간단한 계산기
8525 단어 컨트롤
방금 swift를 연습했는데 코드가oc보다 많이 간소화되었어요. 그런데 어떤 부분은 아직 익숙하지 않아요. 특히 안에 판단해야 할 부분은 언제든지 비워둘 수 없어요. 선택할 수 있는 유형으로 추가해야 돼요?그리고!이어서 노력하다
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let calResult = UILabel()// label,
var frontNum = String()// , 1+2 ,1 frontNum ,2 backnum , + handlestyle
var backNum = String()
var handleStyle = String()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle.lightContent
func createMainView() -> () {
let bottomView = UIView()
self.view .addSubview(bottomView)
bottomView.snp .makeConstraints { (make) in
make.height.equalTo(H(h: 450))
var titlearr = ["c","+/-","%","/","7","8","9","x","4","5","6","-","1","2","3","+","","",".","="]
let marginX = CGFloat((SCREENWIDTH-W(w:70*4))/5)
let marginY = CGFloat((H(h: 450)-H(h: 70*5))/5)
let width = W(w: 70)
let height = H(h: 70)
for i in 0...(titlearr.count-1) {
let btn = UIButton()
btn .setTitle(titlearr[i], for: UIControlState.normal)
btn.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30)
btn.layer.cornerRadius = W(w: 34)
btn.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = true
btn.layer.masksToBounds = true
btn .addTarget(self, action: #selector(btnclick), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
bottomView .addSubview(btn)
if (i < 3){
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 120, g: 120, b: 120), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.normal)
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: UIColor.white, viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.highlighted)
btn .setTitleColor(UIColor.black, for: UIControlState.highlighted)
}else if(i%4 == 3){
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: UIColor.orange, viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.normal)
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 240, g: 217, b: 177), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.highlighted)
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 40, g: 40, b: 40), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.normal)
btn .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 120, g: 120, b: 120), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.highlighted)
btn.snp .makeConstraints({ (make) in
make.size.equalTo(rectSize(w: width, h: height))
let zeroButton = UIButton()
zeroButton .setTitle("0", for: UIControlState.normal)
zeroButton .setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: UIControlState.normal)
zeroButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30)
zeroButton.layer.cornerRadius = height/2
zeroButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
zeroButton .addTarget(self, action: #selector(btnclick), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
zeroButton .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 40, g: 40, b: 40), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.normal)
zeroButton .setBackgroundImage(imageFromColor(color: ColorRGB(r: 120, g: 120, b: 120), viewSize: rectSize(w: 1, h: 1)), for: UIControlState.highlighted)
bottomView .addSubview(zeroButton)
zeroButton.snp .makeConstraints { (make) in
make.size.equalTo(rectSize(w: width*2+marginX, h: height))
self.calResult.textColor = UIColor.white
self.calResult.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 80)
self.calResult.text = "0"
self.calResult.numberOfLines = 1
self.calResult.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.byWordWrapping
self.calResult.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.right
self.view .addSubview(self.calResult)
self.calResult.snp .makeConstraints { (make) in
make.bottom.equalTo(bottomView.snp.top).offset(-H(h: 25))
make.height.equalTo(H(h: 100))
@objc func btnclick(sender:UIButton) -> Void {
if(sender.currentTitle == "+" || sender.currentTitle == "-" || sender.currentTitle == "x" || sender.currentTitle == "/"){
self.handleStyle = String(sender.currentTitle!)
self.calResult.text = "0"
}else if String(sender.currentTitle!) == "=" {
var frontResult = self.frontNum
var backResult = self.backNum
if frontResult == ""{
frontResult = "0"
if backResult == ""{
backResult = "0"
var result = Double()
if self.handleStyle == "+"{
result = Double(frontResult)! + Double(backResult)!
}else if self.handleStyle == "-"{
result = Double(frontResult)! - Double(backResult)!
}else if self.handleStyle == "x"{
result = Double(frontResult)! * Double(backResult)!
}else if self.handleStyle == "/"{
result = Double(frontResult)! / Double(backResult)!
}else if self.handleStyle == "%"{
let presult = Int(frontResult)! % Int(backResult)!
result = Double(presult)
}else if self.handleStyle == ""{
result = Double(frontResult)!
self.calResult.text = String(result)
}else if sender.currentTitle == "c"{
self.frontNum = ""
self.backNum = ""
self.handleStyle = ""
self.calResult.text = "0"
}else if sender.currentTitle == "%"{
if self.frontNum == ""{
self.frontNum = "0"
self.handleStyle = String(describing: sender.currentTitle)
}else if sender.currentTitle == "+/-"{
}else if sender.currentTitle == "."{
if self.handleStyle == ""{
if self.frontNum .contains("."){
self.frontNum .append(sender.currentTitle!)
if self.backNum .contains("."){
self.backNum .append(sender.currentTitle!)
let number = Int(sender.currentTitle!)
if number! >= 0 {
if self.handleStyle == ""{
self.frontNum .append(sender.currentTitle!)
self.calResult.text = self.frontNum
self.backNum .append(sender.currentTitle!)
self.calResult.text = self.backNum
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
대체적으로 이렇다. snapkit이 잘 어울리도록 사용했고 일부oc의 매크로를 사용했다. 프로젝트에 swift 파일을 만들어서 여러 가지 방법을 저장했다. 그 안에 색 전환 그림, 색 입력 rgb, 프레임 설정 방법 등이 포함된다. 구체적으로는 프로젝트에서 항목이 크지 않고 한 파일은 주요 코드이고 다른 것은 하나의 도구류일 뿐이다.
github 주소:https://github.com/dota4app/swift-calculateSimple
기타 기사는 개인 블로그를 참조하십시오.http://zhangqq166.cn/
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