초보자를 위한 Git 명령어!

힘내 구성

# list all the configured values
git config --list 

# Set username & email for git globally
git config --global user.name "Progressive Programmer"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

# Set committer name & email for git
git config --global committer.name "Programmer"
git config --global committer.email "[email protected]"

새 저장소 만들기

# Create a new folder and initialize git repo
git init name  

# Clone a remote repo in your local system
git clone url_of_repo 

스테이징 영역에 파일/폴더 추가

# Adds mentioned file/folder to the staging area
git add hello.py 

# Adds all the files and folders in the current directory 
git add . 

# Opens the file and let you choose 
the portion to be added for next commit
git add -p hello.py

변경 사항 커밋

# Commit a snapshot of staged changes
git commit  

# Commit a snapshot of changes in the working directory. 
git commit -a

# Shortcut for commit with a commit message 
git commit -m "commit message"

Git 분기

# Create a new branch
git branch crazy_experiment

# List all branches 
git branch
# List both remote and local branches   
git branch -a
# List only branches that match the pattern mentioned 
git branch --list  'pattern here'

스위치 | 삭제 | 지점 이름 바꾸기

# Move to different branches
git checkout branch_name
git switch  branch_name

# Shortcut to create a new branch and switch to the branch  
git switch -c  new_branch_name
git checkout -b  new_branch_name 

# Delete the given branch 
git branch -d  trash
# Force delete the given branch 
git branch -D  trash

# Rename the current branch 
git branch -m  new_name

분기 병합

# Merge given branch name with the working branch
git merge  branch_name
# Continue merger after conflict resolution
git merge  --continue 

상태를 확인하세요

# Shows the working tree status
git status  

# Shows status of working tree in a short format 
git status --short

# Shows status of branch in a short format 
git status --branch

원격 저장소

# Lists remote repo name and url(fetch/push) 
git remote -v

# Add a remote repository with local repository 
git remote add origin url_remote_repo

# Remove the remote repo with given name
git remote remove repo_name

# Rename the remote repo with given name
git remote rename old_name new_name

# Updates remote repo with local repo 
git push 

도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다!!🚀🚀

가장 좋아하는 git 명령은 무엇입니까?

의견 섹션에 생각과 피드백을 남기는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 또한 이 목록에 추가할 내용을 자유롭게 제안하십시오..

좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기