erlang component application
erlang component application
Most of the third-party libraries we use daily are application
, so it is very important and practical for us to understand and master some features of applicaiton
1. What is applicaiton?, why use application
The official explanation is as follows:
When you have written code implementing some specific functionality you might want to make the code into an application, that is, a component that can be started and stopped as a unit, and which can also be reused in other systems.
In my understanding, there are actually 2 points:
When you have written code implementing some specific functionality you might want to make the code into an application, that is, a component that can be started and stopped as a unit, and which can also be reused in other systems.
In our daily life, there are few scenarios where a single project has multiple applications. We usually write the most
, to be precise, the callback module Callback Module
, and there will also be a small number of process status modules Residence Module
. The former is only A callback function switches from one state to another state, so the life cycle is only in one process
, and rarely deals with the outside world process
, so use link,monitor
These inter-process relationships are relatively rare. In contrast application
, there are many aspects to consider, not only whether the state is correct or not, but also whether the process is running abnormally or not, and even how to design the monitoring tree to keep the program robust.2. How to implement an application by yourself?
2.1 Directory structure
─ ${application}
├── doc
│ ├── internal
│ ├── examples
│ └── src
├── include
├── priv
├── src
│ └── ${application}.app.src
└── test
Required, store source code (.erl) priv
Not necessary, store custom files, such as nif so files, etc., and resource files include
Optional, store some header files (hrl) for easy access by other applications doc
Optional, store some documents test
optional, test files, eunit common_test
files are all placed here 2.2 application callback module (callback module)
By default it is
, of course, you can also define it yourself in ${application}.app.src
, the definition method is as follows:{application, $APP_NAME,
{description, ""},
{vsn, "1"},
{registered, []},
{applications, [
{mod, {$CALLBACL_MODULE, Args}},
{env, []}
Let me make a simplest example, and then analyze the process of the source code, the name of applicaton
is chapp
{application, chapp,
{description, ""},
{vsn, "1"},
{registered, []},
{applications, [
{mod, { chapp_app, [myargs]}},
{env, []}
% :chapp_app,erl
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
-record(state, {
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
io:format("~p,~p,~p~n", [?MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, {_StartType, _StartArgs}]),
{ok, Pid} = chapp_sup:start_link(),
{ok, Pid, #state{mod = ?MODULE}}.
stop(_State) ->
io:format("~p,~p,~p~n", [?MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, _State]),
The results are as follows:Eshell V10.4 (abort with ^G)
1> application:start
start/1 start/2 start_boot/1 start_boot/2 start_type/0
1> application:start(chapp).
% myargs
2> application:stop(chapp).
% pre_stop
% state
=INFO REPORT==== 1-Dec-2019::14:58:57.004000 ===
application: chapp
exited: stopped
type: temporary
2.3 $ file format
% application.erl(kernel)
start(Application, RestartType) ->
case load(Application) of
ok ->
% .app.src
Name = get_appl_name(Application),
application_controller:start_application(Name, RestartType);
{error, {already_loaded, Name}} ->
application_controller:start_application(Name, RestartType);
Error ->
load1(Application, DistNodes) ->
% application
case application_controller:load_application(Application) of
Else ->
% application_controller.erl
% application_controller.erl
load_application(Application) ->
gen_server:call(?AC, {load_application, Application}, infinity).
make_appl(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
% path $ , $
FName = atom_to_list(Name) ++ ".app",
case code:where_is_file(FName) of
non_existing ->
{error, {file:format_error(enoent), FName}};
FullName ->
case prim_consult(FullName) of
{ok, [Application]} ->
{ok, make_appl_i(Application)};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {file:format_error(Reason), FName}};
error ->
{error, "bad encoding"}
% $
% {application, Name, Opts}
% , :description,mod,env
% mod ,
make_appl_i({application, Name, Opts}) when is_atom(Name), is_list(Opts) ->
Descr = get_opt(description, Opts, ""),
Id = get_opt(id, Opts, ""),
Vsn = get_opt(vsn, Opts, ""),
Mods = get_opt(modules, Opts, []),
Regs = get_opt(registered, Opts, []),
Apps = get_opt(applications, Opts, []),
Mod =
case get_opt(mod, Opts, []) of
{M, _A} = MA when is_atom(M) -> MA;
[] -> [];
Other -> throw({error, {badstartspec, Other}})
Phases = get_opt(start_phases, Opts, undefined),
Env = get_opt(env, Opts, []),
MaxP = get_opt(maxP, Opts, infinity),
MaxT = get_opt(maxT, Opts, infinity),
IncApps = get_opt(included_applications, Opts, []),
{#appl_data{name = Name, regs = Regs, mod = Mod, phases = Phases,
mods = Mods, inc_apps = IncApps, maxP = MaxP, maxT = MaxT},
Env, IncApps, Descr, Id, Vsn, Apps};
2.4 Application startup steps
% application_controller.erl
handle_call({start_application, AppName, RestartType}, From, S) ->
#state{running = Running, starting = Starting, start_p_false = SPF,
started = Started, start_req = Start_req} = S,
%% Check if the commandline environment variables are OK.
