[FAQ04776] 사용자 버전 debug 옵션을 기본적으로 열고 adb 연결을 기본적으로 여는 방법

8275 단어 androidadb
사용자 버전의 USB debug 옵션을 기본적으로 열고 adb 연결을 기본적으로 여는 방법
양산 버전 user usb debug root adb 연결
[Solution] 1. android4.0 이전에 이 설정은 프레임워크/베이스/서비스/.../SystemServer.java에 설정하면 시스템property의persist에 따라service.adb.enable에서 설정합니다.코드와 유사하게 볼 수 있습니다.
       // make sure the ADB_ENABLED setting value matches the secure property value
       Settings.Secure.putInt(mContentResolver, Settings.Secure.ADB_ENABLED,
               "1".equals(SystemProperties.get("persist.service.adb.enable")) ? 1 : 0);
       // register observer to listen for settings changes
re.ADB_ENABLED),false, new AdbSettingsObserver());

이persist.service.adb.enable 기본값은default에 있습니다.prop에서 컴파일할 때
build/core/main.mk 중 확인,
ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging)))
  # Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default
  ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=1 persist.service.adb.enable=1
  # Include the debugging/testing OTA keys in this build.
else # !enable_target_debugging
  # Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default
  ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=0 persist.service.adb.enable=0
endif # !enable_target_debugging

persist.service.adb.enable=0으로 변경
ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.debuggable=1 persist.service.adb.enable=1
2.android4.0 이후adb의 제어로persist를 통일적으로 사용했습니다.sys.usb.config가 제어하기 때문에 대응하는 설정점도 프레임워크/베이스/서비스/.../로 변경되었습니다.usb/UsbDeviceManager.java에서도 다음과 같은 유사한 코드를 볼 수 있습니다.
public  UsbHandler(Looper looper) {
       // persist.sys.usb.config should never be unset.  But if it is, set it to "adb"
       // so we have a chance of debugging what happened.
        mDefaultFunctions = SystemProperties.get("persist.sys.usb.config", "adb");
       // sanity check the sys.usb.config system property
       // this may be necessary if we crashed while switching USB configurations
       String config = SystemProperties.get("sys.usb.config", "none");
       if (!config.equals(mDefaultFunctions)) {
           Slog.w(TAG, "resetting config to persistent property: " + mDefaultFunctions);
           SystemProperties.set("sys.usb.config", mDefaultFunctions);
       mCurrentFunctions = mDefaultFunctions;
       String state = FileUtils.readTextFile(new File(STATE_PATH), 0, null).trim();
       mAdbEnabled = containsFunction(mCurrentFunctions, UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_ADB);
public void  systemReady() {
// make sure the ADB_ENABLED setting value matches the current state
   Settings.Secure.putInt(mContentResolver, Settings.Secure.ADB_ENABLED, mAdbEnabled ?
1 : 0);

이persist.sys.usb.config에서adb의 설정은alps/build/tools/postprocess_props.py중
로.debuggable = 1 or 0으로 설정하고 1은adb를 켜고 0은adb debug를 닫습니다.이것
ro.debuggable도alps/build/core/main에 있습니다.mk에서 설정, 2.3 수정과 유사
그러나 이렇게 열면 사용자 버전adb 셸에 대한 루트 권한이 아니라 셸 권한이 열립니다.
루트 권한이 필요합니다. 시스템/core/adb/adb를 다시 고쳐야 합니다.c안의 shoulddrop_privileges () 이거
함수, #ifndef ALLOWADBD_ROOT 시 return 0;리턴 1이 아니라됐습니다.
1. 컴파일 명령에 따라 ro를 확정한다.debuggable
## user/userdebug ##

user_variant := $(filter user userdebug,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT))
enable_target_debugging := true
tags_to_install :=
ifneq (,$(user_variant))
  # Target is secure in user builds.

  ifeq ($(user_variant),userdebug)
    # Pick up some extra useful tools
    tags_to_install += debug

    # Enable Dalvik lock contention logging for userdebug builds.
    ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500
    # Disable debugging in plain user builds.
    enable_target_debugging :=

  # enable dex pre-optimization for all TARGET projects in default to 
  # speed up device first boot-up
  #add by yanqi.liu for costomization @{
  ifneq ($(JRD_IS_GOAL_PERSO),true)
     WITH_DEXPREOPT := true
  # Turn on Dalvik preoptimization for user builds, but only if not
  # explicitly disabled and the build is running on Linux (since host
  # Dalvik isn't built for non-Linux hosts).
  ifneq (true,$(DISABLE_DEXPREOPT))
    ifeq ($(user_variant),user)
      ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
        ifneq ($(JRD_IS_GOAL_PERSO),true)
           WITH_DEXPREOPT := true

  # Disallow mock locations by default for user builds
  ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=0

else # !user_variant
  # Turn on checkjni for non-user builds.
  # Kirby: turn off it temporarily to gain performance {
  # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1
#  ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=0
  # } Kirby
  # Set device insecure for non-user builds.
  # Allow mock locations by default for non user builds
  ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=1
endif # !user_variant

# always enable aed
ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += persist.mtk.aee.aed=on

# Turn on Jazz AOT by default if not explicitly disabled and the build
# is running on Linux (since host Dalvik isn't built for non-Linux hosts).
ifneq (true,$(DISABLE_JAZZ))
  ifeq ($(strip $(MTK_JAZZ)),yes)
    ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
      # Build host dalvikvm which Jazz AOT relies on.
      WITH_HOST_DALVIK := true
      WITH_JAZZ := true

ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging)))
  # Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default
  # Include the debugging/testing OTA keys in this build.
else # !enable_target_debugging
  # Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default
endif # !enable_target_debugging

2. 기본 usb 기능 확인
# Put the modifications that you need to make into the /system/build.prop into this
# function. The prop object has get(name) and put(name,value) methods.
def mangle_build_prop(prop):
  #If ro.mmitest is true, then disable MTP, add mass_storage for default
  if prop.get("ro.mmitest") == "true":
    prop.put("persist.sys.usb.config", "mass_storage")

  # If ro.debuggable is 1, then enable adb on USB by default
  # (this is for userdebug builds)
  if prop.get("ro.build.type") == "eng":
    val = prop.get("persist.sys.usb.config").strip('\r
') if val == "": val = "adb" else: val = val + ",adb" prop.put("persist.sys.usb.config", val) # UsbDeviceManager expects a value here. If it doesn't get it, it will # default to "adb". That might not the right policy there, but it's better # to be explicit. if not prop.get("persist.sys.usb.config"): prop.put("persist.sys.usb.config", "none"); # Put the modifications that you need to make into the /system/build.prop into this # function. The prop object has get(name) and put(name,value) methods. def mangle_default_prop(prop): # If ro.debuggable is 1, then enable adb on USB by default # (this is for userdebug builds) if prop.get("ro.debuggable") == "1": val = prop.get("persist.sys.usb.config") if val == "": val = "adb" else: val = val + ",adb" prop.put("persist.sys.usb.config", val) # UsbDeviceManager expects a value here. If it doesn't get it, it will # default to "adb". That might not the right policy there, but it's better # to be explicit. if not prop.get("persist.sys.usb.config"): prop.put("persist.sys.usb.config", "none");

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