22249 단어 dialog
1 //require ScrollHelper.js
2 function DialogHelper() {
3 var _this = this;
4 var doc = window.document;
5 _this.maskDiv = null;
6 _this.contentDiv = null;
7 var options = {
8 opacity: 0.4
9 };
11 this.popup = function (contentdiv, optionArg) {
12 if (optionArg) {
13 for (var prop in optionArg) {
14 options[prop] = optionArg[prop];
15 }
16 }
18 _this.contentDiv = contentdiv || _this.contentDiv;
20 _this.maskDiv = $('<div>');
21 _this.maskDiv.addClass('MaskDiv');
22 _this.maskDiv.css({
23 'filter': "Alpha(opacity=" + ( options.opacity - "0" ) * 100 + ");",
24 'opacity': options.opacity,
25 'display': 'block'
26 });
28 $(doc.body).append(_this.maskDiv);
30 if (_this.contentDiv) {
31 $(doc.body).append(_this.contentDiv);
32 _this.contentDiv.show();
33 _this.contentDiv.draggable({
34 containment: "document",
35 cursor: 'move',
36 handle: ".Dialog_Head"
37 });
38 $(_this.maskDiv).on("mousemove", function() {
39 $("body").preventScroll();
40 });
41 $(_this.maskDiv).on("mouseout", function() {
42 $("body").liveScroll();
43 });
44 if ($(".cke").length == 0 && $(".Dialog_Body").length > 0) {
45 $(".Dialog_Body").preventOuterScroll();
46 }
47 }
48 };
50 this.remove = function () {
51 if (_this.contentDiv) {
52 _this.contentDiv.remove();
53 }
54 if (_this.maskDiv) {
55 _this.maskDiv.remove();
56 }
57 $("body").liveScroll();
58 };
60 this.formatPercentNumber = function (value, whole) {
61 if (isNaN(value) && typeof value === "string") {
62 if (value.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
63 value = (value.replace("%", "") / 100) * whole;
64 } else if (value.indexOf("px") !== -1) {
65 value = value.replace("px", "");
66 }
67 }
68 return Math.ceil(value);
69 };
71 this.position = function (dialog, dialogBody, minusHeight) {
72 dialog = dialog || $(".ShowDialogDiv");
73 if (dialog[0]) {
74 var clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
75 var clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
76 var width = _this.formatPercentNumber(dialog.data("position").width, clientWidth) || dialog.width();
77 var height = _this.formatPercentNumber(dialog.data("position").height, clientHeight) || dialog.height();
78 width = width < 300 ? 300 : width;
79 height = height < 450 ? 450 : height;
80 $(dialog).css({
81 "width": width + "px",
82 "height": height + "px",
83 "top": Math.ceil((clientHeight - height) / 2) + "px",
84 "left": Math.ceil((clientWidth - width) / 2) + "px"
85 });
86 dialogBody = dialogBody || $(".Dialog_Body");
87 if (dialogBody[0]) {
88 minusHeight = minusHeight || ($(".Dialog_Head").outerHeight() + $(".Dialog_Foot").outerHeight());
89 var dialogBodyHeight = height - minusHeight;
90 dialogBody.height(dialogBodyHeight);
91 }
92 }
93 }
94 }
96 var createDialogTemplate = function (optionArg, contentHtml, saveBtnClickHandler) {
97 var options = {
98 "Action": "",
99 "Title": "",
100 "Width": "50%",
101 "Height": "50%"
102 };
103 if (optionArg) {
104 for (var prop in optionArg) {
105 options[prop] = optionArg[prop];
106 }
107 }
108 var newDialog = $("<div class='ShowDialogDiv' id='Dialog_" + options.Title + "'>");
109 var DialogHead = $("<div class='Dialog_Head'>").appendTo(newDialog);
110 $("<span class='HeadLabel'>").html(options.Action + " " + options.Title).appendTo(DialogHead);
111 var DialogClose = $("<span class='DialogClose'>").appendTo(DialogHead);
112 var DialogBody = $("<div class='Dialog_Body'>").html(contentHtml).appendTo(newDialog);
113 var DialogFoot = $("<div class='Dialog_Foot'>").appendTo(newDialog);
114 var newDiv = $("<div class='Right'>").appendTo(DialogFoot);
115 var ActionCancelDiv = $("<div class='ActionButtonContainer' title='Cancel'>").appendTo(newDiv);
116 DialogClose.on("click", function() {
117 dialogHelper.remove();
118 });
119 ActionCancelDiv.on("click", function() {
120 dialogHelper.remove();
121 });
122 var newA = $("<div class='ActionButton' id='ActionButtonCancel'>").appendTo(ActionCancelDiv);
123 $("<div class='Icon Cancel'>").appendTo(newA);
124 $("<div class='Title IconTitle'>").html("Cancel").appendTo(newA);
125 var ActionSaveDiv = $("<div class='ActionButtonContainer' title='Save'>").appendTo(newDiv);
126 var newB = $("<div class='ActionButton ActionButtonAttention' id='ActionButtonSave'>").appendTo(ActionSaveDiv);
127 newB.on('click', function () {
128 if (typeof saveBtnClickHandler == "function") {
129 saveBtnClickHandler();
130 }
131 });
132 $("<div class='Icon Save'>").appendTo(newB);
133 $("<div class='Title IconTitle SaveButton'>").html("Save").appendTo(newB);
134 var minusHeight = DialogHead.outerHeight() + DialogFoot.outerHeight();
135 newDialog.data("position", {
136 width: options.Width,
137 height: options.Height
138 });
139 dialogHelper.position(newDialog, DialogBody, minusHeight);
140 return newDialog;
141 };
143 var changeDialogLayout = function(optionArg, dialogObj) {
144 var options = {
145 "Width": "70%",
146 "Height": "90%"
147 };
148 if (optionArg) {
149 for (var prop in optionArg) {
150 options[prop] = optionArg[prop];
151 }
152 }
153 var DialogBody = $(dialogObj).find(".Dialog_Body");
154 var DialogHead = $(dialogObj).find(".Dialog_Head");
155 var DialogFoot = $(dialogObj).find(".Dialog_Foot");
156 var other = Math.round(DialogBody.css("padding-top").replace(/[a-z]/ig, "")) + Math.round(DialogBody.css("padding-bottom").replace(/[a-z]/ig, ""));
157 var minusHeight = DialogHead.outerHeight() + DialogFoot.outerHeight() + other;
158 dialogObj.data("position", {
159 width: options.Width,
160 height: options.Height
161 });
162 dialogHelper.position(dialogObj, DialogBody, minusHeight);
163 };
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