_network = net_network Then
        ipinnet = True
        ipinnet = False
    End If
End Function

Function ipwild2broadaddr(ipwild As String) As String
    Dim ipaddress As String
    Dim wildcardmask As String
    Dim subnet As String
    Dim lslash As Integer
    Dim sMaskl As String
    Dim ldot(3) As Integer
    Dim iip(4) As Integer
    Dim isubnet(4) As Integer
    Dim iwild(4) As Integer
    Dim irtn(4) As Integer
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim rtn(4)
    Dim i As Integer

    lslash = InStr(1, ipwild, "/")
    ipaddress = Left(ipwild, lslash - 1)
    wildcardmask = Mid(ipwild, lslash + 1, Len(ipwild))
    subnet = wild2subnetmask(wildcardmask)

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, ipaddress, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, ipaddress, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, ipaddress, ".")
    iip(1) = Left(ipaddress, ldot(1) - 1)
    iip(2) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    iip(3) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    iip(4) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(3) + 1, Len(ipaddress))

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, subnet, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, subnet, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, subnet, ".")
    isubnet(1) = Left(subnet, ldot(1) - 1)
    isubnet(2) = Mid(subnet, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    isubnet(3) = Mid(subnet, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    isubnet(4) = Mid(subnet, ldot(3) + 1, Len(subnet))

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, wildcardmask, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, wildcardmask, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, wildcardmask, ".")
    iwild(1) = Left(wildcardmask, ldot(1) - 1)
    iwild(2) = Mid(wildcardmask, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    iwild(3) = Mid(wildcardmask, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    iwild(4) = Mid(wildcardmask, ldot(3) + 1, Len(subnet))

    For i = 1 To 4
        irtn(i) = (iip(i) And isubnet(i)) Or iwild(i)
        tmp = Str(irtn(i))
        rtn(i) = Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
    Next i
    ipwild2broadaddr = rtn(1) & "." & rtn(2) & "." & rtn(3) & "." & rtn(4)
End Function

Function ipwild2nwaddress(ipwild As String) As String
    Dim ipaddress As String
    Dim wildcardmask As String
    Dim subnet As String
    Dim lslash As Integer
    Dim sMaskl As String
    Dim ldot(3) As Integer
    Dim iip(4) As Integer
    Dim isubnet(4) As Integer
    Dim irtn(4) As Integer
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim rtn(4)
    Dim i As Integer

    lslash = InStr(1, ipwild, "/")
    ipaddress = Left(ipwild, lslash - 1)
    wildcardmask = Mid(ipwild, lslash + 1, Len(ipwild))
    subnet = wild2subnetmask(wildcardmask)

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, ipaddress, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, ipaddress, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, ipaddress, ".")
    iip(1) = Left(ipaddress, ldot(1) - 1)
    iip(2) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    iip(3) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    iip(4) = Mid(ipaddress, ldot(3) + 1, Len(ipaddress))

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, subnet, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, subnet, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, subnet, ".")
    isubnet(1) = Left(subnet, ldot(1) - 1)
    isubnet(2) = Mid(subnet, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    isubnet(3) = Mid(subnet, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    isubnet(4) = Mid(subnet, ldot(3) + 1, Len(subnet))

    For i = 1 To 4
        irtn(i) = iip(i) And isubnet(i)
        tmp = Str(irtn(i))
        rtn(i) = Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
    Next i
    ipwild2nwaddress = rtn(1) & "." & rtn(2) & "." & rtn(3) & "." & rtn(4)
End Function

Function wild2subnetmask(sWild As String) As String
    Dim oct(4) As String
    Dim ldot(3) As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim wild(4) As String
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim rtn

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, sWild, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, sWild, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, sWild, ".")

    oct(1) = Left(sWild, ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(2) = Mid(sWild, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(3) = Mid(sWild, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    oct(4) = Mid(sWild, ldot(3) + 1, Len(sWild))

    For i = 1 To 4
        tmp = Str(255 - CInt(oct(i)))
        wild(i) = Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
    Next i
    wild2subnetmask = wild(1) & "." & wild(2) & "." & wild(3) & "." & wild(4)
End Function

Function ipwild2ipmaskl(sNetwork As String) As String
    Dim ipaddress As String
    Dim wildcardmask As String
    Dim lslash As Integer
    Dim sMaskl As String

