Dynamic Grid---Ext

I needed a Grid which create his ColumnModel by itself based on the XML-Data. Unfortunately it's a bit slow if you want to display a lot of data, but that's the "fault"of extjs and will hopefully be fixed in future releases I couldn't get "this.dataSource.removeListener("load", this.doReconfiguration);"statement working, which results in a performance slow down when you switch between pages. There is another "DynamicJsonReader/DynamicColumnModel ", check it out. Example usage: download the attached file and put ext-all-debug.js or ext-all.js into the folder, upload it to your webhost or put it into your local webserver directory. Go to "http://...whatever.../.../dynamic-grid.html". Attachment: DynamicGrid.zip (Update 16/04/2007) XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




<firstname header="Firstname" tooltip="Your firstname!" />

<surname header="Surname" tooltip="Your surname!" />









<firstname>Max 2</firstname>

<surname>Mustermann 2</surname>


var ds = new Ext.data.Store({

proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({url: 'test.xml'}),

reader: new Ext.data.DynamicXmlReader({

record: 'row',

id: 'id',

totalRecords: 'totalRecords',

recordDefinition: 'recordDefinition'


remoteSort: true


= new Ext.grid.DynamicGrid('grid-example', { ds: ds });


var paging = new Ext.PagingToolbar(grid
.getView().getFooterPanel(true), ds, {

pageSize: 25,

displayInfo: true,



Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModel = function(store) {

var cols = [];

var recordType = store.reader.recordType;

var fields = recordType.prototype.fields;

for (var i = 0; i < fields.keys.length; i++) {

var fieldName = fields.keys[i];

var field = recordType.getField(fieldName);

cols[i] = {

header: field.header,

dataIndex: field.name,

tooltip: field.tooltip,

hidden: field.hidden



Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, cols);


Ext.extend(Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModel, Ext.grid.ColumnModel, {});

Ext.data.DynamicXmlReader = function(config) {

Ext.data.DynamicXmlReader.superclass.constructor.call(this, config, []);


Ext.extend(Ext.data.DynamicXmlReader, Ext.data.XmlReader, {

getRecordType : function(data) {

recordDefinition = Ext.DomQuery.select(this.meta.recordDefinition + ' > *', data);

var arr = [];

for (var i = 0; i < recordDefinition.length; i++) {

arr[i] = {

name: recordDefinition[i].tagName,

header: recordDefinition[i].getAttribute('header'),

tooltip: recordDefinition[i].getAttribute('tooltip'),

hidden: recordDefinition[i].getAttribute('hidden') == "true" ? true : false



this.recordType = Ext.data.Record.create(arr);

return this.recordType;


readRecords : function(doc) {

this.xmlData = doc;

var root = doc.documentElement || doc;


return Ext.data.DynamicXmlReader.superclass.readRecords.call(this, doc);



Ext.grid.GridView.prototype.bindColumnModel = function(cm) {


this.cm.un("widthchange", this.updateColumns, this);

this.cm.un("headerchange", this.updateHeaders, this);

this.cm.un("hiddenchange", this.handleHiddenChange, this);

this.cm.un("columnmoved", this.handleColumnMove, this);

this.cm.un("columnlockchange", this.handleLockChange, this);




cm.on("widthchange", this.updateColumns, this);

cm.on("headerchange", this.updateHeaders, this);

cm.on("hiddenchange", this.handleHiddenChange, this);

cm.on("columnmoved", this.handleColumnMove, this);

cm.on("columnlockchange", this.handleLockChange, this);


this.cm = cm;


Ext.grid.DynamicGrid = function(container, config) {

Ext.grid.DynamicGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, container, config);


Ext.extend(Ext.grid.DynamicGrid, Ext.grid.Grid, {

render : function() {


this.dataSource.addListener('load', this.doReconfiguration, this);

this.colModel = new Ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel([{ header: '', dataIndex: '' }]);



doReconfiguration : function() {


this.colModel = new Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModel(this.dataSource);



//this.dataSource.removeListener("load", this.doReconfiguration);



From : http://www.extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4548&highlight=dynamic+grid
_Update is available (Attachment 89 ).
  • IE problem fixed (one comma to much)
  • implement support for custom renderer
  • 좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기