golang urfave/cli 명령 패키지

41362 단어 go
공식 문서:https://godoc.org/github.com/urfave/cli명령줄 프레임워크를 제공합니다.
go get github.com/urfave/cli import “github.com/urfave/cli”
패키지 cli 가져오기New App () 는 실행 () 방법을 사용하는 실례를 만들어서 가장 기본적인 명령행 프로그램을 실현했다.Action 포털 함수 지정
package main

import (


func main() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"
	app.Usage = "say a greeting"
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		return nil


실행 1:go run main.go --help NAME: greet - say a greeting
USAGE: main.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments…]
VERSION: 0.0.0
COMMANDS: ​ help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
GLOBAL OPTIONS: –help, -h show help –version, -v print the version
실행 2:go run main.go Greetings
Flag 사용
package main

import (


func main() {
	var m_port int
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"           //       
	app.Usage = "say a greeting" //        
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:        "port, p",        //     
			Value:       8000,             //      
			Usage:       "listening port", //     
			Destination: &m_port,          //      
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		return nil


실행 1:go run main.go --help NAME: greet - say a greeting
USAGE: main.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments…]
VERSION: 0.0.0
COMMANDS: ​ help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
GLOBAL OPTIONS: –port value, -p value listening port (default: 8000) –help, -h show help –version, -v print the version
실행 2:go run main.go Greetings 8000 8000
실행 3:go run main.go --port=8080 Greetings 8080 8080
Command 사용
package main

import (


func main() {
	var m_port int
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"           //       
	app.Usage = "say a greeting" //        
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:        "port, p",        //     
			Value:       8000,             //      
			Usage:       "listening port", //     
			Destination: &m_port,          //      
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:     "add",         //    
			Aliases:  []string{"a"}, //        
			Usage:    "calc 1+1",    //     
			Category: "arithmetic",  //        
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { //     
				fmt.Println("1 + 1 = ", 1+1)
				return nil
			Name:     "sub",
			Aliases:  []string{"s"},
			Usage:    "calc 5-3",
			Category: "arithmetic",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
				fmt.Println("5 - 3 = ", 5-3)
				return nil
			Name:     "db",
			Usage:    "database operations",
			Category: "database",
			Subcommands: []cli.Command{ //      
					Name:  "insert",
					Usage: "insert data",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
						fmt.Println("insert subcommand")
						return nil
					Name:  "delete",
					Usage: "delete data",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
						fmt.Println("delete subcommand")
						return nil

	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		return nil


실행 1:go run main.go --help NAME: greet - say a greeting
USAGE: main.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments…]
VERSION: 0.0.0
COMMANDS: help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
arithmetic: add, a calc 1+1 sub, s calc 5-3
database: db database operations
GLOBAL OPTIONS: –port value, -p value listening port (default: 8000) –help, -h show help –version, -v print the version
실행 2:go run main.go db --help NAME: greet db - database operations
USAGE: greet db command [command options] [arguments…]
COMMANDS: insert insert data delete delete data
OPTIONS: –help, -h show help
실행 3:go run main.go add --help NAME: main.exe add - calc 1+1
USAGE: main.exe add [arguments…]
CATEGORY: arithmetic
실행 4:go run main.go --port 8080 Greetings 8080 8080
실행 5:go run main.go add 1 + 1 = 2
실행 6:go run main.go db insert insert subcommand
7:go run mai 실행go --port=8080 add db insert 1 + 1 = 2
실행 8:go run main.go add db insert 1 + 1 = 2
실행 9:go run main.go Greetings 8000 8000
고급 사용 방법
package main

import (


func main() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"           //       
	app.Usage = "say a greeting" //        
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "port, p",        //     
			Value: 8000,             //      
			Usage: "listening port", //     
	app.Action = MigrateFlags(print1)

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:     "add",         //    
			Aliases:  []string{"a"}, //        
			Usage:    "calc 1+1",    //     
			Category: "arithmetic",  //        
			Action:   MigrateFlags(print2),


func MigrateFlags(action func(ctx *cli.Context) error) func(*cli.Context) error {
	return func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		for _, name := range ctx.FlagNames() {
			if ctx.IsSet(name) {
				ctx.GlobalSet(name, ctx.String(name))
		return action(ctx)

func print1(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("hello world!")
	return nil

func print2(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	fmt.Println("1 + 1 = ", 1+1)
	return nil