%% Incase of erroneous variables do not start the application,
%% if the application is permanent crash the node.
%% Check if the application is already starting.
case lists:keyfind(AppName, 1, Start_req) of
false ->
case catch check_start_cond(AppName, RestartType, Started, Running) of
{ok, Appl} ->
{false, undefined} ->
spawn_starter(From, Appl, S, normal),
{noreply, S#state{starting = [{AppName, RestartType, normal, From} |
start_req = [{AppName, From} | Start_req]}};
{error, _R} = Error ->
{reply, Error, S}
{AppName, _FromX} ->
SS = S#state{start_req = [{AppName, From} | Start_req]},
{noreply, SS}
start_appl(Appl, S, Type) ->
ApplData = Appl#appl.appl_data,
case ApplData#appl_data.mod of
[] ->
{ok, undefined};
_ ->
%% Name =,
% application_master
case application_master:start_link(ApplData, Type) of
{ok, _Pid} = Ok ->
{error, _Reason} = Error ->
% application_master.erl
start_link(ApplData, Type) ->
Parent = whereis(application_controller),
proc_lib:start_link(application_master, init, [Parent, self(), ApplData, Type]).
start_it_old(Tag, From, Type, ApplData) ->
{M, A} = ApplData#appl_data.mod,
case catch M:start(Type, A) of
{ok, Pid} ->
% , State = []
From ! {Tag, {ok, self()}},
loop_it(From, Pid, M, []);
{ok, Pid, AppState} ->
% , State = AppState
From ! {Tag, {ok, self()}},
% , loop
loop_it(From, Pid, M, AppState);
{'EXIT', normal} ->
From ! {Tag, {error, {{'EXIT', normal}, {M, start, [Type, A]}}}};
{error, Reason} ->
From ! {Tag, {error, {Reason, {M, start, [Type, A]}}}};
Other ->
From ! {Tag, {error, {bad_return, {{M, start, [Type, A]}, Other}}}}
% ,
start_supervisor(Type, M, A) ->
case catch M:start(Type, A) of
{ok, Pid} ->
{ok, Pid, []};
{ok, Pid, AppState} ->
{ok, Pid, AppState};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {Reason, {M, start, [Type, A]}}};
{'EXIT', normal} ->
{error, {{'EXIT', normal}, {M, start, [Type, A]}}};
Other ->
{error, {bad_return, {{M, start, [Type, A]}, Other}}}
The topology diagram between procs after startup is as follows:|application_controller | --- |(application_master:main_loop)| --- | (application_master:loop_it)| --- | chapp_sup|
At this point, we have walked through the code flow of the startup, and some callback parameters are also clear. Summarized in the following pointsapplication_controller
is the appcation
that actually started process
, or the parent process (process)
The startup is asynchronous, and the result cast
is given to application_controller
2.5 How does the application stop (stop) ?
% application_controller.erl
handle_call({stop_application, AppName}, _From, S) ->
#state{running = Running, started = Started} = S,
case lists:keyfind(AppName, 1, Running) of
{_AppName, Id} ->
{_AppName2, Type} = lists:keyfind(AppName, 1, Started),
stop_appl(AppName, Id, Type),
NRunning = keydelete(AppName, 1, Running),
NStarted = keydelete(AppName, 1, Started),
cntrl(AppName, S, {ac_application_stopped, AppName}),
{reply, ok, S#state{running = NRunning, started = NStarted}};
false ->
case lists:keymember(AppName, 1, Started) of
true ->
NStarted = keydelete(AppName, 1, Started),
cntrl(AppName, S, {ac_application_stopped, AppName}),
{reply, ok, S#state{started = NStarted}};
false ->
{reply, {error, {not_started, AppName}}, S}
% application_master.erl
stop(AppMaster) -> call(AppMaster, stop).
main_loop(Parent, State) ->
Other ->
NewState = handle_msg(Other, State),
main_loop(Parent, NewState)
handle_msg({stop, Tag, From}, State) ->
catch terminate(normal, State),
From ! {Tag, ok},
loop_it(Parent, Child, Mod, AppState) ->
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
% stop pre_stop
% application_master:main_loop , application_master:loop_it
NewAppState = prep_stop(Mod, AppState),
exit(Child, Reason),
{'EXIT', Child, Reason2} ->
% stop
catch Mod:stop(NewAppState);
_ ->
At this point, the stop logic of application
has been analyzed, and we can also find a hook:pre_stop
that is not in the document by reading the code3. Summary
This article demonstrates the implementation of
through examples and reading the source code, hoping to deepen the reader's understanding of application
and lay a solid foundation for the rational use of application
.4. References:
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