D. Restore Permutation

D. Restore Permutation
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output
An array of integers p1,p2,…,pn is called a permutation if it contains each number from 1 to n exactly once. For example, the following arrays are permutations: [3,1,2],[1],[1,2,3,4,5] and [4,3,1,2]. The following arrays are not permutations: [2],[1,1],[2,3,4].
There is a hidden permutation of length n.
For each index i, you are given si, which equals to the sum of all pj such that j
Your task is to restore the permutation.
Input The first line contains a single integer n (1≤n≤2⋅105) — the size of the permutation.
The second line contains n integers s1,s2,…,sn (0≤si≤n(n−1)2).
It is guaranteed that the array s corresponds to a valid permutation of length n.
Output Print n integers p1,p2,…,pn — the elements of the restored permutation. We can show that the answer is always unique.
Examples inputCopy 3 0 0 0 outputCopy 3 2 1 inputCopy 2 0 1 outputCopy 1 2 inputCopy 5 0 1 1 1 10 outputCopy 1 4 3 2 5 Note In the first example for each i there is no index j satisfying both conditions, hence si are always 0.
In the second example for i=2 it happens that j=1 satisfies the conditions, so s2=p1.
In the third example for i=2,3,4 only j=1 satisfies the conditions, so s2=s3=s4=1. For i=5 all j=1,2,3,4 are possible, so s5=p1+p2+p3+p4=10.
이런 서열에 대해 우리는 1->n에서 답을 구성할 수 있다. 우리는 1에게 있어서 틀림없이 마지막 0의 위치가 맞는지 생각해 볼 수 있다. 그리고 우리는 0 뒤의 모든 숫자를 1을 빼고 0의 마지막 위치를 계속 찾으면 된다.그리고 찾은 위치 뒤에 있는 모든 원소에 대해 i를 줄이고 현재 찾은 위치를 삭제하는 데 주의해야 한다. 바로 INF를 직접 부여하면 된다.
AC 코드:
#pragma GCC optimize(2)
#define int long long
using namespace std;
const int N=2e5+10;
int n,cnt,res[N];
struct node{
	int l,r,mi,add;
inline void push_up(int p){
inline void push_down(int p){
		t[p<<1].mi-=t[p].add;	t[p<<1|1].mi-=t[p].add;
		t[p<<1].add+=t[p].add;	t[p<<1|1].add+=t[p].add;
void build(int p,int l,int r){
	t[p].l=l; t[p].r=r;
		scanf("%lld",&t[p].mi);	return ;
	int mid=l+r>>1;
	build(p<<1,l,mid);	build(p<<1|1,mid+1,r);
void change(int p,int l,int r,int v){
		t[p].mi-=v;	t[p].add+=v;	return ;
	int mid=t[p].l+t[p].r>>1;
	if(r<=mid)	change(p<<1,l,r,v);
	else if(l>mid)	change(p<<1|1,l,r,v);
	else	change(p<<1,l,mid,v),change(p<<1|1,mid+1,r,v);
void updata(int p,int x){
		t[p].mi=1e18;	return ;
	int mid=t[p].l+t[p].r>>1;
	if(x<=mid)	updata(p<<1,x);
	else	updata(p<<1|1,x);
int ask(int p,int x){
	if(t[p].l==t[p].r)	return t[p].l;
	int mid=t[p].l+t[p].r>>1;	push_down(p);
	if(t[p<<1|1].mi<=x)	return ask(p<<1|1,x);
	else	return ask(p<<1,x);
signed main(){
	cin>>n;	build(1,1,n);
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		int x=ask(1,0);	res[x]=i;	updata(1,x);
		if(x!=n)	change(1,x+1,n,i);
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)	cout<<res[i]<<' ';puts("");
	return 0;

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