실행 1:go run main.go hello world! 8000
실행 2:go run main.go add 1 + 1 = 2
type App struct {
    // The name of the program. Defaults to path.Base(os.Args[0])
    Name string	//      ,          ,        。
    // Full name of command for help, defaults to Name
    HelpName string 
    // Description of the program.
    Usage string //       
    // Text to override the USAGE section of help
    UsageText string
    // Description of the program argument format.
    ArgsUsage string
    // Version of the program
    Version string
    // Description of the program
    Description string
    // List of commands to execute
    Commands []Command
    // List of flags to parse
    Flags []Flag // Flag cli             
    // Boolean to enable bash completion commands
    EnableBashCompletion bool
    // Boolean to hide built-in help command
    HideHelp bool
    // Boolean to hide built-in version flag and the VERSION section of help
    HideVersion bool

    // An action to execute when the bash-completion flag is set
    BashComplete BashCompleteFunc
    // An action to execute before any subcommands are run, but after the context is ready
    // If a non-nil error is returned, no subcommands are run
    Before BeforeFunc
    // An action to execute after any subcommands are run, but after the subcommand has finished
    // It is run even if Action() panics
    After AfterFunc

    // The action to execute when no subcommands are specified
    // Expects a `cli.ActionFunc` but will accept the *deprecated* signature of `func(*cli.Context) {}`
    // *Note*: support for the deprecated `Action` signature will be removed in a future version
    Action interface{}

    // Execute this function if the proper command cannot be found
    CommandNotFound CommandNotFoundFunc
    // Execute this function if an usage error occurs
    OnUsageError OnUsageErrorFunc
    // Compilation date
    Compiled time.Time
    // List of all authors who contributed
    Authors []Author
    // Copyright of the binary if any
    Copyright string
    // Name of Author (Note: Use App.Authors, this is deprecated)
    Author string
    // Email of Author (Note: Use App.Authors, this is deprecated)
    Email string
    // Writer writer to write output to
    Writer io.Writer
    // ErrWriter writes error output
    ErrWriter io.Writer
    // Execute this function to handle ExitErrors. If not provided, HandleExitCoder is provided to
    // function as a default, so this is optional.
    ExitErrHandler ExitErrHandlerFunc
    // Other custom info
    Metadata map[string]interface{}
    // Carries a function which returns app specific info.
    ExtraInfo func() map[string]string
    // CustomAppHelpTemplate the text template for app help topic.
    // cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
    // render custom help text by setting this variable.
    CustomAppHelpTemplate string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Flag은 cli에서 분석 표지와 관련된 공통 인터페이스입니다
type Flag interface {
    // Apply Flag settings to the given flag set
    GetName() string

IntFlag은 Flag의 정형 유형으로 Flag 인터페이스를 실현했다.
type IntFlag struct {
    Name        string	//     
    Usage       string	//         
    EnvVar      string	
    FilePath    string
    Hidden      bool	
    Value       int		//       
    Destination *int	//        

Command 명령
type Command struct {
    // The name of the command
    Name string
    // short name of the command. Typically one character (deprecated, use `Aliases`)
    ShortName string
    // A list of aliases for the command
    Aliases []string
    // A short description of the usage of this command
    Usage string
    // Custom text to show on USAGE section of help
    UsageText string
    // A longer explanation of how the command works
    Description string
    // A short description of the arguments of this command
    ArgsUsage string
    // The category the command is part of
    Category string	//        
    // The function to call when checking for bash command completions
    BashComplete BashCompleteFunc
    // An action to execute before any sub-subcommands are run, but after the context is ready
    // If a non-nil error is returned, no sub-subcommands are run
    Before BeforeFunc
    // An action to execute after any subcommands are run, but after the subcommand has finished
    // It is run even if Action() panics
    After AfterFunc
    // The function to call when this command is invoked
    Action interface{}

    // Execute this function if a usage error occurs.
    OnUsageError OnUsageErrorFunc
    // List of child commands
    Subcommands Commands
    // List of flags to parse
    Flags []Flag
    // Treat all flags as normal arguments if true
    SkipFlagParsing bool
    // Skip argument reordering which attempts to move flags before arguments,
    // but only works if all flags appear after all arguments. This behavior was
    // removed n version 2 since it only works under specific conditions so we
    // backport here by exposing it as an option for compatibility.
    SkipArgReorder bool
    // Boolean to hide built-in help command
    HideHelp bool
    // Boolean to hide this command from help or completion
    Hidden bool
    // Boolean to enable short-option handling so user can combine several
    // single-character bool arguments into one
    // i.e. foobar -o -v -> foobar -ov
    UseShortOptionHandling bool

    // Full name of command for help, defaults to full command name, including parent commands.
    HelpName string

    // CustomHelpTemplate the text template for the command help topic.
    // cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
    // render custom help text by setting this variable.
    CustomHelpTemplate string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
// Context is a type that is passed through to
// each Handler action in a cli application. Context
// can be used to retrieve context-specific Args and
// parsed command-line options.
type Context struct {
	App           *App
	Command       Command
	shellComplete bool
	flagSet       *flag.FlagSet
	setFlags      map[string]bool
	parentContext *Context

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