Contentful에서 export/import(백업/복구)

8769 단어 HeadlessCMScontentful
연락인export/import이 할 기회가 있어서 메모를 합니다.

전제 조건

  • 콘텐츠풀의 계정이 있음(※ 없으면 "GiitHub 로그인"으로 생성)
  • node.js 설치됨
  • 절차.

  • 영패 창설
  • 설정 파일 제작
  • 명령으로 Contentful에 로그인
  • export
  • import
  • 1. 토큰창설(Personal Access Tokens)

    브라우저가 Contentful에 로그인

    Giithub 근처 SSO에서 로그인하십시오.

    Settings - Api Keys

    Content management tokens

    Generate personal token

    적당한 이름으로 만들다

    여기에 "api keys"를 넣어 제작되었습니다.

    이 값을 클립보드에 붙여넣고 기록합니다.

    2. 프로파일 만들기

    Contentful의 Space ID 가져오기

    Settings-General settings를 통해 확인 가능

    프로파일 생성

    $ cat <<EOF > example-config.json
      "spaceId": "<< 確認したスペースIDを記載 >>",
      "managementToken": "<< 1.で取得したトークンを記載 >>",
      "contentFile": "contentful-export.json"
    확인된 스페이스 바 ID 및 토큰이 생성된 파일입니다.

    3. Contentful에 로그인 명령

    $ npx contentful-cli login --management-token "1.で取得したトークンを記載"
    Great! Your CMA token is now stored on your system. (Located at /Users/hirosue/.contentfulrc.json)
    You can always run contentful logout to remove it.


    $ npx contentful-cli space export --config example-config.json
      ✔ Initialize client (1s)
      ✔ Fetching data from space
        ✔ Connecting to space (1s)
        ✔ Fetching content types data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching tags data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching editor interfaces data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching content entries data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching assets data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching locales data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching webhooks data (1s)
        ✔ Fetching roles data (1s)
      ↓ Download assets [skipped]
      ✔ Write export log file
        ✔ Lookup directory to store the logs
        ✔ Create log directory
        ✔ Writing data to file
    │ Exported entities     │
    │ Content Types     │ 2 │
    │ Tags              │ 0 │
    │ Editor Interfaces │ 2 │
    │ Entries           │ 4 │
    │ Assets            │ 4 │
    │ Locales           │ 1 │
    │ Webhooks          │ 1 │
    │ Roles             │ 1 │
    The export took a few seconds (6s)
    Stored space data to json file at: /path/to/workspace/tmp/contentful-export.json
    No errors or warnings occurred
    The export was successful.
    ✨ Done

    5. import

    $  npx contentful-cli space import --config example-config.json
    │ The following entities are going to be imported: │
    │ Content Types                   │ 2              │
    │ Tags                            │ 0              │
    │ Editor Interfaces               │ 2              │
    │ Entries                         │ 4              │
    │ Assets                          │ 4              │
    │ Locales                         │ 1              │
    │ Webhooks                        │ 1              │
      ✔ Validating content-file
      ✔ Initialize client (1s)
      ✔ Checking if destination space already has any content and retrieving it (2s)
      ✔ Apply transformations to source data (1s)
      ✔ Push content to destination space
        ✔ Connecting to space (1s)
        ✔ Importing Locales (1s)
        ✔ Importing Content Types (4s)
        ✔ Publishing Content Types (2s)
        ↓ Importing Tags [skipped]
        ✔ Importing Editor Interfaces (2s)
        ✔ Importing Assets (26s)
        ✔ Publishing Assets (3s)
        ✔ Archiving Assets (1s)
        ✔ Importing Content Entries (4s)
        ✔ Publishing Content Entries (3s)
        ✔ Archiving Entries (0s)
        ✔ Creating Web Hooks (1s)
    Finished importing all data
    │ Imported entities     │
    │ Locales           │ 1 │
    │ Content Types     │ 2 │
    │ Editor Interfaces │ 2 │
    │ Assets            │ 4 │
    │ Published Assets  │ 4 │
    │ Archived Assets   │ 0 │
    │ Entries           │ 4 │
    │ Published Entries │ 4 │
    │ Archived Entries  │ 0 │
    │ Webhooks          │ 1 │
    The import took a few seconds (42s)
    The following 0 errors and 1 warnings occurred:
    15:50:99 - Rate limit error occurred. Waiting for 1561 ms before retrying...
    The import was successful.

    사후 처리(로그오프)

    $ npx contentful-cli logout
    This will log you out by deleting the CMA token stored on your system.
    ? Do you want to log out now? Yes
    Successfully logged you out.


    무료 계좌라면 Rate limit 자주 걸립니다.

    참조 링크

  • Personal Access Tokens
  • Importing and exporting content with the Contentful CLI
  • 좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기