데이터 구조 기본 조작 소스 코드

28679 단어
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -2
typedef int Status;
typedef int ElemType;
typedef ElemType *Triplet;
#include "h2.h"
Status InitTriplet(Triplet&T,ElemType v1,ElemType v2,ElemType v3)
	T = (ElemType *)malloc(3*sizeof(ElemType));
	if (!T) exit (OVERFLOW);
	T[0] = v1; T[1] = v2; T[2] = v3;
	return OK;
Status DestroyType(Triplet &T)
	free(T);  T = NULL;
	return OK;
Status Get(Triplet T,int i,ElemType &e)
	if(i<1 || i>3)   return ERROR;
	e = T[i-1];
	return OK;
Status Max(Triplet T,ElemType &e)
  return  OK;
Status Min(Triplet T,ElemType &e)
  return  OK; 
Status Average(Triplet T,ElemType &e)
  e = (T[0] + T[1] + T[2])/3;
  return OK;
void main()
    Triplet  p;
	ElemType e,v1,v2,v3;
	int select,i;
"); scanf("%d%d%d",&v1,&v2,&v3); if (InitTriplet(p,v1,v2,v3)==OVERFLOW) printf(" , !"); else do { printf("1: i
"); printf("2:
"); printf("3:
"); printf("4:
"); printf("5:
"); printf("
"); scanf("%d",&select); switch(select) { case 1: printf("
i="); scanf("%d",&i); if (Get(p,i,e)==ERROR) printf("i
"); else printf(" %d :%d
",i,e); break; case 2: Max(p,e); printf(" :%d
",e);break; case 3: Min(p,e); printf(" :%d
",e);break; case 4: Average(p,e); printf(" : %d
",e);break; case 0: printf(" !"); break; default: printf(" !
"); }//end switch }while(select!=0); //end of while DestroyType(p); }// end of main **************************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************************** #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define listinitsize 100 #define listincrement 10 #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 typedef int Status; typedef int ElemType; typedef struct { ElemType *elem; ElemType length; ElemType listsize; }Sqlist; //.cpp #include"h1.h" Sqlist la; ElemType *a; ElemType e,k,pre_e,next_e,choice; Status makelist(Sqlist &la) { ElemType i; la.elem=(ElemType *)malloc(listinitsize *sizeof(ElemType)); if(!la.elem) exit(OVERFLOW); la.length = 80; la.listsize=listinitsize; for(i=0 ; i<=la.length-1 ;i++) la.elem[i]=i; return OK; } Status listlengh(Sqlist &la) { return la.length ; } Status getelem(Sqlist la,ElemType k) { return la.elem[k]; } Status priorelem(Sqlist &la,ElemType e ,ElemType &pre_e ) { ElemType i; for (i=0; i<=la.length-1;i++) if(la.elem[i]==e) pre_e=la.elem[i-1]; return OK; } Status nextelem(Sqlist &la,ElemType e ,ElemType &next_e ) { ElemType i; for (i=0; i<=la.length-1;i++) if(la.elem[i]==e) next_e=la.elem[i+1]; return OK; } Status listdelete(Sqlist &la,ElemType k,ElemType &e) { ElemType j; if((k<1)||(k>la.length)) return ERROR; e=la.elem[k-1]; for(j=k+1;j<=la.length-1;j++) la.elem[j-1]=la.elem[j]; --la.length; return OK; } Status listinsert(Sqlist &la,ElemType k,ElemType e) { ElemType j; if((k<1)||(k>la.length+1)) return ERROR; /*if(l.length>=l.listsize) {*/ for(j=la.length;j>=k;j--) la.elem[j]=la.elem[j-1]; la.elem[k]=e; ++la.length; return OK; } Status main() { makelist(la); do{ printf("1:
"); printf("2: k
"); printf("3:e
"); printf("4:e
"); printf("5: k
"); printf("6: k
"); printf("0: !
