Cheapest Cloud Server for hosting the Database Service(Relational and Non-Relational databases)

Cloud is undeniably the future for competitive world. Different Services are being offered by the cloud Hosting like Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Database as a Service(DBaaS), Backup as a Service(BaaS), Block Storage as a Service(IaaS) ) and many more.

Now, talking about DBaaS, it has become the next big thing in the world of IT-business. Using this service, User get access to required Database without any headache of hardware setup or software installation. It runs on provider's physical by them. Data management is now more efficient and easy for users. Moreover, it is recommended to go for cloud-based Database as a Service than running and maintaining Database software manually on the server.
Also, this DBaaS is cost-friendly, giving you more at less and the Cloud provider hosting this this service at the cheapest price is F(x) Data Cloud.

F(x) Data Cloud is the company providing Public Cloud Services based on OpenStack and it is known for its Most-Affordable prices(Cheapest) with high Uptime. So, If you have larger demand, you can definitely save up your large cost. The purpose behind recommendation are:
1) They have the most Cost-Effective plans with 99.95% Uptime
2) Multiple option for Database Management System (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, Couchbase, Cassandra, Percona XtraDB Cluster)
3) Multiple option for Operating System (Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian, CentOS, Windows)
4) They provide both IaaS and DBaaS, so if you want pre-installed Database and configurations, then you can go for DBaaS or else you have an option for IaaS
5) Scale Out & Scale Up feature for handling traffic
6) Custom SSD Storage
7) Great Technical Support

I have shared some of their DBaaS plans for some reference, Visit: htps // fx였다. cぉ우d for more details.

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