couchdb보 127 시작 해결 방법

1295 단어 .netubuntuOSCouchDB

Problems with libmozjs and xulrunner?

In Ubuntu 10.04 you may get an error similar to this:
OS Process Error <0.4649.0> :: {os_process_error,{exit_status,127}}
/opt/couchdb/lib/couchdb/bin/couchjs: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is can be resolved by creating an xulrunner configuration as follows:
sudo vi /etc/

Note: To check what XULRunner version you have installed use xulrunner -v
Then add the following lines to the file (You may need to change the library version to match whats installed):

Once the configuration files is created and saved, you will need to run ldconfig:
sudo /sbin/ldconfig

This solution is referenced in this bug report @

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