"); printf("Enter your choice :
"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: listlengh(la); printf("the length is %d
",listlengh(la)); break; case 2: printf("Enter a number k :"); scanf("%d",&k); getelem(la, k); printf("k is %d
",getelem(la,k)); break; case 3: printf("Enter a number e:
"); scanf("%d",&e); priorelem(la, e , pre_e ); if(priorelem(la, e , pre_e )) printf("The priorelem is %d
",pre_e); break; case 4: printf("Enter a number e:
"); scanf("%d",&e); nextelem(la, e , next_e ); if(nextelem(la, e , next_e )) printf("The nextelem is %d
",next_e); break; case 5: printf("Enter a number k :"); scanf("%d",&k); listdelete(la,k,e); printf("the delete number is:%d
",e); break; case 6: printf("Enter a number k :"); scanf("%d",&k); printf("the insert number is:"); scanf("%d",&e); listinsert(la,k,e); break; case 0: printf(" !"); break; } }while(choice!=0); //end of while return OK; } ************************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************************ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 0 #define ERROR -1 #define OVERFLOW -2 typedef int Status; typedef int ElemType; typedef struct LNode{ ElemType data; // struct LNode *next; // }LNode,*Linklist;Status GetElem_L(Linklist L,int i,ElemType &e) //L , i , e { Linklist p=L; // ,p ,j int j=0; while(p &&j<i) // , p i p { p=p->next; ++j; } if(!p ||j>i) return ERROR; // i e=p->data; // i return OK; } Status ListInsert_L(Linklist &L,int i,ElemType e) // L i e { Linklist p=L; // ,p ,j int j=0; Linklist s; while(p && j<i-1) { p=p->next; // i-1 ++j; } if(!p ||j>i-1) return ERROR; //i 1 1 s=(Linklist)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); // , linklist s->data = e; // L s->next=p->next; p->next=s; return OK; } Status ListDelete_L(Linklist &L,int i,ElemType &e) // L , i , e { Linklist q; Linklist p=L; // ,p ,j int j=0; while(p->next && j<i-1) { p=p->next; ++j; } if(!(p->next || j>i-1)) return ERROR; // q=p->next; // p->next=q->next; e=q->data; free(q); return OK; } Status CerateList_L(Linklist &L,int n) // n , L { Linklist p; L=(Linklist)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); L->next=NULL; // for(int i=n;i>0;--i) { p=(Linklist)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); // scanf("%d",&p->data); // p->next=L->next; // L->next=p; } return OK; } Status Listlength(Linklist L,int &j) // { j=0; Linklist p=L; while(p->next) { p=p->next; j++; } return OK; } Status PriorEle(Linklist L,int cur_e,ElemType &pre_e) // cur_e , pre_e { Linklist p=L; while(p->next &&p->next->data !=cur_e) p=p->next; if(!p->next ||p==L) return ERROR; // pre_e=p->data; return OK; } Status search(Linklist L,int k) // k { Linklist p,q; int count =0; p=q=L->next; while(p != NULL) //p ,p k , p,q { if(count <k) {count ++;} else {q=q->next;} p=p->next; } if(count<k) return ERROR; // k else return OK; } void Traverse (Linklist L) // { Linklist p; p=L->next; printf(" :
"); while(p) { printf("%d ",p->data); p=p->next; } } void main() { Linklist L,q; int select,i,e,j,k,cur_e,pre_e,n; printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&n); CerateList_L(L,n); Traverse (L); do { printf("

"); printf("2: i
"); printf("3: i
"); printf("4: i
"); printf("5: cur_e
"); printf("6: k
"); printf("0: !
"); printf(" !
"); scanf("%d",&select); switch(select) { case 1: Listlength(L,j); printf(" :%d
",j); break; case 2: printf("i="); scanf("%d",&i); if(GetElem_L(L,i,e)==ERROR) printf(" i
"); else printf("
%d :%d
",i,e); Traverse (L); break; case 3: printf("i="); scanf("%d",&i); printf("e="); scanf("%d",&e); if(ListInsert_L(L,i,e)==ERROR ) printf(" i
"); Traverse (L); break; case 4: printf("i="); scanf("%d",&i); if(ListDelete_L(L,i,e)==ERROR) printf(" i
"); else printf("
%d %d
",i,e); Traverse (L); break; case 5: printf("cur_e="); scanf("%d",&cur_e); if(PriorEle(L,cur_e,pre_e)==ERROR) printf("
",cur_e); else printf("
%d %d
",cur_e,pre_e); Traverse (L); break; case 6: printf("k="); scanf("%d",&k); if(search(L,k)==ERROR) printf(" k
"); else printf(" %d :%d
",k,q->data); Traverse (L); break; case 0: printf("
"); break; default: printf(" !
