위치에 따라 gff에서gene 추출

4990 단어
애플릿 - 위치에 따라 gff에서gene 추출
Table of Contents
  • 1 필요한 파일 형식
  • 2 프로그램
  • 1 필요한 파일 형식

    2 절차
     1:  use strict;
     2:  use warnings;
     4:  my (@information,$chr,%hash,$key1,$key2,);
     6:  #  gff hash
     8:  my  $in_in = "saccharomyces_cerevisiae_R64-1-1_20110208.gff";
     9:  open  my $in, '<', $in_in or die "cannot open
    "; 10: while(<$in>) 11: { 12: chomp; 13: next if /^#/; 14: @information=split/\s+/,$_; 15: if ($information[2] eq "gene") 16: { 17: $information[0]=~/^chr(.+)/; 18: $chr=$1; 19: $information[8]=~/^ID=(.+?);/; 20: $hash{$chr}{$information[3]}{$information[4]} = $1; 21: } 22: } 23: close $in; 24: 25: 26: my $out_out = "pos_with_gene.txt"; 27: open my $out, '>', $out_out or die "failed open$!
    "; 28: # , 29: 30: my $in1_in = "pos_to_find_gen.txt"; 31: open my $in1, '<', $in1_in or die "cannot open
    "; 32: while(<$in1>) 33: { 34: chomp; 35: next if /^\s+$/; 36: @information=split/\s+/,$_; 37: foreach $key1 (sort keys %{$hash{$information[0]}}) 38: { 39: foreach $key2 (sort keys %{$hash{$information[0]}{$key1}}) 40: { 41: if ($information[1]>=$key1 and $information[1]<=$key2) 42: { 43: print $out "@information[0,1] $hash{$information[0]}{$key1}{$key2}
    "; 44: last; 45: } 46: else 47: { 48: next; 49: } 50: } 51: } 52: } 53: close $in1; 54: close $out;

    Author: grc 
    Date: 2013-06-29 22:50:30 CST
    HTML generated by org-mode 6.33x in emacs 23

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