Codeforces Round #584 E2. Rotate Columns (hard version)

2714 단어
This is a harder version of the problem. The difference is only in constraints.
You are given a rectangular n×m matrix a. In one move you can choose any column and cyclically shift elements in this column. You can perform this operation as many times as you want (possibly zero). You can perform this operation to a column multiple times.
After you are done with cyclical shifts, you compute for every row the maximal value in it. Suppose that for i-th row it is equal ri. What is the maximal possible value of r1+r2+…+rn?
상압 DP, Dp[i][j]를 고려하면 i열에 대한 작업이 이미 이루어졌고 동시에 줄 상태가 j의 최대치임을 나타낸다.매 열을 매거하고, 매 열의 선택 줄 상태를 매거하며, 이전에 충돌하지 않은 상태와 비교한다.매거진 종료 후 전이 상태, 동시에 선택 가능한 최대치 최대 n개의 열을 고려하여 범위를 감소합니다.DP가 어렵네요.
using namespace std;

int Dp[(1<<12)+10], Tmp1[(1<<12)+10], Tmp2[(1<<12)+10];
int a[20][2010], Id[2010], Val[2010];
int n, m;

bool Cmp(int l, int r)
    if (Val[l] > Val[r])
        return true;
    return false;

int main()
    int t;
    scanf("%d", &t);
    while (t--)
        memset(Val, 0, sizeof(Val));
        scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++)
                scanf("%d", &a[i][j]);
                Id[j] = j;
                Val[j] = max(Val[j], a[i][j]);
        sort(Id + 1, Id + 1 + m, Cmp);
        m = min(n, m);
        memset(Dp, 0, sizeof(Dp));
        for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
            memcpy(Tmp2, Dp, sizeof(Dp));
            memset(Tmp1, 0, sizeof(Tmp1));
            for (int ti = 0; ti < n; ti++)
                for (int s = 0; s < (1 << n); s++)
                    Tmp2[s] = Dp[s];
                for (int s = 0; s < (1 << n); s++)
                    for (int li = 0; li < n; li++)
                        if (!((1 << li) & s))
                            Tmp2[s | (1 << li)] = max(Tmp2[s | (1 << li)], Tmp2[s] + a[(ti + li) % n][Id[i]]);
                for (int s = 0; s < (1 << n); s++)
                    Tmp1[s] = max(Tmp1[s], Tmp2[s]);
//            for (int s = 0;s < (1 << n); s++)
//                cout << Tmp1[s] << ' ' ;
//            cout << endl;
            for (int s = 0;s < (1 << n); s++)
                Dp[s] = Tmp1[s];
", Dp[(1<

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