"); } //end of switch }while(select != 0); //end of while } ************************************************************************************************* *************************************************************************************************** Status InitQueue(SqQueue &Q){ Q.base = (QElemType *) malloc(MAXSIZE * sizeof(QElemType)); if (!Q.base)exit (OVERFLOW); Q.front = Q.rear = 0; return OK; } Status EnQueue(SqQueue &Q,QElemType e){ if((Q.rear+1)%MAXSIZE == Q.front) return ERROR; Q.base[Q.rear]=e; Q.rear=(Q.rear+1)%MAXSIZE; return OK; } int QueueLength(SqQueue Q){ return ((Q.rear-Q.front+MAXSIZE)%MAXSIZE - 1); } Status DeQueue(SqQueue &Q,QElemType &e){ if(Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; Q.front = (Q.front+1)%MAXSIZE; return e; } /*Status TraversQueue(SqQueue &Q,QElemType e){ e=Q.base[Q.front]; while (Q.base[Q.front]) { printf("%d ",e); } return OK; }*/ int main() { int select,e,i; SqQueue Q; printf("
"); printf("2.
"); printf("3.
"); printf("4.
"); printf("0. 。
"); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&select); while(select!=0) { switch(select) { case 1: InitQueue(Q); while(e!=-1&&i<=MAXSIZE){ int i=0; scanf("%d",&e); EnQueue(Q,e); i++; } break; case 2: printf("%d",QueueLength(Q)); break; case 3: scanf("%d",&e); printf(" %d",e); EnQueue(Q,e); break; case 4: DeQueue(Q,e); printf(" %d",e); break; case 0: printf("
"); break; } printf("
"); printf("2.
"); printf("3.
"); printf("4.
"); printf("0. 。
"); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&select); } return OK; } ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define TURE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 //#define NULL 0; typedef int Status; typedef int SElemType; typedef struct { SElemType *base; SElemType *top; int stacksize; }SqStack; //.cpp #include"h1.h" Status InitStack(SqStack &S) { S.base=(SElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE *sizeof(SElemType)); if(!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top=S.base; S.stacksize=STACK_INIT_SIZE; return OK; } Status StackEmpty(SqStack S) { if(S.top==S.base) return OK; else return ERROR; } Status Push(SqStack &S,SElemType e) { if(S.top-S.base>=S.stacksize) { S.base=(SElemType*)realloc(S.base,(S.stacksize+STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(SElemType)); if(!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top=S.base+S.stacksize; S.stacksize+=STACKINCREMENT; } *S.top++=e; return 0; } Status Pop(SqStack &S,SElemType &e) { if(S.top==S.base) return ERROR; e=*--S.top; return OK; } Status Compare() { SqStack S; char ch; SElemType e; InitStack(S); int flag=TURE; while (((ch= getchar())!='#') && flag ) { switch (ch) { case '(' : case '[' : case '{' : Push(S,ch);break; case ')' : if ( Pop(S,e)==ERROR || e!='(' ) flag=FALSE; break; case ']' : if ( Pop(S,e)==ERROR || e!='[') flag=FALSE; break; case '}' : if ( Pop(S,e)==ERROR || e!='{') flag=FALSE; break; }//switch } if (flag && ch=='#' && StackEmpty(S)) return TURE; else return FALSE; } Status conversion() { SqStack S; SElemType N,e; InitStack(S); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&N); while(N) { Push(S,N%16); N=N/16; } while(!StackEmpty(S)) { Pop(S,e); if(e<10) { printf("%d",e); } else { switch(e) { case 10: printf("A"); break; case 11: printf("B"); break; case 12: printf("C"); break; case 13: printf("D"); break; case 14: printf("E"); break; case 15: printf("F"); break; } } } return OK; } void main() { int select; printf("1. 。
