Spring 1.1 + Hibernate 2.1 을 Spring 1.2 + Hibernate 3.0 으로 바 꾸 었 습 니 다.

Spring 1.1 + Hibernate 2.1 을 Spring 1.2 + Hibernate 3.0 으로 바 꾸 었 습 니 다.
Spring 1.1+Hibernate 2.1   
Spring 1.2+Hibernate 3.0

post , ,

(1) Hibernate3 SessionFactoryUtils doesn't call "setReadOnly(true)" anymore。

open session in view filter, ( bug), filter , 。

(2) Acegi ,Spring 1.2 0.8.2 。

(3) Hibernate 3 reference 2 , 。

(4) Spring 1.1.4 , LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy, lazy connection ( DB )

(5) HibernateException unchecked exception , ,

hibernateTemplate 。

I make use of Hibernate metadata as well as Spring. Here's my list of all the changes I had to make to run my application with HB3 on WebLogic. This may repeat some of this information above and is not meant to be exhaustive. 1. global replace net.sf.hibernate to org.hibernate (be sure to include the XML configuration files as well) 2. global replace org.springframework.orm.hibernate to org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 (be sure to include the XML configuration files as well) 3. global replace net.sf.hibernate.expression.Expression to org.hibernate.criterion.Expression 4. global replace net.sf.hibernate.expression.Order to org.hibernate.criterion.Order 5. convert method call getHibernateTemplate.getNamedQuery(Session sess, String query) to session.getNamedQuery(String query) 6. convert method call getHibernateTemplate().createCriteria(session, getReferenceClass()) to session.createCriteria(getReferenceClass()) 7. Add new EntityMode.POJO parameter as follows to: ClassMetadata.getPropertyValue(dest, SkipFields.TCN.toString().substring(1), EntityMode.POJO) 8. Add new EntityMode.POJO parameter as follows to: classMetadata.getMappedClass(EntityMode.POJO) 9. global replace HibernateProxyHelper.getClass(object) to HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy(object); 10. Convert method call: propertyTypes.isPersistentCollectionType()) to propertyTypes.isCollectionType()) 11. Update the DTD as follows: <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"> 12. Replace in the HBM files any instance of “<generator class=”vm” /> to of “<generator class=”native” /> 13. Add lazy=”false” to any class or association if you don’t use to use lazy initialization. However, this is strongly discouraged and thus why the default is now set to true. 14. Caching is now enabled by default using the EHCache. If you want to disable this, you must do this from the hibernate.cfg.xml. Again, this is strongly discouraged. 15. Remove all the previous versions of the .jars associated with Hibernate and replace them with the new versions. 16. On BEA, you have to move antlr-2.7.5H3.jar to the PRE_CLASSPATH of the server to run inside BEA because BEA includes this tool in their system classpath that is inconsistent.

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