    Dim rtn As String

    lslash = InStr(1, sNetwork, "/")
    ipaddress = Left(sNetwork, lslash - 1)
    wildcardmask = Mid(sNetwork, lslash + 1, Len(sNetwork))
    sMaskl = Str(wild2maskl(wildcardmask))
    sMaskl = Mid(sMaskl, 2, Len(sMaskl) - 1)

    rtn = ipaddress & "/" & sMaskl
    ipwild2ipmaskl = rtn
End Function

Function ipmaskl2ipwild(sNetwork As String) As String
    Dim ipaddress As String
    Dim sWild As String
    Dim lslash As Integer
    Dim sMaskl As String

    Dim rtn As String

    lslash = InStr(1, sNetwork, "/")
    ipaddress = Left(sNetwork, lslash - 1)
    sMaskl = Mid(sNetwork, lslash + 1, Len(sNetwork))
    sWild = maskl2wild(sMaskl)

    rtn = ipaddress & "/" & sWild
    ipmaskl2ipwild = rtn
End Function

Function Ip2Int(sIp As String) As Variant
    Dim oct(4) As String
    Dim ldot(3) As Integer
    Dim rtn

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, sIp, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, sIp, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, sIp, ".")

    oct(1) = Left(sIp, ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(2) = Mid(sIp, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(3) = Mid(sIp, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    oct(4) = Mid(sIp, ldot(3) + 1, Len(sIp))

    rtn = ((oct(1) * 256 + oct(2)) * 256 + oct(3)) * 256 + oct(4)
    Ip2Int = rtn
End Function

Function wild2maskl(sWild As String) As Integer
    Dim oct(4) As String
    Dim ldot(3) As Integer
    Dim l  As Integer
    Dim rtn As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    ldot(1) = InStr(1, sWild, ".")
    ldot(2) = InStr(ldot(1) + 1, sWild, ".")
    ldot(3) = InStr(ldot(2) + 1, sWild, ".")

    oct(1) = Left(sWild, ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(2) = Mid(sWild, ldot(1) + 1, ldot(2) - ldot(1) - 1)
    oct(3) = Mid(sWild, ldot(2) + 1, ldot(3) - ldot(2) - 1)
    oct(4) = Mid(sWild, ldot(3) + 1, Len(sWild))

    rtn = 0
    For i = 1 To 4
        l = -1
        Select Case CInt(oct(i))
        Case 0
            l = 0
        Case 1
            l = 1
        Case 3
            l = 2
        Case 7
            l = 3
        Case 15
            l = 4
        Case 31
            l = 5
        Case 63
            l = 6
        Case 127
            l = 7
        Case 255
            l = 8
        End Select

        If l < 0 Then
            wild2maskl = -1
            Exit Function
            rtn = rtn + l
        End If
    Next i

    wild2maskl = 32 - rtn
End Function

Function maskl2wild(sMaskl As Variant) As String
    Dim wild(4) As String
    Dim iMaskl As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim m As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    iMaskl = CLng(sMaskl)
    n = Int(iMaskl / 8)
    m = iMaskl Mod 8
    Select Case n
    Case 4
    ' maskl = 32
        wild(1) = "0"
        wild(2) = "0"
        wild(3) = "0"
        wild(4) = "0"
    Case 3
    ' maskl = 31 - 24
        wild(1) = "0"
        wild(2) = "0"
        wild(3) = "0"
        wild(4) = maskl2wildoct(m)
    Case 2
    ' maskl = 23 - 16
        wild(1) = "0"
        wild(2) = "0"
        wild(3) = maskl2wildoct(m)
        wild(4) = "255"
    Case 1
    ' maskl = 15 - 8
        wild(1) = "0"
        wild(2) = maskl2wildoct(m)
        wild(3) = "255"
        wild(4) = "255"
    Case 0
    ' maskl = 7 - 0
        wild(1) = maskl2wildoct(m)
        wild(2) = "255"
        wild(3) = "255"
        wild(4) = "255"
    Case Else
        wild(1) = "0"
        wild(2) = "0"
        wild(3) = "0"
        wild(4) = "0"
    End Select

    maskl2wild = wild(1) & "." & wild(2) & "." & wild(3) & "." & wild(4)

End Function

Function maskl2wildoct(iMaskl As Variant) As String

    Select Case CInt(iMaskl)
    Case 7
        maskl2wildoct = "1"
    Case 6
        maskl2wildoct = "3"
    Case 5
        maskl2wildoct = "7"
    Case 4
        maskl2wildoct = "15"
    Case 3
        maskl2wildoct = "31"
    Case 2
        maskl2wildoct = "63"
    Case 1
        maskl2wildoct = "127"
    Case 0
        maskl2wildoct = "255"
    End Select
End Function

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