"); printf("2. 。
"); printf("0. 。
"); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&select); while(select!=0) { switch(select) { case 1: conversion(); break; case 2: printf("
, # :"); if(Compare()==TURE) printf("
"); else printf("
"); break; case 0: printf(" , 。"); break; } printf("
1. 。
"); printf("2. 。
"); printf("0. 。
"); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&select); } } ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************** #include "stdio.h" #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define MAXSIZE 120 typedef int ElemType; typedef int Status; typedef struct { int i,j; ElemType e; }Triple; typedef struct{ Triple data[MAXSIZE + 1]; int mu,nu,tu; }TSMatrix; #include "1.h" void InitMatrix(int A[P+1][N+1]) { int i,j; printf(" 4 5
"); for(i=1;i<=P;i++) for(j=1;j<=N;j++) scanf("%d",&A[i][j]); } TSMatrix MatrixToTriple(int A[P+1][N+1],TSMatrix M) { int row,col,k=0; for(row=1;row<=P;row++) for(col=1;col<=N;col++) if(A[row][col]!=0) { k++; M.data[k].i=row; M.data[k].j=col; M.data[k].e=A[row][col]; } M.mu=P; M.nu=N; M.tu=k; return M; } TSMatrix FastTransposeSMatrix(TSMatrix M,TSMatrix T) { int col,t,p,q; int num[N+1],cpot[N+1]; T.mu=M.nu; T.nu=M.mu; T.tu=M.tu; if(T.tu) { for(col=1;col<=M.nu;++col) num[col]=0; for(t=1;t<=M.tu;++t) ++num[M.data[t].j]; cpot[1]=1; for(col=2;col<=M.nu;++col) cpot[col]=cpot[col-1]+num[col-1]; for(p=1;p<=M.tu;++p) { col=M.data[p].j; q=cpot[col]; T.data[q].i=M.data[p].j; T.data[q].j=M.data[p].i; T.data[q].e=M.data[p].e; ++cpot[col]; } } return T; } void PrintMatrix(TSMatrix T) { int B[N+1][P+1]={0}; int i,j,k=1; for(i=1;i<N+1;i++) for(j=1;j<P+1;j++) if(i==T.data[k].i && j==T.data[k].j) { B[i][j]=T.data[k].e;++k;} printf("output TransposeMatrix
"); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) {for(j=1;j<=P;j++) printf("%4d",B[i][j]); printf("
"); } } int main() { int A[P+1][N+1]={0}; TSMatrix M={{0},0,0,0},T={{0},0,0,0}; InitMatrix(A); M=MatrixToTriple(A,M); T=FastTransposeSMatrix(M,T); PrintMatrix(T); return OK; } *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** #include "stdio.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "iostream.h" typedef int Status; typedef int TElemType; #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define OVERFLOW -1 // typedef struct BiTNode { TElemType data; struct BiTNode *lchild,*rchild; }BiTNode, *BiTree; #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 //#define NULL 0; typedef int Status; typedef int SElemType; typedef struct TriTNode { // TElemType data; struct TriTNode *lchild, *rchild; // struct TriTNode *parent; // } TriTNode, *TriTree;#include "stack.h" #include "stack.cpp" #include "queue.cpp" Status CreateBiTree(BiTree &T) { char ch; scanf("%c",&ch); if (ch=='# ') T = NULL; else { if (!(T = (BiTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode)))) printf("overflow!
"); T->data = ch; // CreateBiTree(T->lchild); // CreateBiTree(T->rchild); // } return OK; } // CreateBiTree void Preorder (BiTree T) { // if (T) { visit(T->data); // Preorder(T->lchild); // Preorder(T->rchild);// } } Status inorder(BiTree T,SqStack &S,SElemType p)) {// ,s InitStack(S);Push(S,T); while (!StackEmpty(S)){ while (GetTop(S,p)&& p) Push(S,p->lchild); Pop(S,p); if (!StackEmpty(S)){ Pop(S,p); visit(p->data); Push(S,p->rchild); }//if }//while return OK; }//inorder Status PostOrderTraverse(BiTree T,Status ( * Visit)(TElemType e)){ } int Depth (BiTree T ){ // if ( !T ) depthval = 0; else { depthLeft = Depth( T->lchild ); depthRight= Depth( T->rchild ); depthval = 1 + (depthLeft > depthRight ? depthLeft : depthRight); } return depthval; } Status LevelOrder(BiTree T){ // T, Q InitQueue(Q); If (T!=NULL){ // EnQueue(Q,T); // While (!QueueEmpty(Q)){ DeQueue(Q,b); // visit(b->data); // if (b->lchild!=NULL) EnQueue(Q,b->lchild);// , if (b->rchild!=NULL) EnQueue(Q,b->rchild); // , }//while }//if }LevelOrder main(){ BiTree T; printf(" :
"); CreateBiTree(T); return 0; } ************************************************************************************************************************* *************************************************************************************************************************** #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 #define MAX 100 #define ERROR 0 #define TRUE 1 #define OK 1 #define OVERFLOW -2 #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 #define MAXQSIZE 20 typedef int Status; typedef char TElemType; typedef struct { int *base; int front; int rear; }SqQueue; SqQueue Q; int e=0; Status InitQueue (SqQueue &Q ) { Q.base = (int *)malloc(MAXQSIZE *sizeof (int)); if(!Q.base) exit (OVERFLOW); Q.front = Q.rear = 0; return OK; } Status QueueLength (SqQueue &Q ) { return (Q.rear - Q.front + MAXQSIZE) % MAXQSIZE; } Status EnQueue (SqQueue &Q , int e){ if ((Q.rear+1) % MAXQSIZE == Q.front) return ERROR; Q.base[Q.rear] = e; Q.rear = (Q.rear+1) %MAXQSIZE; return OK; } Status DeQueue (SqQueue &Q, int &e) { if (Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; Q.front = (Q.front+1)% MAXQSIZE; return OK; } Status QueueEmpty(SqQueue Q) { if(Q.front==Q.rear) return OK; else return ERROR; } typedef struct ArcNode { int adjvex; struct ArcNode *nextarc; char *info; }ArcNode; typedef struct VNode { int data; ArcNode * firstarc; }VNode,AdjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; typedef struct { AdjList vertices; int vexnum,arcnum; }ALGraph; int FirstAdjVex(ALGraph G,int v) { if(G.vertices[v].firstarc) return G.vertices[v].firstarc->adjvex; return -1; } #include "1.h" int NextAdjVex(ALGraph G,int v,int w) { ArcNode *p = G.vertices[v].firstarc; while(p) { if(p->adjvex == w) { if(p->nextarc) return p->nextarc->adjvex; } p=p->nextarc; } return -1; } int createUDG(ALGraph &G ) { int i, v1, v2; cout<<" :"; cin>>G.vexnum; // cout<<" :"; cin>>G.arcnum; // ( ) for(i=1; i<=G.vexnum ; i++) // { G.vertices[i].firstarc =NULL; G.vertices[i].data=i; } for(i=1;i<=G.arcnum ;i++) { cout<<" ["<<i<<"] "<<endl; cin>>v1>>v2;// ( ) // ArcNode *p; p=(ArcNode *)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex=v2; p->nextarc=G.vertices[v1].firstarc; G.vertices[v1].firstarc=p; } return OK; } void vist_P(ALGraph G) { int i; ArcNode *p; p=(ArcNode *)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); for (i = 1 ; i<= G.vexnum ; i++) { cout<<"."<<G.vertices[i].data<<"->"; p=G.vertices[i].firstarc; while (p) { cout<<p->adjvex<<"->"; p= p->nextarc; } cout<<"^"<<endl; } } int visited[MAX]; void DFS(ALGraph G,int v) { visited[v]=TRUE; cout<<G.vertices[v].data<<" "; for (int w=FirstAdjVex(G,v);w>=0;w=NextAdjVex(G,v,w)) { if (!visited[w]) DFS(G,w); } } void DFSTraverse(ALGraph G) { int v; for (v=1;v<=G.vexnum;v++) { visited[v]=ERROR; } for (v=1;v<=G.vexnum;v++) { if (!visited[v]) DFS(G,v); } } void BFSTraverse(ALGraph G) { int w,v; for (v=1; v<=G.vexnum; ++v) visited[v] = ERROR; // InitQueue(Q); // Q for ( v=1; v<=G.vexnum; ++v ) if ( !visited[v]) { visited[v] = TRUE; cout<<G.vertices[v].data<<" ";// EnQueue(Q,v); while(!QueueEmpty(Q)) { int u ; DeQueue (Q,u); for(w = FirstAdjVex(G,u); w >= 0; w = NextAdjVex(G,u,w)) if(!visited[w]) { visited[w] = TRUE ;cout<<G.vertices[w].data<<" " ; EnQueue(Q,w); } } } } void Collections(ALGraph G) { int num[20] = {0}; int i; ArcNode *ptr; for(i = 1; i <= G.vexnum ; i++) { if(G.vertices[i].firstarc) { ptr = G.vertices[i].firstarc; while (ptr) { num[i]++; num[ptr->adjvex]++; ptr = ptr->nextarc; } } } for(i = 1 ; i <= G.vexnum; i++) cout<<i<<" :"<<num[i]<<endl; } void main() { printf(" 1.
"); printf(" 2.
"); printf(" 3.
"); printf(" 4.
"); printf(" 0. !
"); printf(" :"); ALGraph G ; int select; scanf("%d",&select); while (0<select && select <5) { switch (select){ case 1: createUDG(G ); cout<<" :"<<endl; vist_P(G); cout<<endl; cout<<endl; break; case 2: cout<<" :"<<endl; BFSTraverse( G); cout<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<" :"<<endl; DFSTraverse( G); cout<<endl; printf("

"); break; case 4: Collections(G); break; } printf(" 1.
"); printf(" 2.
"); printf(" 3.
"); printf(" 4.
"); printf(" 0. !
"); printf(" :"); scanf("%d",&select); } } ************************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************************ #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define LIST_INIT_SIZE 10 typedef int KeyType; typedef int Status; typedef struct{ KeyType key; }Elemtype; typedef struct{ Elemtype *elem; int length; }Sstable; //.cpp Status InitList_Ss(Sstable &st) {// st st.elem=(Elemtype*)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(Elemtype)); if(!st.elem) return false; st.length=0; return true; }//InitList_Ss Sstable &Init_Ss(Sstable &st) {// printf(" :
"); int i=0; int t; do { scanf("%d",&st.elem[i].key); st.length++; t=st.elem[i].key; if(i>0) { for(int j=0;j<st.length-1;j++) { if(st.elem[i].key<st.elem[j].key) { for(int k=st.length-2;k>=j;k--) { st.elem[k+1].key=st.elem[k].key; } st.elem[j].key=t; } } } i++; }while(t<1000); st.length--; return st; }//Init_Ss void Display(Sstable &st) {// printf(" :
"); if(st.length==0) printf("
"); for(int i=0;i<st.length;i++) { printf("%5d",st.elem[i].key); } printf("
"); }//Display int Search_Bin(Sstable st,KeyType k) {// int low=0,high=st.length,mid; while(low<=high) { mid=(low+high)/2; // if(st.elem[mid].key==k) return (mid+1); // else if(st.elem[mid].key>k) high=mid-1; // else low=mid+1; // } return 0; }//Search_Bin void Menu() { printf("
"); printf("1,
"); printf("2,
"); printf("0,
"); printf(" :
"); } void main() { Sstable st; // KeyType k; // int x,n; //x ,n Menu(); scanf("%d",&n); while(n!=0) { switch(n) { case 1: { if(InitList_Ss(st)) { st=Init_Ss(st); Display(st); } else printf("
"); break; } case 2: { printf(" :
"); scanf("%d",&k); x=Search_Bin(st,k); if(x!=0) printf(" , %d
",x); else printf("
"); break; } default:printf(" , !
"); } Menu(); scanf("%d",&n); } }

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